- @m_ethaniel @RobinWood Guess my car repair guy is roughly equivalent to a waitress, he calls me "dear" http://t.co/zJlkTgC #
- RT @IntegrativeInfo: Obama Team Feared Coup If He Prosecuted War Crimes #yoo #edley http://t.co/Y1U9EQp #
- RT @danverg Ten years ago I removed my Gore-Lieberman bumper sticker, and said no more politics. How fucking naïve. Also, fuck Lieberman. #
- Okay then, guess I'll watch TV if things are borked inworld. #
- @m_ethaniel Oh? Do tell! #
- @Darien_Mason Heh. #
- We won't let Paul Krugman get Dixie Chicked by the likes of Rumsfeld – RT if you #StandWithPaulKrugman http://t.co/TurinPU" #
- @littlmanlvdfire Good luck with your interview. It appears Rolls-Royce (aircraft engines, etc) does college recruiting too. #
- RT @LuckyJimJD After GOP audiences cheered Perrys serial killing spree & letting sick people die its clear the US right-wing is a death cult #
- @m_ethaniel The Hanged Merman #RejectedSLPubNames #
- The Chatty Belly #RejectedSLPubNames #
- The Blingtard's Retreat #RejectedSLPubNames #
- The Rolling Restart #RejectedSLPubNames #
- The Hot Mesh #RejectedSLPubNames #
- The Blue Screen of Death #RejectedSLPubNames #
- The Last Reboot #RejectedSLPubNames #
- The Plywood Prim #RejectedSLPubNames #
- The Linden Leaves #RejectedSLPubNames #
- RT @SecondLife @betterverse: Address by US VP Joe Biden Simulcast in #SecondLife 16SEP http://t.co/K5I5sw8 @SecondLie #SL #SecondLieIn3.2.1 #
- @Darien_Mason You've created hordes of brain-eating pioneer zombies… with dysentery! #thankyewSOmuch #
- @m_ethaniel Er, that must mean I'm smoking hot, I knew what it meant instantly. Those anthro classes pay off yet again. #
- @kqthomson Yes, right away; it was the shoes. PS Hi! #
- @littlmanlvdfire If it was a soft landing, that's technically brilliant… #
- @wizardgynoid Well, even Neelix was a pill sometimes, he was under a lot of stress! #
- @DaleInnis I got stuck, it didnt want to mark the first one right. Will try on one of the many other computers here… #
- RT @wizardgynoid "Quiz Of The Day – Star Trek Character or Erectile Dysfunction Pill? http://t.co/aAcZgGe" trying again on iPad. #
- And it was only 60%, but will definitely use it as a come-on: "Dear, would you care to play 'Star Trek or Sex Pill' tonight? #
- RT @rivenhomewood RT @genegeek: Powerful RT @ejwillingham: That was my brother's death you were cheering, you a$$holes http://t.co/w1WoGy1 #
- @littlmanlvdfire Haha, right, probably not best practice to make the Dean do a threat level assessment before taking coffee on his deck! #
- Traveling to the mountains soon. Pulled out #RL winter layer clothes. #
- Tweeting from the plaaaaaaane. The plaaaaaaaane. #
- @donttrythis You're on a plane TOO? Heh. Logged in to #SecondLife and chatted for a while. http://t.co/0Z6y57QH #
- RT @kqthomson My first novel, PIRATES OF PENSACOLA, is now on Kindle for 99¢: http://t.co/er4JmwkQ http://t.co/XXKTKJBS // Funny book! #
- @AbelUndercity /me waves excitedly from window, somewhere over Nebraska. #
- Wheels down. Hello, mountains out there in the dark! Missed you so much! #
- My Congresscritter is performing for treats from his corporate masters again, and making headlines. #eyeroll #
- @redwoodr And on a long weekend! Were you able to cancel the card?? #
- MT @spam @safety: Is your account sending DMs/Tweets without yr involvement? you're phished. Follow these steps: http://t.co/Sz0FYcd. #
- @isfullofcrap Hey! I resemble that remark! #Oregonmyalmamaterdontknowthewordstomyownfightsong #
- @isfullofcrap Ah, yes. More like the Ducks of the Very Special Seventies. #
- @robertfreedland: When GOP politicians march in Labor Day Parade turn your back on them. They have turned their backs on workers. Please RT. #
- @MsKoro Have fun. My stuff is near the end. #
