- Me Pearl’s Proper Opossum Poetry Corner – Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats – I Can Has Cheezbur… http://t.co/c0txp5pU #
- Duckworth wins IL-08 D primary. Walsh challenges her to debates. She's flown helicopters under fire, I think she can handle a deadbeat dad. #
- @vicwu @m_ethaniel War on Women, War on Everybody Not As Batshit Insane As The Xtian Right, War on Brown People, or War On Reality? #
- This one? #waronwomen http://t.co/fBBzC0LM #
- RT @GinnyRED57 Does #DeadbeatDad and noted political blowhard @RepJoeWalsh @Rep_JoeWalsh have a Google problem yet? #
- RT @LeTamz Deadbeat dad #joewalsh #
- Up against Tammy Duckworth: #DeadbeatDadJoeWalsh (not #RockStarJoeWalsh ) #IL08 #
- RT @GregMitch: 2 firebombs tossed into office of State Rep. Wendy Davis in TX…she is big Planned Parenthood backer. http://t.co/5my9jhpn #
- RT @GinnyRED57 Because #DeadbeatDadJoeWalsh needs to trend #tpot #p2 #IL08 #
- Waiting for big announcement at RL office. Rumors flying, probably to do with "work from home" initiative. #
- Whoo! Life is change. #
- Attention Celtic music fans: Alasdair Fraser and Natalie Haas concert tour all over the US: http://t.co/ixplBngi #
- RT @dashkdot @Staples Continuing to sponsor @RushLimbaugh and his lurid, sexist commentary? Shame on YOU. #Staples #StopRush #p2 #WarOnWomen #
- If @Staples is still sponsoring @RushLimbaugh I'm shopping at a competitor that isn't supporting his #hate #WarOnWomen #p2 @StopRush #
- Dammit, @Staples is the official supplier at my company. #hate #WarOnWomen #p2 #Staples #StopRush #
A few years ago I started a new user avatar for a published author for an appearance at Lackamas Hall Reading Room in Pini – sponsored by Jackson Street Books. During the process at that time, I passed a number of brand-new potential Residents who seemed unable to figure out how to get OUT of the orientation area or off the island. Many were pretty much like this guy:
Inara Pey started a discussion about Linden Lab’s new Destination Islands (welcome areas for new users) that quickly got a lot of people talking. I posted a long comment only to see that several others posted better (and shorter comments) while I was still slogging through mine. My response was mostly to this section of Inara’s post:
In fairness to the Lab, providing a means of supporting new users is no easy task. As we all tend to point out, SL cannot be taught in a day, and when one goes from talking about the “first hour experience†to the “first five hours experience†– as Mark Kingdon famously did – then something, somewhere is going more than a little pear-shaped when considering new users. At the same time LL have been presented with ample evidence that help centres that rely on direct user / user interaction don’t always work.
However, there is also a risk in going too far in the other direction as well and simply providing too little help and support – and this is the issue one tends to have with the new Destination Islands; they are minimalist in approach, both in terms of appearance and information, to the point of being mere way-stations that direct people elsewhere in SL without doing anything to help them understand where they are or what they might be doing.
How much better might it be if, rather than trying to deal with the “new user experience†without actually addressing it, LL were to seek to collaborate with the user community to provide a means by which new users entering Second Life for the first time are faced with an immersive, engaging experience that helps them understand the basic mechanisms in using the Viewer and the nuances of performing basic tasks SL before passing on elsewhere.
via New users: the shared experience | Living in the Modem World
Daniel Voyager also has a bunch of images up from his recent exploration of the new Destination Islands.
Very quickly it was pointed out that these collaborative entry points were once called Community Gateways, and some still exist and are continuously being updated (such as the excellent Caledon Oxbridge Gateway). I spend a fair amount of time there (I still take classes there to brush on skills I skimped over) and had noticed how many brand new people still materialize there, even though the official Gateway link is no longer on the Second Life sign up page.
Of course, if people interested are given a heads-up, or Google for “Caledon Oxbridge” and follow a Maps/Second Life link, they get this:
As described at a website for virtual-worlds educators,
As I mentioned in the conference call, here is the URL for a good orientation in Second Life (SL) using the new viewer: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Caledon%20Oxbridge/92/197/27/ . Just open the web page, then click on “Join Now, it’s free!” and follow the instructions for creating an account and avatar for Second Life. Once you’ve downloaded the viewer, your avatar should rez (materialize) at the Caledon Oxbridge Orientation Area. I suggest you go through the orientation presented, reading all of the signs and completing all of the activities. It should take one-two hours. As you complete the orientation, you’ll find some free stuff you can take for your avatar.
The original poster there helpfully gives his SL avatar name and invites anyone who cares to try Second Life to send him an IM so that he can “friend” them, thus immediately personalizing their experience (just as soon as they can figure out HOW to send an IM, that is). This must be why so many new people found their way to Caledon Oxbridge, sometimes only moments old, even after the Gateway link was removed.
I checked the SLurl, and the Join Now link is still there. So anyone joining via that link, downloading and entering MAY be taken to Caledon Oxbridge, or at least they were before these new Destination Islands came on. Will it still work? Someone would have to try it and see.
