- Shhhhhhh. @bobbyllew Is sleepin' #
- Signed up as a #STEAM5 merchant again, completely revamped shop in works. Am I INSANE? Yes. #SecondLife #
- @AbelUndercity You'll never duckwalk alone! It'll get more insane just before deadline, too. #
- RT @SecondLie "Dear Linden Lab, When you eventually ban me, please be careful and don't ban SecondLife by mistake. Thank you, @SecondLie" #
- Will be buying and planting trees. This is not that difficult in #SecondLife #SteelheadSL #
- @LindaKellie Wow, thank you! Wish I'd seen your sculpted stairs yesterday, but will try make pretty things. #
- Severe thunderstorm in my area with a brownout. No #SecondLife for me tonight. #
- I've been excommunicated again, darn it. 😉 #
- RT @m_ethaniel "RT @Satur9: If yr profile says "Social Media Consultant"? Fuck that, U're blocked. i'll not B monetized." #ohhellyeah #
- @SecondLie What must I do to earn forgiveness, Your Bagness? Short of sacrificing cute lil scripted pets? #
- @m_ethaniel Yeah. #
- @KatharineBerry I thought AjaxLife was for the smartest Residents 😉 #
- RT @SecondLife "Get great fashions at 50% off & help support a fellow #SL user in a RL time of need: http://bit.ly/qEz2eK #shopforbeth quot; #
- @bobbyllew Wish I could buy you the tipple of your choice as compensation for the inevitable "groinal attachement" jokes. #BADWASPSNONO #
- @BlissKaine Wonder if James May was flying his hybrid caravan-zeppelin around again? #
- @bobbyllew So sorry about the pain. My mom's herbal remedy was a plantain weed (aka dockweed) poultice for stings. #
- THIS, from 1955: http://www.theamericanscholar.org/the-pseudo-conservative-revolt/ #
- RT @Stratacomm "@MAlexJohnson #VaTech campus paper is locked out of offices but covering story http://aj.vg/qOQ6bW Staff editor @lianabayne #
- Follow @CollegiateTimes updates: possible #vatech gunman reported. No sighting since 1st report, campus locked down. http://is.gd/y2Mgjm #
- Stumbled across a 1955 article about "pseudoconservatism," an interesting read. http://is.gd/GIJWbA #
- @feliciaday Interesting psych article, also enjoyed Forbes piece. We wear the same headphones, which voice mod (if any) do you use? #
- I rarely use voice, but my male alt likes the "Space Squirrel" voice mod on the big honkin headphones I bought. #SLVoice #
- @StopBeck The Stung #RecessionFilms #
- The Good, The Bad, And The Unemployed #RecessionFilms #
- Goldflinger #RecessionFilms #
- The Man With The Golden Credit Default Swap #RecessionFilms #
- Signs will be going up for #STEAM5 hunt at my #SecondLife shops today!! #
- My associate Dhughan Froobert has rented a bigger storefront in Steelhead Shanghai for the duration of #STEAM5 #
- RT @isfullofcrap "To The Linden Home Born #SLTVShows quot; Love BritSLcoms myself… #
- The Ahernian #SLTVshows #
- Gunparticlesemitter #SLTVShows #
- The Wild, Wild West of Ireland #SLTVShows #
- Hawaii 5.0.01 rev 2 #SLTVShows #
- Have Gun, Will Teleport #SLTVShows #
- Stargate: C/M/T #SLTVShows #
- Gilligan's Private Island #SLTVShows #
- Beverly Primbillies #SLTVShows #
- @HolocluckHenly Obviously. He's not a BLUE tit. The red ones taste bad. #
- @bobbyllew Very lively comments, and I'm stealing your line "I rest my wet liberal case." I like TG but hope Tesla wins. #
- @SecondLife White Sculpty Collar #SLTVShows #
