- @gentlemanrhymer That's the spirit, old boy. in reply to gentlemanrhymer ->
- Brian Ferry plans to tour with his 1920's jazz orchestra for "The Jazz Age" in Europe, UK, and US. @gentlemanrhymer, you should open!! ->
- Heard a wonderful interview with Brian Ferry on the Bob Edwards show. "The Jazz Age" album would be at home on @radioriel New Toulouse ->
- RT @gentlemanrhymer 100,000 views. Thanks awfully chumrades, the Chap-Hop revolution continues… http://t.co/lJ34DSS2sX ->
- RT @osgrid RELEASE: OSgrid OpenSimulator v0.7.6.6e1b3f9 Release available http://t.co/LSOlWkrEkq please report any bugs you find immediately ->
- Got productive tonight on #SLMarketplace Folding Mesh Room Screen – Sakura Sunset https://t.co/Yv0VH20mN4 ->
- @LanternCityTV Hi, checking in with the project, will follow you now that GReader is being de-rezzed. 😉 ->
- How will I read my tubes? @Nalates Google Reader Dying http://t.co/XWeL8fnrYu ->
- MT @MariaKorolov New World Studio http://t.co/WDA1FhzdSd New website, new download (!), new pricing plans (license options, plus free plan) ->
- Bad Google. No, no. #IWantMyGReader ->
- @wizardgynoid Honored to be in a state soror finds herself though. Got slightly less unfoxed last night ->
- @LelaniCarver I could tell you, but then I'd have to give you a slice of Damn Sour Pie. ->
- Oh, yes, I'm REALLY annoyed about Google Reader. What's up, @Feeddler? ->
- @prof_elemental Ah, well, hello faceless bureaucracy. in reply to prof_elemental ->
- That's what I want, and I want it now. http://t.co/6hFXQuXPLk ->
- RT: @TalkieToaster2, @fbihop: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862 http://t.co/Mmbebosnji ->
- @wizardgynoid I am all foxed up but somehow, I textured a rock. Go, me. 😉 ->
- @superflufee Aw, you are too kind (and so flufee) ->
- Heh. But am COMPLETELY STUMPED as to how to texture a GORRAM mesh rock. #blendernoobest ->
- I made a meshy blocky thingee today! \o/ @superflufee @neddings @lelanicarver congrats and more mesh please!!! ->
- Oh, Google Doodle, I LOL'd and then I had a sad. What I need is a fresh cup of really hot tea. #h2g2 ->
- @neddings But thank you anyway for the comment! ->
- @neddings It's a kit, very easy to texture. Weird perms issue at first, though. ->