Riven Homewood (/me waves HI!) noted how some educators from the recent VWBPE conference (also covered by Daniel Voyager recently) were given a “noob’s whirlwind tour” of Worlds of Warfare that she describes as “awesome.” When you consider WoW’s retention compared to Second Life’s retention, well, there could be a reason for that aside from weapons and armor and mayhem.
Trinity Dejavu hit it on the head though – no matter how the new Welcome Area or Destination Island is designed, “on your first day, SL is SOCIAL.”
Ironically, my author friend never came back to try Second Life for fun after his appearance; part of it was that he just did not have the time, although I pointed out he could do more book chats and reach people in places he’d never get to via conventional real-world travel. Underpowered hardware and Internet access was a factor, too.
The main part of it, even with all the extra help and friendly welcome he received was that Second Life was just too hard to grasp quickly, even with a friend. We did our best to put him in an immersive, familiar space (an author appearance) but he still found it difficult to take in.
Everybody was very well behaved, and several wore their T-shirts in support of the book, Once A Spy (Keith has since published Twice A Spy).
Was it the bunneh?
No, he thought she was cute; that was about when he started to run out of things to say about his book and started to take in his surroundings.
Maybe Keith was intimidated by Vex’s script writing chops, or by his sculpted blue abs; either way, he hasn’t returned (although I’d love to get him back inworld anytime he wants to do another book thing, I know there’s a lot of literary events).
- @HolocluckHenly Wasnt able to get inworld until late, anyway #
- And @m_ethaniel makes the blogroll! RT @isfullofcrap WHAT IS THIS CRAP? Where can a bum find bed and board? http://t.co/IqTq0cgZ #
- @MsKoro Yell if you need help. I'm in the 90's. #STEAM6 #
- @MsKoro You've got to do Epic Toy Factory. Because it is Epic. I have to go back to pick up a corrected gear anyway. #
- @AbelUndercity Don't you mean Cranky? I still think Snowbilly White is hoping for a wake-up kiss #
- @isfullofcrap I still like seeing blogs I never would have discovered, and also seeing blogs I thought deserved more readers (not mine) 😉 #
- Co-worker narrowly missed injury when ceiling tile fell on desk near her. "Quick! Lie down!" we yelled. "Workmen's comp!" #
- VIP client visit this week, so all the seasonal decor, paper clips, and fishing line used to hang stuff from ceiling has to come down. #
- We're a classy joint. #
- What's his position on solar energy? Curled in a ball, or on his back? RT @m_ethaniel Hank the Cat for Senate! http://t.co/8obe8BpM #
- @m_ethaniel @isfullofcrap Maybe I should change my tag to "the easily amused" or "the frequently confused" just to be consistent. #
- @m_ethaniel :::poke poke poke:::: #
- RT @JC_Christian RT @Wolfrum: Fact: Whenever a RonPaulBot complains when I trash libertarianism, they are taking away my liberty. #
- Seen on an area overpass recently: a RonPaulBot holding a hand-lettered sign up against safety fence and waving at speeding cars. #
- "Please give generously to the Duct Tape for the Doctor campaign. Enthusiastic yet impractical young people need your help." #
- RT @IndigoMertel Builder’s Lament | Serendipidy Haven's Blog http://t.co/QIlHoWR0 #SecondLife #
- RT @IndigoMertel @rodvik Recently you mentioned having talks about revamping Mainland… forum thread: http://t.co/N3qqx2n2 #
- Hello @rodvik, to encourage a Resident-driven Sim Beautiful movement, try clusters of Linden homes in old regions? #
- Also @rodvik, with new pathfinding technology, how about monorails in roadless areas, with airship towers to encourage exploration? #
- I feel like building a spec #Steampunk monorail/airship docking tower on my home parcel and doing some landscaping. @rodvik #ifyoubuildit #
- Encourage people to create communities, like @IndigoMertel in East River or neighborhoods in Bedenham & Excalibur http://t.co/keKvv17c #
- Lots of #CafeWellstone friends own road and rail land in Pini, made a nice area. #SecondLife #SimBeautiful #
- RT @botgirlq If you missed new Linden Lab product yesterday don't feel bad. Rod failed to mention it in interview http://t.co/bkzscom7 #
- @donttrythis WHAT? YOU'RE HERE? Drat. Once again I failed to get the memo. ::waves:: #
- Tantalizing glimpse of my #notinSL life: need to find someone of a specific size to be Bunny Stig on Easter Sunday #topgear #
- At my church we have to figure out who gets to be Bunny Stig, thus melding sacred, secular, and supercar. #TopGear #Easter #
- This would be no problem in #SecondLife where anyone can be Bunny Stig. #
- @InaraPey Thanks, must try it on my wheezy laptop. #
- RT @Queen_UK Thinking of holding X Factor style competition to appoint new Archbishop of Canterbury when Dumbledore stands down in December #
- @Queen_UK Your Majesty, may I suggest a footrace in full regalia? It could be called "Mitre, Might Not." #ArchbishopXFactor #
- @JC_Christian Listened to the last 30min here, after reading the blog post. Repeats on WBEZ stream at noon CDT tomorrow. #
- @charles_hawkins Thanks for the follow! See @StNickEpiscopal for my churchy tweets and The Search For Bunny Stig. #
- @Liturgy I hope we'll be singing St Patrick's Breastplate tomorrow at St Nick's #
- RT @Liturgy My first online petition: Geraldine Grainger for Archbishop of Canterbury http://t.co/LQVAWLTC http://t.co/ulup2vgm #