- Will be moving some follows around; #SecondLife will be my focus, ranty politics and such will be my #FirstLife focus. #
- That is, if you're an #SL avatar or you occasionally mention #SecondLife I'll read you here. #
- RT @TLW3 Top Church of Ireland minister reveals his same sex marriage http://t.co/9KdwOOi #px #p2 #Anglican #CA #
- RT @JeffreyFeldman Must Read: Reflections of a GOP Operative Who Left the Cult #mustread http://t.co/dhuWgEQ #
- @redwoodr But a bee one would be sweet, non? #
- @MsKoro It IS a thing, people did this the first night within the first 15 minutes #
- @vicwu For you, then #
- @vicwu The world needs more Science Guys – and I'm a fan since he was an occasional guest on Seattle's "Almost Live" years ago #
- @MickeyETC Bring Back Last Name is *still* unassigned? Really? #secondlife #
- RT @rodvik "@m_ethaniel @PantyPrincessSL I can confirm this is my alt, or am I an alt of Mistletoe? :)" We need to catch up, girlfriend! #
- Sure, it'll run… #SLUrbanMyths #
- My fourth rezzday is coming up. Halloween season will always be very special to me #secondlife #
- @KrisKaine The Hat Party will be epic. #SteelheadSL #
- @razalane What do you consider cool? I dont make virtual clothes, just curious. #SLMarketplace #
- @MoodyLoner Not me! #
- @feliciaday ARGHHHH. "This video can't be played." Lelani is DOWN. Repeat, Lela DOWN #deathscream #iPhone #
- I haz a happysad. @theguild new episode is up at Bing, can't play it on iPhone or view on work computer. Will try a different link… #
- RT @rivenhomewood "RT @BoingBoing: Elderly person gets “Do Not Resuscitate†tattoo http://t.co/XO9uazI" That's bad-ass. #
- Had a BSOD yesterday am, previously had graphical errors in #SecondLife using V3 AND Imprudence #ugh #
- @redwoodr Thank you – but I think I'd better uninstall several previous versions of the viewer and generally clean up disk, defrag 1st #
- Hoping my graphics card isnt cooked, there are space/cooling issues with my desktop computer and there's just one card that fits. #
- @SecondLie Can't wait to see the cyoot lil tinies! #
- This man on @NPR is breaking my heart, must find link to @WBEZ story with the Chicago imam. #
- Yeah, my Rep. Teabagger Joe is skipping the President's speech for a "small business forum" and media circus. http://t.co/kV7U4a1 #
- Politely turned away at door, decided too hard to explain I'm a #SLMarketplace microbusiness owner. #RepJoeWalsh #mediahound #
- Five media trucks and a police cruiser at @RepJoeWalsh closed-door "small business forum." @WBEZ there? http://t.co/U0lgJwU #
- Teabagger @RepJoeWalsh (IL-8 Second Sound Bite) holds "small business forum," attracts 5 media trucks. http://t.co/6pO3wGk #
- Watching TV at BR. They have @CNN on about this threat. Home soon. Joe who? #
- This made me weep. Great piece, @WBEZ and very eloquent. http://t.co/yPS8DFC #
- Home again. So ends my short and glorious career in political activism. Time to install lapcat. #
- Oh, right!! I can watch @theguild now!!! YAYYYYYY!!! #
- AUUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHH!!! BING! Y U NO PLAY The Guild Episode 7???? #
- MSN FAIL. I'm going to bed. And I'm going to STOMP all the way up the stairs. #stompstompstomp #
- @MickeyETC "I am an entrepreneur virtuelle." #shouldasaid #
- @theguild Yes, noticed that… AAAAAAAUUUUNNNNNGGGGHHH UNNGGG UNNGHHH #chewownfaceoff #zombiewalk #jonesing #
- Ironically, I even tried to Google Bing to try to get @theguild fix #
- You've really sunk to a new low if you're a Bing Googler. #
- RT @MoodyLoner RT @txgdb: "Tea Party" sounds so much nicer than "Mob of Racists and Homophobes" // Indeed #
- @MariaKorolov I ofetn come back to Ayumi's guide. So helpful and clear! #
- @MoTancharoen Oh, I need to share that @MoRyan piece with a couple of writer friends #
- @MickeyETC According to @Tzarimas the current cool buzzword is #vuvuzelas #
