Finally, I got something figured out with Blender! After much looking around, got a clear answer from Blender Stack Exchange. How can I straighten ALL the vertical UV lines at once? Is there a hotkey short cut? Or if I … Continue reading
Monthly Archives: December 2015
Dhughan here, after a long break rambling about at random. My new shop in St John, a city based on New Orleans circa 1915, has opened softly. Or is that “soft opened?” Perhaps it has come in on little cat … Continue reading
30-Nov 06-Dec
Continue readingYes, it’s gone. And yes, it was a lot of fun, and I’ll miss it for a long time. I was there for more than 4 years, after all. But now there’s the new place in St John, new people … Continue reading
Prepare to be astounded. No, really, sit down or you’ll fall over laughing. This last one is in comparison to one of the sculpted walkways Linda Kellie left in a texture pack in one of my OARS: And this is … Continue reading