- File under #WilliamShatnerWTF – just saw ad on TV for a local lawyer, starring William Shatner, on Chicago's WGN. #
- Burn2 Notice #SLTVShows #
- @isfullofcrap what about Poppycock?? Which part is the poppy, and which is the..? #
- Linden Place #SLTVShows #
- Zindra Vice #SLTVShows #
- 20,000 Meters Under The Linden Water #SLTVShows #
- My So-Called Second Life (not original but it had to be done) #SLTVShows #
- Lost In Teleport #SLTVShows #
- The Flying Catnun (It's a spinoff of Doctor Flew) #SLTVShows #
- @m_ethaniel Scans better as Caledonia though. #
- Two And A Half Avatars #SLTVShows #
- Unreal Housewives #SLTVShows (just saw an ad on the lunchroom TV, I swear!! 😉 #
- SLebrity Re-Hub #SLTVShows #
- Hunny West #SLTVShows #
- F1 Troop #SLTVShows #
- Yeah, I probably watched too much TV then and spend too much time inworld now. zFirefly "I aim to misbehave" #SLTVShows #
- @RaglanShire Good one! #highpaws #
- RT @RaglanShire "Jersey Shire #SLTVshows quot; @SecondLife #
- @SecondLife Rotate This House! #SLTVshows #
- Another BritSLcom fave: CTRL-C Cats #SLTVshows #
- Whose Linenumber Is It, Anyway? #SLTVshows #
- Bottom Gear (V2 edition) #SLTVshows #
- Tales From The Golden Prim #SLTVshows #
- The Mighty Duckwalks #SLTVshows #
- The ASDW Team #SLTVshows #
- S.P.L.A.T. (great theme song: da-da-DA, da-da-DAA…) #SLTVshows #
- Dancing With The FIC #SLTVshows #
- Name That Stream #SLTVshows #
- Trading Parcels #SLTVshows #
- The Blingees #SLTVshows "Hey, hey, we're the Blingees!" #
- RT @RaglanShire "Ctrl+Shift+H-ward Bound #SLTVshows quot; #
- RT @rivenhomewood "An elf on every plot! [no, that doesn't sound quite right somehow….] #steelheadcampaignslogans quot; #
- HOO! #steelheadcampaignslogans #
- Tippy Canoes And Airships Too! #steelheadcampaignslogans #
- Get A Head In Second Life #steelheadcampaignslogans #
- RT @InaraPey "Meshbusters #SLTVShows quot; #
- RT @InaraPey "Yes, Prim Minister #SLTVShows quot; #
- Prim Suspect #SLTVShows #
- Stargate: SLUniverse #SLTVShows #
- Yes,@redwoodr STEAM 5 starts Sep 1 at midnight. #
Courtesy of a Twitter avatar image toy, another way to present myself as a completely unfocused cloud of color.
Sorry, dear theoretical reader, I haven’t been blogging or even socializing much lately. But I have been building, and I’ve cut back on mainland holdings in favor of a nice big riverside parcel in Steelhead St Helens, which will soon hold a rebuilt store and a rededicated “plank house” that will be part an old fishing camp, with more cultural items and historical photos on display.
I’ve signed on for STEAM 5 and so has Dhughan, who has taken a bigger shop in Steelhead that will offer more shopping and roleplay opportunities. He’s not sure if he will keep it after the Hunt concludes, as it’s in a sketchy if colorful area.
He found a head in a bucket in the nearly empty shopfront, and the pigeon on the roof keeps exploding. Must be something in the water.
We’ll be working on products and props and knick-knacks but will be socializing as well. The Town Hall meeting tonight should be interesting as Mr Lunar will no doubt report on the redesign of St Helens, which is now beautifully forested and includes a memorial to the victims of the modern-day eruption of the real Mt St Helens (real? Yes).
