- @Darien_Mason You read the notecard, right? All will be well. ->
- @Darien_Mason Sure, sure, like it's your fault every single time. 😉 in reply to Darien_Mason ->
- Watching @MCaruso_Cabrera on #RealTime – it's not Second City, it's #SecondLife where online relationships are made (and unmade). ->
- Blender workflow for rigging #secondlife models: I'm sure this is useful to somebody: I will probabl… http://t.co/Z7YePwTL ->
- And I'm dipping a virtual toe again. Real life got real lifey immediately after the New Year. But I'm inworld! http://t.co/PoZCOU92 #SL ->
- Okay, okay, #SecondLife, I am logging in to see what's what. My friends will all say "whut? Who're you?" ->
- @YorkshireTea Excellent! Thank you! /me pours more tea ->
- @rivenhomewood Well, it happens in the US too (granted, Utah in the 60's was a bad place to be different). ->
- No really, where can I get loose @YorkshireTea in northern Illinois? I can get teabags, but I want the good stuff ->
- @Demonkid That moment when *I* open Blender and wonder "how the frak does this frakking thing work? Frack frack FRACK!" in reply to Demonkid ->
- @janakyomoon I believe in the power of garlic… to keep sick people away! But also a winter without garlic is a winter of colds and flu ->
- Tea porn: where can I find more loose @YorkshireTea, ooh baby? http://t.co/sLPycVVt ->
- #nowplaying Wheatley's Song on Krypton Radio – synth pop with a "don't call me a moron" hook http://t.co/EBUhA8Mj http://t.co/jgkBTjEE ->
- @DaleInnis Not to mention "Whappity!" and "Paff!" in reply to DaleInnis ->
- #nowplaying Steph(v)enson [Explicit] [2vP] on Radio Riel — Steampunk with @TuneIn http://t.co/wu3gagCL http://t.co/4xrtAZpg ->
- /me attempts to bellydance to hip-hop and dub with limited success ->
- Wow. Beats Antique is quite, quite awesome. ->
- #nowplaying Egyptic [2ui] on Radio Riel — Steampunk with @TuneIn http://t.co/wu3gagCL http://t.co/1QBkv00S ->
- Listening to @RadioRiel Steampunk channel, BECAUSE I CAN. ->
- RTA accuses United, American of running 'sham' to avoid taxes – http://t.co/NcrAbWnx http://t.co/UjQXJIuD ->
- After watching prof_elemental video #2, I now wonder what a DB9 tastes like. http://t.co/xHybqtxS ->