As a new virtual kitty uncle, I’m sure that these stats are dreadfully ordinary to most KittyCatS breeders, but it IS a milestone; the first kitten born to my Minnie. I shall name it Primkin, as it’s the first, it’s … Continue reading
This seems like a good starting point for Bug, who needs to mess with the sliders a bit to make herself look more… like the little red-headed tomboy she’s supposed to be. The bulk of what I’m posting below is … Continue reading
@MoodyLoner Those damn fascist house gremlins! # @hbahimself I've got Picasa pretty organized, sorted everything into folders based on subject: trips taken, events, #SL groups, etc. # @hbahimself However I also use a Picasa2Flickr widget to make uploading to Flickr … Continue reading
I’ve been wearing it enough – for months, actually, and my friend BookemJackson Streeter loves hers, so it’s not like I couldn’t go ahead and box it up for sale, right? Right!! At last! Have fun flying around your favorite … Continue reading
@anniemole see this for "Not The Underground" by @isfullofcrap # RT @KrisKaine ""Lost Gardens if Apollo" Fades Away Today: Earlier this month, the "Crooked House" was facing the end"" # @MoodyLoner Ugh, sorry, that's terrible! Um, LL is … Continue reading
Yep, if you watch closely as the camera swings around, I’m standing near the back with my friend Stranger Nightfire. Tags are left visible in this video so people can be identified. I think this video was shot by the … Continue reading
Salt Lake City – This was the place you couldn't wait to leave. #hometownslogans # Beautiful Eugene, the Womb with a View #hometownslogans # The blue-est skies you've never seen, in Seattle #hometownslogans # Grand Junction: Where the rivers meet, … Continue reading
I’m using the celebrations at #SL8B as a way to get more socially active in Second Life; have to admit that it’s been occasionally exhilarating getting IMs from old friends and new friends saying “get over here!” or “OMG famous … Continue reading
Rodvik Linden: Stay On Target There’ve been good things happening at Second Life/Linden Labs lately; Viewer 2 is improving, new-ish CEO Rod Humble/Rodvik Linden is actively engaged and sometimes actually building and making stuffs, there’s renewed emphasis on customer support … Continue reading
There’s always somebody who wants to keep doing it OLD SKOOL online. You rock, little Super Mario dude! There were several good-natured “protesters” at tonight’s #SL8B event, which featured an appearance by Rod Humble/Rodvik Linden, CEO of Second Life (but … Continue reading