- @janakyomoon What's this ambient music project? I like to listen to space music when building… #
- @MickeyETC Aw, thanks Mickey! #
- RT @janakyomoon "@LelaniCarver proposed launch date of aMBieNT MuSiC WoRLD 21st September" #
- @vicwu Yeah, can't watch on iphone and the vids were borked last night #
- @feliciaday I love reading @moryan 's column in the Chicago Trib. #
- @feliciaday Okay, gotta get Gillian Horvath and Donna Lettow to aoltv to comment. #
- @moryan Didn't know you'd moved on! Duh, so that's why you were MIA from my feed. #
- @vic1st That is *really* unfortunate timing #
- @MissMoodybear Mitsuwa… In AH? #
- …cont) http://t.co/xlhASUE #
- Ali-Ferzat's first political cartoon, drawn while in hospital after being beaten by Syrian thugs. (cont… #
- USAir has ads on their ticket reissue line hold music – for Lifelock. Really? Really?!? #
- Top Ten Reasons To Make Gay Marriage Illegal: Now With More Unicorns! http://t.co/rg89Io7 #
- We're watching #Eureka Closeup on guard: "who's THAT guy?" "I dunno, could be significant… Or not, he's unconscious." #
- @theguild Til Thursday, then. #
- @vic1st Happy for you! #
- @m_ethaniel Welcome back to modern times!! Been wondering if you took damage… #
- @isfullofcrap Builds a giant effigy for the annual Burning Bear festival #yogipikanikcrafts #
- @socratic Me neither. I'm always finding out about doctor's appointments I made, calandared, and forgot. #
- @cskendrick What about beer? Bread is just a by-product! /me takes a long pull of her Latitude 48 IPA #
- @MoTancharoen Not clicking! God, having a HIGHLA-L flashback to 1995 now. We had rilly kewl spoiler katanas back then. #
- @SecondLie How about that self-cleaning sandbox for Premium members… Sifts out the nuggets automagically. #
- @KidsIsCrap I'm on the list, amiright? #childfree #
- @socratic For me its GIVE ME FROOT LOOPS OR GIVE ME DEATH when #sickathome #
- @theguild Oh! Right! Thursday! My snooty steampunk peeps! #
- @SecondLie Oh boy, a tiny couch small enough to fit in my hand! #
- RT @StopBeck "Wake me when our society's dysfunction stops being a sport for our commercial media behemoths born of deregulation." #
- So: even when "Democrats" win, progressives lose. #p2 #
- RT @JeffreyFeldman "What exactly does Obama mean when he says commitment on an issue is "unwavering"? Anyone? Bueller? #smog #cancer #asthma #
- RT @JeffreyFeldman "Obama re-election team begins pitch for "why can't my kids have smog-induced asthma, too?" vote: http://t.co/p0Be35F" #
- RT @expatminister "John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, made in the image of God, creator of worlds http://t.co/xnPDfxd by @donmilleris" #
- Mr President, future generations will not thank you for bending over for big business. Goddamnit. #asthma #cancer #healthcare #
- @MoTancharoen Rock ON. Kick ass today. #
- Dear Second Life Magic 8 Ball: should I upgrade my nVidia 9600GT driver for V3? #hopelesslyobscure #
- Allergies and asthma bad today but nothing to do with Obama's betrayal. Toxic perfume… is toxic. #
- @fallingrock "Reply hazy, try again" #
- Now to find out if the lost scripted #SecondLife pet can be recovered… Logging in to check KittyCatS help site. #
- Dude. You do NOT wear a Dunkin Donuts T-shirt and AMBLE CASUALLY in the Starbucks drive-thru! #coffeeunderachiever #
- Headed out to see a friend perform music in RL. #SecondLife musicians, how do YOU perform music inworld? #
- @m_ethaniel Huzzah for that… I'm skilled at dicking around myself. #
- Real life live music: @4AMNET under a marquee tent #
- Duh. Pix or it didn't happen! http://t.co/ZiVRiS8 #
Yes, yes, yes, it’s a long long time since there’s been a new post here. We’ve been busy procrastinating to get ready for STEAM 5, which started on September 1.
