Yes, I’m being dogged (or rather kittehed) about it. I have the day off and today is a school day for learning Blender.
Currently, have read through chapter 3 of Blender Graphics by John M Blain (first edition). I’m doing some of the learning modules on later today, too.
But this Retopology class came up, and as I can never attend Maximo’s classes during my normal work week, this is too important to miss.
Must not ragequit, must not ragequit. OM. NOM. NOM.

So hey, I was able to follow along for a while, and when I got stuck, I figured out that I had some stray vertices that had to be hunted down and deleted. I couldn’t keep up with the class in real time, but I took good notes and made to the end, and beyond. This dress is a project – the original model is from Marvelous Designer and is a little crumpled and very high polygon, with random triangles. The next few steps involve adding more patches to cover the various folds with low-poly quadrangles, extend the skirt quads to the hem, straighten stuff up, and then start extending the back through the waist folds and over the derriere and down the back skirt. The class ended up with planning techniques for lining up the front and back panels and connecting them, then using Blender’s tools to interpolate the new faces to the surface. It all helps if there are the same numbers of vertices to start with on the top and bottom, back and front – say a line of 4 (or maybe 5 so there’s a middle line down the cleavages)?
I still need to work on the Gryllus learning modules – based on the notation in the book, by now I need to have done 1-6 and some of 8.
The class today will be helpful in getting my head around retopologizing that damn hipster hat, which will be out of style by the time I actually fix it, probably.
Time to grab some lunch, supposed to meet my partner Rock outworld for a bike ride… but feeling much less like a rage-quitty kitty at the moment.