Rolling, Rolling, Restarts Next Week

Time was, I didn’t pay much attention to most of what’s official announcements said, but I’m starting to take an interest. Especially now since the new CEO’s Twitter account AND parody Twitter accounts seem to be following me. It seems courteous to pay more attention and perhaps poke more fun. I’m a proud member of the Brotherhood (and Sister) of Marginally Competent Builders.

Most of this makes no sense to me, a very damn casual user. But the rolling restarts look like they’ll be LOTS of fun. And since I’m now paying for Search and not seeing my stuff appearing in Search as yet, I’m officially on the “SERCH IS BORKED” bus.

Unlikely to be inworld today – had a RL lab test this morning already (grrr, stupid typist has deep veins), have a RL unscripted cat checkup in a few minutes, and later today visiting my mom-in-law for dinner and a movie. Will try to put in some more time on my new house, which will be a Northwest Coast Indian longhouse style in Steelhead St Helens, if I can ever get over my fear of GIMP and rotating door scripts. AIYEEE!

Hey all. Another round of deploys next week, barring any disasters

Second Life Server channel (main channel)
We’ll be promoting the Encroachment project to the main channel this week, as well as enabling compression on the entire grid.

* 2011-01-10, 11:00am: Enable Compression grid-wide
* 2011-01-11, 6:00am: Rolling Restart (release notes)

BlueSteel RC Channel:
This project, “Viewer Metrics” is intended to collect data on Viewer performance, specifically around asset download speeds and frame rate. This will help us know if what we’re deploying actually improves the user experience.

* 2011-01-12, 8:00am: Rolling Restart (release notes)

LeTigre RC Channel:
We’ll just be updating the project that was already here, “Simulator Shutdown,” with the Encroachment project merged in.

* 2011-01-12, 9:00am: Rolling Restart (release notes)

Magnum RC Channel:
Since we’re also enabling compression everywhere, Magnum will be freed up for a new project. I’m calling it “Centrals Supreme,” because it is a bundle of a 3 updates to our “central servers.” The Centrals, as we call them, are all the various machines that do things besides simulating regions. The three updates are:

1. Mapserver: a minor update to the machine that generates the region images that you see on the World Map
2. Inventory API: you may remember that this service was deployed a few weeks ago. We’ve since had to disable it due to conflicts with older viewers. This deploy is to add a version number to the API, thereby making it only accessible to newer viewers that can properly interact with it. Older viewers will use the legacy inventory protocol that has been on the grid since the dawn of time.
3. Region Conductor: this is the services that decides which simulator to put regions on. When your region is down, either from a restart, crash, or whatever, the region conductor finds an empty sim to start it up on. The changes here are to improve the efficiency of how regions are placed on sims.

* 2011-01-12, 10:00am: Rolling Restart (release notes)

via Second Life Blogs: Release Team: Deploys for the Week of 2011-01-10

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