Well, I was ready at about 2am that morning, and Miss Lelani was ready at… 4am. As per usual, we concentrated on builds and sorting textures and left the actual building of the gifts for the last possible moment. In our defense, we can only say that real life got a little interesting, in the Chinese curse sense of the word, and every weekend in August ended up getting co-opted by some bally attendance-required family event or even a minor crisis of some kind.
We did, eventually get the gifts finished – Lela’s was done and merely needed to be boxed up with an extra dance gadget, but mine was NOT finished, needed extensive AO tweaking, and the women’s version had to be copied over, resized, and subsequently tweaked for the female animations.
More about that later in a post about the gifts, this post, really, is really just an excuse to get acquainted with an old friend.
Specifically, this old-school beauty, which was the keyboard I/we used for years for blogging RL, and it was the keyboard with which we discovered new adventures and friends in Second Life.
Yes, it’s one of those Microsoft Natural Keyboards – with media buttons and a split design for comfort. I used it for years and only changed because I changed computer desks and wanted something with a little less of a high profile. I now use a newer MS Natural keyboard with a padded wrist rest – it also has media buttons, but no dedicated “sleep” button and no USB ports (the new computer has many, many USB ports).
One thing that I’d missed is the satisfying “clunka-chunka” sounds it makes when you’re typing at jamming speed. The newer keyboard is quieter, which is better when up late at night.
It almost replicates the legendary feel of an IBM Selectric, but without the machine-like click and the slight sense of power vibrating through the pickups. And it’s hollower sounding – the newer keyboard feels more like there’s softer plastic gel under the keys, while this one feels as if there’s actual springs in play under there.
I’m currently evaluating it to decide if it’s worth passing along to a friend in need, whose keyboard may have given up the ghost. It seems to work fine, although it needs a bit of light cleanup. I no longer have the disc for it but the driver and software should be available online.
Shall be doing a bit more blogging today before getting out of the house, just to load test this useful old beast – but I can confidently say that it appears good to go for passing along to my friend. Which means finding a suitable box and uninstalling the cat that is probably sleeping in it.

Dhughan Froobert is a Steampunk resident in Second Life who putters around with prims and takes pictures of same. He occasionally manifests as a small Victorian otter.
- The power of the Internets compels us to eat cookies and get an involuntary mani-pedi. #bethsbrain #
- Failbook: Dr Hastings TSA line woes http://t.co/lrR1s8I #
- MT @TunaOddfellow "looking for sofa space for part of September in Boston area & help packing and moving 1 bedroom into storage." DM Tuna! #
- @TunaOddfellow MT means "modified tweet" apparently. People use it if they have to edit for length. ;D #
- @TunaOddfellow And good luck with your move. I love your art/music/dance/performance events, they make #SecondLife worth second living. #
- RT @poultrykeeper A bet with my Boss. He says Twitter is a waste of time. He will give 50p per RT I get but I give him £10 if I don't get 10 #
- @poultrykeeper Sorry to be so late to the party. Is your boss broke yet? #
- Made it to our destination… ::yawn:: be safe, Eastern Seaboard. #
- Back down to see ill family member, MUCH IMPROVED overnight. Whew. #
- Doctor Who wallpaper… For actual walls. http://t.co/oVCNGgV #
- I am so fashion-retrograde, I make a Red Dwarf pledge drive T-shirt from 1992 look good. 😉 #
- @m_ethaniel What you said. #
- #SecondLife isn't a game. It's… a do-over. A what-if. A million square meters in another being's variously-numbered foot coverings. #
- @danielvoyager If I were a #Lindenforaday in #SecondLife I would return all abandoned inventory over inactive Mainland parcels. Bam! #
- Dear President Obama, please accept @RepJoeWalsh 's invitation to a town hall and teach him some REAL family values. http://j.mp/pKwFII #
- I watched the first 3 seasons of "The Guild" yesterday just to grind levels to greater nerditude. Are you happy now @wilw and @feliciaday?? #
- Lots of good junk at the rummage sale: 6 Canon portable printers? #StNicksKnacks http://t.co/JcX8J6J #
- The Goose and Duck Section #StNicksKnacks #RummageSale http://t.co/4FzBGwQ http://t.co/x0vyj3a #
- More good stuff at http://t.co/lYlYO9S #StNicksKnacks #
- @feliciaday It *was* epic, except for the inappropriate dream later starring Zaboo. #TheGuildn00b #NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO #
- Home. Stopped for ginormous choklit shake from White Castle for internal cooling. Beeg rummage sale a success so far. #
- And now, time to grind levels or whatever catching up on #TheGuild #
- @redwoodr Ewww! KBR cooties. #
- @pbtrue1 Interesting. Is @RepJoeWalsh a cheap-labor conservative AND a deadbeat-dad conservative? #clc http://t.co/TbvELuv #
- Caught up on #TheGuild and now… inworld to make virtual stuff. #SecondLife #
- Holy crap, I'm totally Eurotrash according to #TheGuild so guess I better find a monkey to touch. #
Watch the link for new posts. The hunt starts Sep 1 at midnight, and the merchants are waiting for updated lists of shops, hunt gears (they’re scripted) and so on.
