Dhughan here, finally had a mo to do a spot of housekeeping inworld; enjoying the many wonderful things from the latest STEAM hunt and thinking about building a home
Egads! The British Library has made 1000 books available on ye olde steampowered iPad!http://i.tuaw.com/2011/06/12/put-a-thousand-books-from-the-british-library-on-your-ipad-for-f/
I just love finding apps like this, and I think you’ll be excited too. The British Library has released 1000 books from its 19th Century collection into a free iPad app that includes novels, historical works, poetry, philosophy and scientific books.
As I was not able to ship my own library over when I emigrated from my green and pleasant land, this might suffice, and I shall consider adding a virtual library to my plans.

Dhughan Froobert is a Steampunk resident in Second Life who putters around with prims and takes pictures of same. He occasionally manifests as a small Victorian otter.