- RT @blakopal "Tight pants bug fix coming soon to #slviewer – woohoo!" If only there were a bugfix for #RL tight pants: no more muffintops! #
- Indiana Rep. Mike Pence (R-Imnotlistening) ignores facts, correction—and the Hyde Amendment. #Christwhatanasshole http://j.mp/hGOahN #
- @TLW3 Oh, you mean chaps. At least, that's what we call 'em. #
- Highlander II: The Quickening #ObamasFault #
- Facts, how do they work? http://thinkprogress.org/2011/04/14/republican-leaders-debt-limit-hypocrisy/ #
- . @DarrellIssa Deficit facts for you: http://thinkprogress.org/2011/04/14/republican-leaders-debt-limit-hypocrisy/ #
- GOP Leaders in Congress Demand Fairness Doctrine Be Revived, Enforced. #NotIntendedToBeAFactualStatement #
- Remember how "Opposite Day" was every day in the Bush years? http://thinkprogress.org/2011/04/13/bush-sotu-debt-flashback/ #
- Rep. Joseph Crowley's silent outrage is AWESOME #reallyGOPreally http://www.americablog.com/2011/04/100-days-and-no-jobs-billrep-joseph.html #
- Sustainable #SecondLife do these figures include Marketplace commissions? The First Hour problem still pertains… http://is.gd/tqcrkV #
- Dear Mr @GeorgeTakei … You are the most fabulous person on this planet. #
- Will the last creative content provider in #SecondLife please uncheck "full bright?" #
- Seriously, there are a lot of really creative people and beautiful places in #SecondLife though recent trends are troubling. #