- No no no no no YES YES: Geraldine Grainger wld B an excellent Archbishop of Canturbury. C @Liturgy petition: http://t.co/FKBJiXn0 #
- For those wondering who Gerry is and why she'd be a better Archbishop than yet another "bloke with a beard and a Bible" http://t.co/oWtIl51B #
- Original version of the theme music, a setting of the 23rd Psalm. Our choir sings this occasionally http://t.co/7l47Iqxz #
- And now, the News from Nick: Anointing for Healing TODAY at the 430pm Saturday service by Revs. Fran and Tony Begonja. #
- Oops. Heh! @StNickEpiscopal hijacked me. 😉 #
- RT @ROBLOVE146 Saint Patrick: a survivor of #childtrafficking http://t.co/POJz7uVG #endslavery #
- @danishvisions Thanks, will try to make it to more scripting classes, my times are open most weekends and US evenings #
As a fairly casual Second Life Resident, I generally stick to the tried and true: music and dance animations are the social glue of Second Life, a good graphics card and fast computer is a must, and the official Second Life Viewer sucks. It frustrates long-time users with its irritating features designed with the first time (or more likely, “one time” ) user in mind. The sidebar flyout is greatly improved over the original version, though. Now the “sidebar” is a series of sticky boxes that can be detached at either side or bottom, and not all of them have to appear.
It’s a pain to build with, though, so most serious builders use one of the third party vendors (TPVs).
For comparison, this photo was taken on my desktop machine in Firestorm
Builders, artists, photographers, and fashionistas require viewers with better capabilities: build tools that make it easier, not harder, to knock out an accurate build quickly, for example. Or lighting settings that are a click away, for photographers in search of that perfect mood. Or features like free “test” uploads, which are essential for the pixel-stained wretches who upload textures repeatedly, trying to get a fabric seam or a skin edge or a sculpt to look right. Nobody liked the original iteration of the official Second Life viewer at first, although it had potential; and since there were developers willing to work with the open source code Linden Labs had release, many different alternate viewers soon appeared, and the masses rejoiced.
I tend to stick to Firestorm these days, after being an Imprudence user for a long time (and Emerald before that, until the Great Controversy).
Although I may not build much inworld, I think about building stuff all the time – I just can’t get around to it (too easily disracted, truth be told…OO SHINY!).
My recent RL vacation to Hawaii made me realize that I might want to be able to log on to Second Life on my current asthmatic laptop now and then (a newer laptop has been offered by my partner Rock Fall, who’s ready to upgrade). I struggled terribly with one or two kind of urgent tasks – my scripted cat somehow buried himself under my shop in Steelhead St Helens – and it was difficult to see anything properly. I reinstalled the Second Life Viewer 3 – little joy, some things would not rez properly. Also reinstalled Imprudence, some improvement but it wasn’t much better. Admittly, on vacation my Internet connection wasn’t the best, especially after we moved to a small inn on Oahu.
I’ve been watching the excellent series of posts on Viewer and Clients Inara Pey has been putting up, and I think I might like to try Dolphin’s latest release, which might have features that would enable me to use this laptop a little longer for the occasional login while traveling or hanging out away from my desktop machine.
I admit I’m VERY interested in the ability to make annoying objects and sounds go away, but I’m more interested in a better experience for the rare occasions when I have to use my laptop to log in to Second Life.
Lance Corrimal is working steadily on Dolphin, with roughly a release every couple of weeks of late, providing plenty of new features and tweaks to the V3.2-based Viewer.
The latest release, offers potentially improved graphics handling for older / lower-specification graphics systems (with the exception of ATi systems) and provides blacklisting capabilities for those who are repeatedly troubled by unwanted sights / sounds or need to find an elusive sound.
Texture CompressionFor graphics cards with 512Mb or less of memory, Dolphin will have texture compression enabled by default. This should help prevent such systems crashing when running SL. The option can be manually enabled / disabled via PREFERENCES->GRAPHICS->HARDWARE SETTINGS.
Lance advises that users with ATi graphics cards should avoid using the option, and keep it switched off.
via Dolphin removing the unwanted from your view | Living in the Modem World
So here’s what I propose: I’ll see how screenshots look with my current settings on the laptop with SLV3 and Imprudence, install Dolphin and see how that looks, and then attempt to update the drivers on my comically outdated Nvidia if things don’t look swell enough.
For laughs and giggles, here’s what we have to work with:
Version 2002 (I MEAN IT)
Service Pack 2
Computer: Dell (Inspiron? Dullard?)
Intel(R) Pentium(R)M
processor 2.00GHz
1.99 GHz, 2.00GB of RAM
In its salad days it was pretty powerful, but it was a castoff when Rock got his current laptop. The video card is not original stock, but an nVidia that I made him install so I could log in to Second Life back in my first 2 years. Pretty much all I did then was dance, chat, hunt freebies, and sort inventory, and it was up to that task. Once I got into photography and building, I switched to my more powerful desktop machine.