- @ireallyhatetea perhaps @RepJoeWalsh senses he'll need a paid gig if he can't win reelection in his new district, IL-14 #
- @MissMoodybear Utlikilts… yes please! #
- With enforced down time due to virus on Friday, thought a lot about my shop/home build in #SecondLife #
- Inspiration for new shop design in #SteelheadSL St Helens: the Denny Regrade in Seattle. http://rogue-publishing.com/McAllaster.html #
- @Thom_Hartmann Could you fact-check my Congressman @RepJoeWalsh ? He tweets GOP talking points constantly. #
- .@IndigoMertel @danielvoyager There is also a mesh test area in Steelhead Port Harbor, contact @TLEclipse for details. #
- @TalkieToaster2 Argh. There goes my attention-seeking Congressman again, spewing his talking points and not getting fact-checked. #
- @DarrellIssa People who know better than you disagree too – ever heard of Paul Krugman? You should read his column. Raise the debt limit. #
- @DarrellIssa Solution: end Bush tax cuts, end Bush wars, end Bush concessions to your corporate overlords. Done. #
- RT @TLW3 "FB Flash Mob: Melt the phones – Boehner, Cantor, Reid, McConnell http://is.gd/ZtUFj4 #p2 #p21 #dems #tcot" #
- @TLEclipse Figures. #
- @TheNewDeal Obama Not a Socialist Marxist Communist or Even a Progressive. He's a Compassionate Capitalist. Republicans are Extremists #p2 #
- Sorry, probably pruned that RT a little too much. #
- RT @SOLDIER1 "We should have a #taxtherich rally at congressmen's office #fuckyouwashington quot; #
- "it is immoral and bad economics to balance the budget on the backs of the weak and vulnerable. The Republicans must compromise." #goBernie #
- RT @SenatorSanders "Sen. Sanders issued the following statement after President Barack Obama's speech last night: http://t.co/aQWYi8Y" #
- @RepJoeWalsh Please do the right thing and vote to #raisethedebtlimit as GOP did so many times for budget busters Reagan and Bush. #
- Please RT @GinnyRED57 "Write your rep! https://writerep.house.gov/writerep/welcome.shtml" #
- @lizzwinstead I would gladly pay more taxes for a better America and an educated electorate. #
- RT @USRealityCheck "Olbermann Names Beck "Worst Person" For Likening NorwayYouth Camp To "Hitler Youth": http://bit.ly/nQ4IOu clip #USRC quot; #
- @m_ethaniel Sounds wonderful, glad you enjoyed yourselves. Say hi to Arch… #
- @MoodyLoner NO BUNNIES, and besides which how many houses has Bush built for poor people? #CarterNotThatBadReally #wink #
- @m_ethaniel When is next Adventure Day? #
- @m_ethaniel Rats, too early, wont be home until after 5pm SLT, after 3pm SLT tomorrow #
- Plz RT Correction Please call @RepJoeWalsh at 202-225-3711 or 847-973-9341 #raisethedebtlimit #IL-8 #
- @m_ethaniel By the way, noon SLT for me would be about 2 hours before I leave work. 😉 #
- Guess who voted to increase debt? Boehner, Cantor, Ryan. http://crooksandliars.com/john-amato/bloomberg-reports-boehner-and-republica #
- You know, if Bush is to blame, why not say so? Oh, right, 9/11. #
- @m_ethaniel Tomorrow? I hazta run the RL cat to the vet today (meowing all the way meowmeowmeow) #
- @RepJoeWalsh What? Reagan was hoodwinked by the Dems? LOL are you admitting the Teflon President was impaired while in office? #
- @RepJoeWalsh Are we conversing? I may be a #SecondLife AV, but you ignore my #FirstLife tweets too. #
- @RepJoeWalsh Fine, I'll leave critical comments on Facebook as long as you promise not to delete them. #pipedream #
- Has anyone in #IL08 who disagrees with @RepJoeWalsh 's statements ever gotten a response? Anyone? #obligatoryBuellerreference #
- Yet another blood test at the Vet. #
- Yet another blood test at the Vet. #
- @RepJoeWalsh Good enough, thank you for the response. We can disagree agreeably on policy. 😉 #
- @revpaperboy Hilarity ensues, innit? Ran across that earlier. #
- Damn. Olympic skier Speedy Peterson dead by his own hand in Lambs Canyon UT, a vacation area near Park City http://is.gd/tlz0iz #
