Never stay up too late tinkering with things, and definitely, don’t do “bulk updates” without being fully conscious.

Ooops. I just did a bulk update on some of my products and changed almost all the textures to “DFS Product Coming Soon.” And I retired everything, too. WHEE. I’ll be here all night.
everything, too. WHEE. I’ll be here all night.
Tweddle Visit location
I’ve been busy in Second Life; too busy, I told myself, to blog about activities, experiences, and developments. I wish that SL allowed an RSS feed on the internal profile feed, as it’s currently the quickest way to export photos and snapshots out.
I can no longer post directly to Facebook from within SL; that feature has been turned off.
I can’t post to Twitter anymore either; I revoked access a while back and now I can’t figure out how to re-connect.
I CAN post to Flickr, so maybe I can use IFTT to pick up pictures and put them in either of my self-hosted or blogs
I used to be able to cross post to either blog from WordPress, but hey, I may have screwed that up too, at some time.
So how’s YOUR Second Life going? Mine kept me up until 4AM last night, trying to fix my stupid error, and I can’t even easily grab screenshots to illustrate the problem without complicated workarounds and shortcuts, which is what got us here in the first place.
And I just burned about 6 hours today already futzing around trying to get old connections between this blog, Facebook, Flickr, Twitter, and IFTTT working.
At least none of my virtual livestock died, and I now have a snazzy new Facebook page for my virtual, chameleonic businesses. Apparently, this is the way it has to be now.
My personal Facebook account for SL apparently shouldn’t be connected via the blog? Whatever.
Here are some recent photos from various feeds, directories, lost and found repositories, and about-to-be-forgotten-again accounts.

Earlier That Day, It Was Going So Well
Happy $LSixerday! All DFS Meals and Snacks are $L6 today, thanks to a “D” grade from the Second Life Department of Virtual Health. It seems most of my DFS meals are nearing their “pull date.” Drop by today, or ptomain tomorrow!
Bruda Plateau Visit location
This little jokey promo went really well earlier. I posted that my virtual foods were nearing their “sell by” date and I’d gotten a “D” rating from the “SL Department of Virtual Health” and cut prices for “meals and snacks” that give energy in the inworld “Digital Farming Systems” game to just $L6. People showed up and I quickly sold out of older stock that wasn’t selling (this game is designed to make you buy high or work hard, then sell low). At least that part was fun.
Then later, much later after a nice jaunt in RL where I ran into an old friend and went to dinner, I came back, started messing around with Caspervend (the inworld tool for selling items), and screwed up royally.
Anyway, here are more photos to look at while I’m off banging on things.
A Dinkies farmer’s work is never done. Also, one of my lady sheeps had a baby, so hooray!
Bruda Plateau Visit location