This is what we have to work with:
Here’s what the front of my shop in Steelhead St Helens looks like using V3, High graphics settings (not recommended if you want to move AND type on this thing) with the limited Day Cycles presets, so I used Pirate’s Dream. PLEASE NOTE Relay for Life donation kiosk, the location of my shop is in my picks.
I managed to send it to my Profile Feed with the big friendly button V3 provides – I rarely post to my feed and really should make it a habit. Anyway, just as I was about to reset graphics to double-secret asthmatic wheeze so I could take a picture of the less pretty result, this happened:
Darn, I crashed. And in the meantime, had to quickly install the GIMP on the laptop just to resize images easily – it runs, too.
Next, same shot with Firestorm. It’s blurred, need to figure out which setting was doing that, but I disabled basic shaders and HTTP textures and cleared cache after taking this.
I have Imprudence handy, too:
This one is actually with Basic Shaders and Atmospheric Shaders ON, not off. I think it triggers the bug where terrain textures change, UGH.
Bleargh. Note, this was a beta version of Imprudence, which I rarely use anymore. When a stable version of Kokua is released I’d be happy to try that too, as it will have the ability to import objects as Imprudence did.
Now, AT LAST, Dolphin. Ah, oops, I should have read the system requirements on their download page before starting this long-ass post:
System requirements
The system requirements for Dolphin Viewer and Dolphin Viewer 2 differ in two points from the official system requirements as posted on secondlife.com:
For Windows users: Windows Vista or newer.
Heh. Rock says this laptop can’t be upgraded to Vista, but after realizing I couldn’t use the fancy “DOWNLOAD” installer with the extra “I Want This” cruft, I installed and hit this familiar message.
Just so you know, your computer does not meet Dolphin Viewer 3’s minimum system requirements. You may experience poor performance
Le sigh. Let’s see how this goes.
Not bad… lag is horrible and I can’t move while typing again. I think there’s still something not set right in my preferences because the textures are blurry, but it detected many of my buttons settings and preferences from Viewer 3. And unlike Firestorm (and Imprudence, which doesn’t do web profiles) Dolphin has the feature to update to my profile feed, along with sending snapshots, one of the few features of Viewer 3 that I actually miss when using Firestorm.
I can move well enough when settings are on Low that I could attend events if necessary, chat, probably not dance or be very animated. It’ll do in a pinch if I’m out of town, as I was able to do a little editing on a prim (would really need to use a wireless mouse, it’s been agonizingly slow blogging without a real mouse and the touch pad on my Dullard UnInspiron is kind of worn).
Took some pictures to prove it, teleported and tried to move around, but wasn’t terribly successful. It’ll do, but now I can’t wait to try it on my faster Gateway desktop, which has a pretty decent card that I installed myself (Rock helped with the final push, literally).
Store looks okay once the textures load.
Not bad, needs antialias or something to look better. That vendor on the left reminded me I missed lunch messing around with the asthmatic laptop, so time for a break and maybe set up some gifts for a Relay for Life vendor… something actually USEFUL after pleasantly wasting hours on this very unscientific exercise.
I’m not going to mess with the drivers on the graphics card now, that’s just asking for trouble. See you in a bit.

Lelani Carver is a Steampunk resident in Second Life who blogs a little about everything, and about nothing of any importance. She sells odds and ends inspired by her real and virtual lives at her store in Steelhead St Helens or on the Second Life Marketplace.
- Typist is "at the theatah" to see Legally Blond. There will be much pink. #
- Awesome. The two dogs in the show have cast bios in Playbill. Chico was in the original Broadway production. http://t.co/jQeePQcl #
- @wizardgynoid That is some serious bingeage. #
- @StopRush Have you contacted customer service? If I bought a TV or radio from @Sears that had Rush on it, I'd complain! ;D #
- The Total Jerk #LimbaughMovies #
- Shame #LimbaughMovies #
- Bully Durham #LimbaughMovies #
- RT @MoodyLoner You know you're an absolute shit when the Westboro Baptist Church defends you. @WBCVideo @rushlimbaugh #
- @MoodyLoner #flushrush OH, so not ever renting anything from @Netflix this weekend if they sponsor Limbaugh. #
- Some Congressional Oversight: all-male, all-CLERGY panel testified, Fluke excluded on gender AND religious grounds. http://t.co/gu9Vglt4 #
- @Shocktart Ask #Siri "What is the best smartphone?" #
- @JC_Christian Surely Gold Bond Foot Powder needs a boost. Or that "Jock Itch?" stuff… #Rally ForRush #
- @MoodyLoner Talk to @Geico, they said they might pull ads from radio stations that run Rush #
- Oh, I might use @netflix now! They did the right thing. #flushrush #
- That Off Ramp op-ed by Jackie is worth a read! RT @isfullofcrap WHAT IS THIS CRAP? If you're happy and you know it… http://t.co/DtIjfAJC #
- @isfullofcrap You could also call it the last exit before trollway 😉 #
- @isfullofcrap we have signs like that on the expressway so people can avoid the payway. #