- @danielvoyager I tried to get Prim Emboss to work before but clearly I was #doinitworng #
- @razalane There's a nifty plugin to add a "send to Flickr" button to Picasa out there… #
- That's it. Unfollowing all the GOPers from this account, which is for #SecondLife #fasteasyfun stuff. If they wreck the economy… #
- Wonder if @ordinal might offer a economy crash protection box? #SecondLife #
- @ordinal If only your box could protect the US economy from a threatened crash, in spite of a few servile Congressmen with issues. 😉 #
- @JeffreyFeldman Putting on & removing makeup 4 teevee appearances is hard work. Pity the poor, pancake-stained Congresspeasants! #
- Lots of changes in Steelhead St Helens in #SecondLife worked on new shop last night. #
- You get what you pay for: an otherwise nifty free builders tool for #SecondLife had textures too low-res to use. #
- Harry Potter/Star Wars actor charged with indecent exposure. The phrase "under cover of a juggler's hat" is classic. http://is.gd/7v1Qal #
- @RepJoeWalsh No, Joe, please just learn to compromise, and vote to increase the debt limit like your hero Reagan did 17 times. #
- And no, Reagan was not "hoodwinked" by the Democrats to increase the debt limit OR increase the national debt. #
- @BlissKaine Thanks for the RT! meanwhile, the redesign of Steelhead St Helens is almost complete. #
I’m throwing in my lot with the Steelhead community – I dumped about half of my mainland holdings in Tintafel and will gradually start living full time in St Helens after TotalLunar Eclipse finishes his big terraforming project.
Finally started work on the big new “Mercantile” shop, on the parcel next door. The original Dry Goods shop will gradually become a “New Curiousities Shop” and have more Northwest Coastal Indian things displayed. Also, I’ll move ahead with the original plan and turn it into a traditional salmon-fishing plot.
Planning on monthly Artdances in the new space too – the roof will be a dance floor.
Not only that, Lunar talked me into another 512 that was kind of stuck behind me in his plan for the re-terrain. So, yeah. Lots of land, double prims.
Needs moar trees, although I finally figured out what was making the weird flickering glow in the shop! Someone long before me left behind a bizarre glowing purple alien willow tree that was buried about 2m below the back corner of the shop. This was what was glowing, but also one of the textures in the back got corrupted, so I replaced the whole building precisely.
Gotta love moving in SL, wish real-life moves were that easy.
Need to check in with Petal’s aunt and see if there’s an adventure on this week or next. I have a meeting or two tomorrow but Bug should be able to run around later. Need to get some decent things for that girl.
Steelhead St Helens Aurora, originally uploaded by Lelani Carver.
- Worked, finally, on #makingstuffs after a long dry spell. Made some simple pet beds for virtual kitties (or doggies or Meeroos). #SecondLife #
- Just listed at #SLMarketplace Round Pet Bed White "6 Point" Blanket fits pets and tinies. Because pets gotta sleep! http://t.co/DjsxLAo #
- Slowly getting out of creative rut. May make a framed version of this for my workshop. It's Ira Glass' thing. http://moby.to/hahloo #
- @hbahimself Big I R Weasel! fan here. #
- RT @BlissKaine Prims and other items lose creator name: http://bit.ly/pBKyCe #RT by BK LC #
- Wow, that's the most annoyingly loud ring tone evar. #
- Must be time to boost the pageview stats over at a well-known #SL "news" page again. Not feedin' it. #
- @m_ethaniel Nice. And I saw the "Trixie ate dark chocolate" cell phone PSA yet again. It was funny ONCE. #
- @TunaOddfellow Tuna! Yipes, so sorry. #
- Sorry, can't make tee pee time. At my Doc's, who'll probably chide me about something or other. #
- RT @rivenhomewood @rosannecash: Nixon, 9x. Ford, 5x. Reagan, 17x. H.W. Bush, 9x. W. Bush, 7x. Clinton, 4x. Obama, 3x. #RaisingTheDebtCeiling #
