OH HELL NEED MOAR DUCT TAPE: Dhughan’s Entry In The Contest

Hallo, Dhughan here, back from the not-quite-dead.

Whilst reading the excellent “Second Life Newser” I ran across this item:

Being a community where mad scientists are respected, Steelhead has seen many interesting creations. Question is, what would these creative minds do when asked to make a snowman? Well, the steampunk community is about to find out, as leader TotalLunar Eclipse has announced a snowman building contest.

The rules are, “Fifteen prims per snowman you can enter up to two times. The winner and runner up will have their unique snowman displayed in front of town hall until the snow thaws for all to see.”

Those entering the contest are asked to drop their snowmen (or snowwomen or snowbeast) at Steelhead Port Harbor (96, 111, 1028). This will be the location for Steelhead’s Friday Night dance this week, the theme being “A Snowball’s Chance in Hell.” (with thanks to M. Bixyl Shuftan, reporter)

Snowball's Chance In Hell Ball_001

My modest entry in the Steelhead Snowpersons in Hell contest for the shindig, shown here after placement. It may be that I’ve been watching the outworld documentary programme “Mythbusters” a bit too much during my self-imposed time off.

It is exactly 15 prims and depicts a snowperson of uncertain gender using a very unlikely boat to survive a few milliseconds longer in Hell. It’s on view at the specially constructed ballroom high over Steelhead Port Harbor (96, 111, 1028)

Although a shy person by nature I was cajoled by my business partner, Miss Carver, to attend the dance. I should say coerced, because she spent the evening heckling me and attacking me with snowballs as I sat in my little boat. She was in the aspect of a wee kitten on ice skates, and as such she skated around the ice-and-lava dance floor, chatting irrepressibly and pausing only to ambush me. Infernal feline!

Mr Lunar was in attendance, as were a number of other Steelhead worthies. Miss Carver took a few snaps for her Flickr page as well.

Rather hopeful of my chances but no word yet, perhaps it will be announced at the Tuesday town hall.

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