- RT @IndigoMertel New World Notes: Kenyan Charity Thanks SL Avatars for Raising RL Funds http://t.co/LiZY7Aw5 #SecondLife #
- @m_ethaniel I *loved* Daria. Her friend cracked me up. I wonder what older Daria's up to? Making soup for Occupy Lawndale kids? #
- RT @lizzwinstead This may be the worst or the worst of the women hating bills yet. PLEASE READ AND RT http://t.co/C11hdwjq VIA @dvnix #
- @isfullofcrap Please don't take that as an invitation to fart in my general direction. #
- @rivenhomewood I hate Facebook, but I managed to create a page for my ::mumble:: church. #
- @rivenhomewood I can tell you it's based off of my login but I can "post as" that identity. I also use plugins to autopost from WordPress. #
- @kqthomson Yes. î„ #
- @kqthomson I told a #SecondLife librarian about you the other day. She ordered OAS and wondered if you still did readings. 😉 #
- Darth Vader, cape, unicycle, bagpipes, Utilikilt, Portland, Orygun: these are a few of my favorite things. http://t.co/8duStXuq #
- Why my Twitter feed is awesomer than yours: @ipromisephilip meets @STFUParents #
- Oops. More awesome with PIX! http://t.co/p9CeGsjR #
- Can't wait to see what @SecondLie promises. @ipromisephilip .@davidhornik promises to lose 10 pounds by May 1st. #
- RT @LindaKellie JUST ADDED a food section on my webpage for FREE downloads http://t.co/1pX0x8rZ #OpenSim #OSGrid or use on any grid you want #
- @rivenhomewood I can tell you it's based off of my login but I can "post as" that identity. I also use plugins to autopost from WordPress. #
- @ElrikMerlin LOVE Firesign Theater. Sad about yesterday, but best to remember the laughter. #
- @isfullofcrap Aw, that was unexpected, thank you. #
- RT @KrisKaine Press Release: 2012 Relay for Life Kickoff Today: 2012 Relay For Life of Second Life: KICKOFF http://t.co/6hJgJBR9 #
- @ordinal Tedious overcast days make intriguingly moody pictures, especially with antique chapel windows. #
- Family visits today but hoping to make it to #SteelheadSL Relay for Life kickoff party tonight. #
I love my Second Life; my friends, my music streams, my favorite places. I love going to events in Steelhead and virtual church on Epiphany Island, and dancing at Cafe Wellstone on the mainland. I actually love the “old” Mainland areas where water, roads, rail, and quality builds make for a nice experience exploring or hanging out.
I don’t love blingtards, or boobtards (pix!), or abandoned parcels littered with crashed police cars and random doors and bullets hanging 30m up in midair. I don’t love drama; I do love comedy.
I don’t love Bug’s last name, as she used to get horrifically abusive random IMs from strangers (sometimes weeks after her last login, so it WASN’T viewer related). I do love her new display name.
I would love it if there was a virtual redevelopment/renewal movement, maybe with Linden homes set on large swaths of abandoned land to encourage neo-pioneers to come in and do some rehab/refurb work. It’d encourage existing parcel owners to straighten up a little, too.
More roads and rail would encourage development, but it probably would be impossible to route around existing parcels and content. On my continent I’m nowhere near any Linden infrastructure, and the incoherence shows.
I love the creativity of Second Life residents; I don’t love my own lack of same.
Both Dhughan and I have been slack lately about creating, but Bug made herself an impressively tall shako for her Jaegermonstress persona. We’re all taking steps to overcome the things that get in the way of creativity; lack of time mostly, and wasting that time comparing our stuffs unfavorably to the work of other merchants and creators.
Anyway, onward. I love the way my little project turned out, may actually do something with it.
I don’t love Blender, but do love the way a really skilled creator can use it to make beautiful things. Second Life may be going down the Internets tubes, but parts of it are lookin’ good.
I don’t love the cost, although currently it’s affordable at my low level of play – I have several paid alts and group land, so tier is affordable, but not at the next price point, as I also rent in Steelhead. I don’t love wondering if my favorite sims can continue to clear costs, and don’t love seeing YASDW posts (“yet another sim deathwatch”) either.
I’ve been watching posts about OpenSim and Kitely and so on for a while now, and based on this I might give it a whirl, or keep it in mind if I need a lifeboat or a bolt-hole.
Running OpenSim on your home computer in, in theory, a great way to have as much virtual land as you want — for free.
In practice, it can take quite a bit of time and effort to set it up. I normally have my teenage daughter do it, but with each passing year, she gets more and more sullen and resentful.
The Diva Distro is a big improvement, but you have to download the right files from github and then follow a complex configuration procedure.
Ener Hax’s Sim-on-a-Stick makes the process easier by packaging everything up nicely, but it’s still not a no-brainer.
Today, I tried out New World Grid’s New World Studio, available in English, French and Italian versions. Wow, what an improvement!
Link: Free OpenSim in a snap – Hypergrid Business
Hmm! Well, it would be faster, easier, and funner (sic) to try it now than it has been. With Linda Kellie’s free OAR files (she’s got a mountain retreat, an islands theme, and others), I’d always have a private sandbox to test stuff in.
