- Screen Time – Part II with @philiprosedale (psst #SecondLife still exists, @TEDRadioHour ) @Stitcher @tedtalks https://t.co/E5bQi0kPHW ->
- Listening to Sceen Time part I on @TEDRadioHour next part has @philiprosedale https://t.co/KLJ85oahOR ->
- Why Build A Virtual World? | Philip Rosedale on TED Radio Hour tonight https://t.co/EehT5bzmmV ->
- The So-Called POTUS is dependent on a crackpot conspiracy theorist for his news https://t.co/SmLoXkMsmv ->
- 10 hours of ambient noise from an icebreaker in the frozen arctic https://t.co/N2Ivo0xari ->