Something is starting to happen, as all the merchants got their gift boxes returned from the private merchant area from the LAST hunt.
Lelani to do: LOTS thanks to RL
Gift: planning on a unisex hat with simple texture changes. Have the base, some lovely textures (many from previous hunts) that will be set to no-transfer.
Extra: Steampunk floating dance gear.
Shop: odds and ends to dress it, the new shop is mostly done.
Need: group inviter, logger, mailbox
PARTY?? When???
Dhughan: woefully behind as always
GIFT: a better walking stick than last time for men/women, OR a nice chair/ottoman with… tea?
Extra: Dhughan’s Unpredictable Brass Ball
Shop: somewhat limited prims. Needs dressing, props, teleport to upper room?
Need: group inviter, logger, simple mailbox
PARTY? Dhughan is much too shy.
- Downgrades for everybody! #
- @TLW3 Will start referring to her as Michele "Crazy Eyes" Bachmann from now on. #
- @isfullofcrap Make mine Donald Duck making the WAK-WAK-WAK face and I'd buy one. #PezPainPillDispensers #
- @isfullofcrap The triple-cytosine people would have a double negative DNA bond rating. Sad. #FunWithScience #
- Will have a dance/fishing party soon to celebrate grand reopening of my #SecondLife store and the Steelhead St Helens redesign. DM/IM me! #
- RT @rodvik "@SecondLie Thanks, come to think of it I dont think I have ever worn sandals IRL" If you had prim toes you could show them off! #
- @rodvik here's a photo of your rocketship AV from SL8B. http://flic.kr/p/9WEP88 #
- @JC_Christian She lifts her lower eyelids rather than her eyebrows. Is it Botox, brainwashing, or her Lizard People heritage? #CrazyEyes #
- RT @JC_Christian "Bachmann once rid a goat of demons with her eyes. Stop calling them "crazy eyes" I bet she does it with LAZER BEEMS! #
- The true story behind the Keep Calm and Carry On meme. One #SecondLife version would be Keep Calm and Relog #KeepCalmSL http://is.gd/olIbTn #
- Keep Calm and Sit Down #KeepCalmSL #
- Keep Calm and Check Audio Preferences #KeepCalmSL #
- Keep Calm and Put Some Pants On, N00b #KeepCalmSL #
- Keep Calm and Remove Scripted Attachments #KeepCalmSL #
- Keep Calm and Carry On As If Hundreds of Giant Penises Were Not There #KeepCalmSL #
- I am so going to Twitterbot Hell for that last one. #SecondLife #KeepCalmSL #
- Keep Calm And Right-Click More/Delete To Remove Box From Your Head #KeepCalmSL #
- Keep Calm and Put Your Hair On #KeepCalmSL #
- Keep Calm and Change Parcel Privacy Settings To Invisible #KeepCalmSL #
- Keep Calm and Buy Feed From The Marketplace #KeepCalmSL #
- As the original story from the UK that inspired this jeu d'hashtag isn't funny, I hope British folks can keep calm and carry on. #UKriots #
- RT @danielvoyager "Official SL Blog: August Update http://t.co/OaXeVPG" OOH, new default AVs including Steampunk! #
- Wow. FauxNews really hates the Fairness Doctrine, and so do their viewers. I just got a glimpse into some serious nasty. #
- RT @revpaperboy "2:46 aka #quakebook is on bookstore shelves now and racking up sales. More at the woodshed http://t.co/a2cX3Nf" #
- @ordinal will you have other holdings inworld? Has "check engine fit for proceeding light" come on? #
- On what grounds would Texas Rep. Burgess, R-Looneyville, impeach Obama? Comment: "Presidenting while black?" http://is.gd/KU3Ffz #
- In training. Tweetio silence until break time. #
- Fashion tips if you attend a @RepJoeWalsh town hall: bring raggedy chilluns for political theater fun! http://is.gd/pGAVZO #
- Wisconsin, vote your conscience… and when you vote, remember the person who taught you to read, and the person who fought fires or crime #
- RT @Darien_Mason @io9: "School bans Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-5, Vonnegut Library gives copies to students for free http://io9.com/5828986/" #