I wasted a lot of time last night setting up in a public sandbox to build and texture something. It took a while; the place I USED to go to build necklaces (too prim and script intensive for home or work regions) was gone. Oops, an unwatched sim death. Finally found somewhere to set up my Morigi Steam skybox that I modified as a movable workshop and got things done. And photographed!
I didn’t do it on my own land or in my Steelhead workshop, because I didn’t want to lag out my neighbors. Would it be easier to create my own new new new frontier to play in? I dunno, but it would be lonelier if I couldn’t solve the router issues Maria mentions.
Still, as a possible “lifeboat” for virtual refugees in the future, it’s worth a look.
Here’s the SLuniverse thread on the recent acquisition of Blue Mars by Ball State University. One post referenced the Blue Mars blog; the original press release had been pulled pending contracts.
Many of you have been asking about last week’s announcement by Ball State University. Specifically, many of you have noted that the press release was pulled earlier this week.
The press release was removed due to some contracts that have yet to be finalized and signed. Once that happens, we will release more information about the deal.
This is pure speculation on my part, but I wonder if one of those contracts might be with a major land baron? The sponsor of this thread is “Steampunk Victorian Caledonia,” but no official word yet from The Guvnah. The last time he posted regarding Blue Mars was when they pulled back from doing further development.
The reason I wonder? Second Life, the old new frontier, seems to be getting less and less attention from Linden Labs. I wonder if Blue Mars, the not-as-old New Frontier, will revive with the infusion of BSU cash or not.
Second Life had better look to its pricing, or other grids will see a new diaspora of microeconomic virtual émigrés.
Link: Blue Mars Blog: Quick update regarding last weeks announcement by Ball State University
Hmm, not sure what that line is in the middle, may be a graphic artifact, glitch, whatnot. But Epic Toy Factory… is epic.
Bug Cowers At The Entrance of Epic Toy Factory, originally uploaded by Lelani Carver.
- Made it to Labbieville. Screaming toddler was screaming. Parents seemed clueless, changed diaper with kid nakedy-jaybird across lap. #
- He (most definitely he) was probably too big for the fold-down change table in the lav. #
- @vicwu Must have been! #
- About to "fly" out of Labbieville. Teleportation is sooo much simpler. #
- @daftapeth We watch 5-0 too, its funny how many Camaros Avis had on the lot! #
- We may have stumbled across a film crew in Honolulu; a street was blocked off near the Bishop Museum. Traffic a mess, police tape too. #
- Wheels down ORD. Next time, we take a proper airship. #
- Gallery of Musical Sculptures starting again March 10. Really enjoyable new music, glad to see Flivelwitz Alsop back! #
- @Darien_Mason Quite right. Forever Blackadder. #
- @daftapeth Aha! Ticked mental checkbox to "Full Bright." Was thinking of doing a blogpost on "Hawaii for Brits." #
- Yay!! RT @m_ethaniel Antique Square: Fireworks tonight! http://t.co/eQqsZOvn #SL #SecondLife #
- And just like clockwork, it cranks out bent pennies! @JC_Christian RT @MarthaPlimpton: Santorum's brain is like an olden tymey machine. #
- Mmm! RT @m_ethaniel #SecondLife Marketplace – Clover's Kitchen Shepherd's Pie – 4 prims, gives food & fork: http://t.co/52P9YIdN #SL #
- Thanks to @wilw I now have "In The Afterlife" stuck in my head. And now so do you! http://t.co/PpsLoUYG #
- @lhavenst Yes, pretty sad about that! #
- @AbelUndercity I stumbled through a Pinterest login and now friends are following me. Um, halp plz sumbudee? iPad or iPhone app? #
- Re: #Secondlife #TPV policy change, Joshua Nightshade nails it: Content makers waited for Firestorm mesh support. http://t.co/tiHoRlmK #
- Only his family mourns, but the nation mourned when Ted Kennedy died. RT @Wonkette Andrew Breitbart Drops Dead http://t.co/2V17xstc #
- I remember Davy Jones fondly (and his locker). Nil niceguy morituris. #
- I'm very sad that Davey Jones died so young. That other political gasbag, not so much. #
- @AbelUndercity LOL! #
- A grateful nation mourned Ted Kennedy. For Breitbart's passing, it's a grateful nation's morn. #
- @MoodyLoner We can talk about how the national political discourse will be greatly improved… #
- @JC_Christian Oscars for EVERYONE! #
- Here's something to cheer about: STEAM Hunt 6 starts today! #STEAMHunt6 #
- Indeed: RT @GynoStar "Why do you grant a BULLY special status upon his death?" – Andrew Breitbart, on the death of Sen. Ted Kennedy #
- on the contrary, @GovernorPerry, I believe Breitbart's "spirited voice" is best forgotten and not missed. He was cruel. #
