I have been absent of late bumbling around in the typist’s life of so-called “reality,” but I happened to log in to deal with a customer service issue yesterday, and resolved to log in today to get more chores done.
I missed the 3rd Birthday gift for Firestorm, but I had a different special gift in my trousers when I logged in.

It’s certainly a conversation piece.
Special Gifts
Firestorm Kitty
As a token of our thanks and appreciation, we teamed up with KittyCatS!, who have put together the most amazing custom collectible pet to give away to you as a gift. The Firestorm Kitty is a fully functional, non-breedable, non transferable pet for life meaning you don’t have to feed it, and it will never die. There is a rumor that this is the kitty that ate the Phoenix, but whether it’s true or not is up to you to decide. There is a limit of one per customer, and they will be available inworld for free purchase for a full week starting 9am SLT September 3rd until 9am September 10th.
via Happy 3rd Anniversary! « Firestorm Viewer – The Phoenix Firestorm Project Inc..
I had also seen the item in the SL Newser by Bixyl Shuftan about the Firestorm birthday celebrations, and had updated the viewer accordingly. I stepped inworld yesterday without issue, and today this… which would also leave me without issue in an entirely different sense.
Very awkward socially: “Oh, how do you do, I have an enormous rock in my trousers, pleasant weather for it, what?”
I was thinking of investing in some enhanced gentlemen’s bits (purely for research), as it would seem there’s a need for good quality men’s underfurnishings. It seems to me that designing a discreet “package” that might hint at the treasures awaiting a potential partner might be about as far as I’d be prepared to go in the “naughty bits” adult market.
In the meantime, I had logged in via remote aetheric device to answer a query; this has done rather odd things in the past.
And so this evening I arrive in my simple workshop to find this… geological erratic situated over the gentleman’s bits, and I did just wonder what Firestorm was thinking with their “Simple Gifts” promotion.
UPDATE: Miss Jessica Lyon, project manager of Firestorm, kindly stopped by with a fix for my dilemma. I had merely resized the bridge, but it appears I’m not the only one to be rocked by a Firestorm bridge, and she included a link for fixing the problem.
You can now say Firestorm rocks you. 😉
I thank you, Miss Lyons, for the kind words and helpful link. Firestorm does indeed rock my world, and even though I may stray far afield playing with this or that feature offered by one of your esteemed competitors, I always return to Firestorm with a sigh of relief. Ah, Windlight and lighting settings, how I miss thee, ah logically arranged chat functions, how I pine for thee in those other worthy yet unhelpful viewers. I look forward to the next version with great anticipation.
RT @LelaniCarver: My Special Gift from The Firestorm Viewer, by Dhughan Froobert, Socially Inept Avatar: I have been a… http://t.co/RPPGX…