- More background on censorship: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/isabel-kaplan/why-we-should-read-soft-p_b_732861.html #
- @KrisKaine The roof of my shop in St Helens has an excellent view of the mountain, it will be a glorious sight (and BEWM). #SteelheadSL #
- @AnthonyHocken If they pointed the water cannons high overhead and made artificial rain, though? #
- RT @TLEclipse "Mt St Helens 'controlled' eruption to happen this Friday in #SecondLife in Steelhead St Helens. More: http://bit.ly/qp66U6" #
- RT! @lhavenst "Everyone Raise their hand if they think @ordinal is really cool!" #raiseshandtoOrdinalsCoolness #Cower! #
- A friend recently spent an hour cowering in @ordinal 's Grid Crash Protection Box while he tweaked prims in a mesh-test sim. #PrimeOrdinal #
- On the off chance that this tweet may be connected to my FB page, I'll say nothing about an annoying co-worker. #
- On early lunch break from training. This afternoon the VIPs will come around to look at the funny zoo animals and we will perform tricks. #
- The VIPs never showed. So we were released from our cages. #
- Last night's "Big BEWM" volcano was a… blast. #SecondLife #SteelheadSL #
- @KrisKaine That WAS a fun party! http://t.co/hTZUq5U #
- No ER waiting room is wonderful, this one's OK. A family member is ill, hope not life-threatening. People RP this? SRSLY? #RLnotSL #
- Under a glass roof. I'm working on a barrel-roof glass pergola in #SecondLife mine's prettier. #ERtweets #
I’m not thinking about getting more land in Steelhead St Helens! No I’m not! (rather like Queen Mary protesting that she’s not dead yet).
But it’s so pretty. At least before the Big Bewm.
UPDATE: Well, I didn’t get more land in St Helens.
But Dhughan did – he went and bought a pub, saying something about needing a place to relax.
Via the Steelhead Sentinel

Lelani Carver is a Steampunk resident in Second Life who blogs a little about everything, and about nothing of any importance.
I’m really, really starting to enjoy the views on my little chunk of virtual paradise in Second Life: Steelhead St Helens. The reboot/rebuild that TotalLunar Eclipse did is really starting to come together, and new neighbors with pretty new houses and cabins have appeared, along with a horse ranch and some gypsy wagons. The church and sawmill have returned, and it’s all starting to look like… a rural community. It feels like one, too.
Hint: Land is still availablel. IM TotalLunar Eclipse for information.
Following a town meeting at Steelhead more on that later, I met with a few of the locals, human and otherwise. One of the elvenfolk, a TotalLunar Eclipse, told me his partner Tensai Hilra planned to do a controlled explosion at the nearby Mt. St. Helens, in order to prevent or postpone a much larger eruption predicted at a later date. However, he suggested there might be alterior motivations, "I think people just want a boom."
via Second Life Newser: Mt. St. Helens to Blow this Friday, Says Steelhead Scientist.
It was great to see this news item in my feed today – I’ve been happily building my new shop and it’s almost ready, PLUS the rooftop deck has a great view of Spirit Lake and Mt St Helens. So all my friends and acquaintances and spambots are invited to drop by, and I’ll give you a FREE commemorative hat.
Also possibly an umbrella to keep the ash off your shoulders.
I’ve managed to get the one-prim vendor working, finally, that had been giving me problems, so there’s actually stuff to buy too. Also, I’ve got one of Clover’s Kitchen vendors out as well (need to look over the products in the others – maybe the food and drink one too).
Dhughan has been busy, too, and hopes to have something to give out as well at his new shop in Shanghai. More on that from him later.
I’ll have some photos to upload and share here, too. Lots has been going on, lots of new neighbors in St Helens, lots of fun changes, and just a little cowering.