- Srsly, if Breitbart pulls a Huck Finn at his own funeral, I'd want my schadenfreud back. #
- Yet another reason LL may be left behind in the dust of the Metaverse: http://t.co/ZnVFsrZc #
- @hbahimself @Darien_Mason Yes, sad about Steeltopia. Hope Steelcobra can come back soon. #
- #SecondLife the company flubs the message once again (last names, no more metrics, laying off product managers) #
- #SecondLife the people continue to create amazing content, tools, viewers… they extend and extrapolate and engage. #
- #SecondLife should host affordable land, write good code, fix bugs, and stay out of the way of passionate content creators. #
- RT @SandraFluke "…I'll continue defending women's health care rights tomorrow morning on @todayshow." #WeWillNotBeSilenced #
- RT @SandraFluke Thanks to @edshow for having me on tonight and for his continued support of women's health care rights. #WeWillNotBeSilenced #
- PROUD to follow @SandraFluke. She deserves more followers than Limbaugh AND @DarrellIssa (attn @StopBeck @StopRush ) #
- RT @pbtrue1 @marikatogo "Limbaugh has 32k followers, woman he called a "slut" has 8,000 in just 1 day. Let's get her more…" @SandraFluke #
- @jimtarber Who's Charlar's replacement? May I suggest… Boondoggle? #
- RT @pbtrue1 Why in this world would anyone want to trend #RustyLimpnads ? #ViagraMan #
- Anyone else doing #STEAMHunt6 – what wonders have you found so far? #
- So far the most engaging, creative builds are Ghostraven & Bondar-Foehammer. Haven't opened gifts even. #STEAMHunt6 #
- I'm not a merchant this time, neither is Dhughan. Our best wasn't up to snuff. 😉 #STEAMHunt6 #
- I know! Right? RT @pbtrue1 Why in this world would anyone want to trend #RustyLimpnads ? #ViagraMan #
- THIS. I'm still on HIGHLA-L listserv RT @isfullofcrap Second Life is to the frontier what Highlander 2 – The Quickening is to Highlander #
- RT @GraceMcDunnough SL5B Transcripts "The pioneer era in Second Life is beginning to draw to a close." Mitch Kapor http://t.co/iRlhRriO #SL #
- What would #MitchKapor say in a keynote for #SL9B Not "dynamics of innovation and disruption." http://t.co/iRlhRriO #SL #
- @cliffschecter Just replay Breitbart ranting about the death of Teddy Kennedy. Comedy gold! #
- @SecondLie According to Mitch Kapor we're probably in the Laggard Era, because OMG LAAAG. #
- Hmm. @Kitely, @BlueMars, @InWorldz, other OS grids posting news about improvements, new features. Must still be in pioneer phase. #
- @HolocluckHenly Good luck with your Relay For Life team! Be sure to tweet events, had a blast with you at SL8B #
- Also: graph proves old people are GANGSTERS. RT @cliffschecter RT @VPCinfo: Part IV of "Myth of NRA Dominance" http://t.co/vG1xnrdo #
- RT @SandraFluke Thanks to @edshow. Women’s voices will not be silenced! http://t.co/ouSO3kiT #
- @isfullofcrap We sip our White Russians and watch the carousel wind slowly down. #
- What an awesome keynote Mitch Kapor did at SL5B. Now I understand why people were disapponted at SL8B. Because… there wasnt one, right? #
- @Pathfinder "Wherever you go…" #
- Internet explodes with joy! RT @MariaKorolov RT @TheRealNimoy: Yes!! Big Bang Theory next week. LLAP #
- @taterunino Oh really? I've been wondering about what was happening with Caledon in Blue Mars. #
- RT @SandraFluke Thank you @BARACKOBAMA for your call and words of support. It means so much to me and millions of women #WeWillNotBeSilenced #
- http://t.co/tyJ0vig0 The classic prim torture post by Ayumi Cassini #
- If you're paying attenttion, the typist is revealed. #
- Made it to Labbieville. Screaming toddler was screaming. Parents seemed clueless, changed diaper with kid nakedy-jaybird across lap. #
- He (most definitely he) was probably too big for the fold-down change table in the lav. #
- @vicwu Must have been! #
- About to "fly" out of Labbieville. Teleportation is sooo much simpler. #
- @daftapeth We watch 5-0 too, its funny how many Camaros Avis had on the lot! #
- We may have stumbled across a film crew in Honolulu; a street was blocked off near the Bishop Museum. Traffic a mess, police tape too. #
- Wheels down ORD. Next time, we take a proper airship. #
- Gallery of Musical Sculptures starting again March 10. Really enjoyable new music, glad to see Flivelwitz Alsop back! #
- @Darien_Mason Quite right. Forever Blackadder. #
- @daftapeth Aha! Ticked mental checkbox to "Full Bright." Was thinking of doing a blogpost on "Hawaii for Brits." #
- Yay!! RT @m_ethaniel Antique Square: Fireworks tonight! http://t.co/eQqsZOvn #SL #SecondLife #
- And just like clockwork, it cranks out bent pennies! @JC_Christian RT @MarthaPlimpton: Santorum's brain is like an olden tymey machine. #
- Mmm! RT @m_ethaniel #SecondLife Marketplace – Clover's Kitchen Shepherd's Pie – 4 prims, gives food & fork: http://t.co/52P9YIdN #SL #
- Thanks to @wilw I now have "In The Afterlife" stuck in my head. And now so do you! http://t.co/PpsLoUYG #
- @lhavenst Yes, pretty sad about that! #
- @AbelUndercity I stumbled through a Pinterest login and now friends are following me. Um, halp plz sumbudee? iPad or iPhone app? #
- Re: #Secondlife #TPV policy change, Joshua Nightshade nails it: Content makers waited for Firestorm mesh support. http://t.co/tiHoRlmK #
- Only his family mourns, but the nation mourned when Ted Kennedy died. RT @Wonkette Andrew Breitbart Drops Dead http://t.co/2V17xstc #
- I remember Davy Jones fondly (and his locker). Nil niceguy morituris. #
- I'm very sad that Davey Jones died so young. That other political gasbag, not so much. #
- @AbelUndercity LOL! #
- A grateful nation mourned Ted Kennedy. For Breitbart's passing, it's a grateful nation's morn. #
- @MoodyLoner We can talk about how the national political discourse will be greatly improved… #
- @JC_Christian Oscars for EVERYONE! #
- Here's something to cheer about: STEAM Hunt 6 starts today! #STEAMHunt6 #
- Indeed: RT @GynoStar "Why do you grant a BULLY special status upon his death?" – Andrew Breitbart, on the death of Sen. Ted Kennedy #
- on the contrary, @GovernorPerry, I believe Breitbart's "spirited voice" is best forgotten and not missed. He was cruel. #
- Srsly, if Breitbart pulls a Huck Finn at his own funeral, I'd want my schadenfreud back. #
- Yet another reason LL may be left behind in the dust of the Metaverse: http://t.co/ZnVFsrZc #
- @hbahimself @Darien_Mason Yes, sad about Steeltopia. Hope Steelcobra can come back soon. #
- #SecondLife the company flubs the message once again (last names, no more metrics, laying off product managers) #
- #SecondLife the people continue to create amazing content, tools, viewers… they extend and extrapolate and engage. #
- #SecondLife should host affordable land, write good code, fix bugs, and stay out of the way of passionate content creators. #
- RT @SandraFluke "…I'll continue defending women's health care rights tomorrow morning on @todayshow." #WeWillNotBeSilenced #
- RT @SandraFluke Thanks to @edshow for having me on tonight and for his continued support of women's health care rights. #WeWillNotBeSilenced #
- PROUD to follow @SandraFluke. She deserves more followers than Limbaugh AND @DarrellIssa (attn @StopBeck @StopRush ) #
- RT @pbtrue1 @marikatogo "Limbaugh has 32k followers, woman he called a "slut" has 8,000 in just 1 day. Let's get her more…" @SandraFluke #
- @jimtarber Who's Charlar's replacement? May I suggest… Boondoggle? #
- RT @pbtrue1 Why in this world would anyone want to trend #RustyLimpnads ? #ViagraMan #
- Anyone else doing #STEAMHunt6 – what wonders have you found so far? #
- So far the most engaging, creative builds are Ghostraven & Bondar-Foehammer. Haven't opened gifts even. #STEAMHunt6 #
- I'm not a merchant this time, neither is Dhughan. Our best wasn't up to snuff. 😉 #STEAMHunt6 #
- I know! Right? RT @pbtrue1 Why in this world would anyone want to trend #RustyLimpnads ? #ViagraMan #
- THIS. I'm still on HIGHLA-L listserv RT @isfullofcrap Second Life is to the frontier what Highlander 2 – The Quickening is to Highlander #
- RT @GraceMcDunnough SL5B Transcripts "The pioneer era in Second Life is beginning to draw to a close." Mitch Kapor http://t.co/iRlhRriO #SL #
- What would #MitchKapor say in a keynote for #SL9B Not "dynamics of innovation and disruption." http://t.co/iRlhRriO #SL #
- @cliffschecter Just replay Breitbart ranting about the death of Teddy Kennedy. Comedy gold! #
- @SecondLie According to Mitch Kapor we're probably in the Laggard Era, because OMG LAAAG. #
- Hmm. @Kitely, @BlueMars, @InWorldz, other OS grids posting news about improvements, new features. Must still be in pioneer phase. #
- @HolocluckHenly Good luck with your Relay For Life team! Be sure to tweet events, had a blast with you at SL8B #
- Also: graph proves old people are GANGSTERS. RT @cliffschecter RT @VPCinfo: Part IV of "Myth of NRA Dominance" http://t.co/vG1xnrdo #
- RT @SandraFluke Thanks to @edshow. Women’s voices will not be silenced! http://t.co/ouSO3kiT #
- @isfullofcrap We sip our White Russians and watch the carousel wind slowly down. #
- What an awesome keynote Mitch Kapor did at SL5B. Now I understand why people were disapponted at SL8B. Because… there wasnt one, right? #
- @Pathfinder "Wherever you go…" #
- Internet explodes with joy! RT @MariaKorolov RT @TheRealNimoy: Yes!! Big Bang Theory next week. LLAP #
- @taterunino Oh really? I've been wondering about what was happening with Caledon in Blue Mars. #
- RT @SandraFluke Thank you @BARACKOBAMA for your call and words of support. It means so much to me and millions of women #WeWillNotBeSilenced #
- http://t.co/tyJ0vig0 The classic prim torture post by Ayumi Cassini #
- If you're paying attenttion, the typist is revealed. #