- @RepJoeWalsh Remember how many times Reagan raised the debt limit? 17 times. Clinton left a SURPLUS. #
- @RepJoeWalsh we have too much debt because of too much war! #
- @m_ethaniel Its a promo with a young couple in the rain with someone else's whispered dialogue – a "don't talk in the movie" PSA. #
- For "don't ruin the movie PSAs I prefer the Muppets' "Don't Forget to Watch The Movie." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wtnik1rb60I #
- @RepJoeWalsh where do we show our LACK of support on your Facebook page? What if we DON'T LIKE the #dogandponyshow ? #
- @RepJoeWalsh You should read Paul Krugman and maybe avoid making a #crazy mistake. http://is.gd/fe4q7w #
- @RepJoeWalsh No, no, no. You are mistaken, sir. Put down that teapot. #wakeupandsmellthecoffee #
- Crazy. Just sayin. So is anything that smacks of rolling back the country to pre-Obama defaults: because that worked out SO WELL before? #
- I still WANT PIE post #hackgate #
- Hi, @tammyduckworth and welcome to Twitter. Thanks for the nice card! #
- @TLEclipse Ha! Was awakened by cat and started thinking about Steelhead. #
- @TLEclipse Have you read Boneshaker? Interesting concept but frustrating read. #
- @TLEclipse Remember years ago the lake on a volcano that belched toxic gas? Eeep. #
- See, I knew that Mendelian doodle was a sekrit messij to the #SecondLife breedables scripters. #
- @donttrythis @wilw For FSM's sake remember your fans in the sweltering Midwest and… throw us a bone? #chiw00t11 plz plzplz? #
- I need to add all my #Steelhead community neighbors and friends and add them to a list. #
- Might take a #SecondLife sailing lesson, would like to putter around #Steelhead #039;s harbor. #
- I'm moving to Steelhead St Helens in #SecondLife a beautiful community with only a slight volcano problem. #
- @rivenhomewood Grizzy's was where I learned to dance back in my prim salad days. #
- I need to add all my #Steelhead community neighbors and friends and add them to a list. #
- @GeorgeTakei They should have given you a ride. You were there for the Enterprise rollout years ago, right? #
- RT @JeffreyFeldman "If we just end Medicare/SS, then grind up the poor/elderly into fertilizer, we can pay the debt AND have vibrant lawns." #
- @JeffreyFeldman Tell that one to @RepJoeWalsh and see if he smirks on camera. #
- Starting to upload lots of pictures of events and sights and people in the virtual community of #SteelheadSL @TLEclipse #
- Upload to Flickr: Succeeded! Scenes from #SteelheadSL Needs people tags though. http://is.gd/X8dyi3 #
- @MoodyLoner Congratulations!! So glad. #
- @rivenhomewood I get these ex-military guys on the phone a lot at work. They're all about the "yes ma'am, no ma'am." Nice guys. #
- @MoodyLoner PARTay!! #
- @SecondLie Don't mesh with the Furries, bagman, they gots teef! #
- @rivenhomewood Sounds interesting, will you do a presentation when you get back? #
- @AbelUndercity Exactly. It's just so ingrained – the guys I talk to won't unbend, "correct" behavior is all they give us on the phone. #
- @rivenhomewood You said you were going to #SLCC correct? #
- @MickeyETC Really? Hey!! Hey SEO people! I'm a cartoon! A fake person! Nothing to market here! #
- @malburns Clicked on a link you shared via your news page and immediately got a nasty virus popup. #
- @malburns It was the link for "5 grid design mistakes." Main desktop shut down, will do virus sweep. ;( #
- @radioriel Do you have an iPhone or iPad app? Some but not all of your streams are on my current tuner apps. #
- @AbelUndercity Agreed, in contemporary civilian culture being called "ma'am" means a woman is MUCH older. Comedy ensues! #
- @MickeyETC Hilarious unintended consequence, I was immediately followed by another ess eee ooo pro. Oopie. 😉 #
- Trying to find @radioriel Reverie stream, I have their other streams on Radiobox and Radio+, will try Tuner next. #
- @AbelUndercity @rivenhomewood re Allen West – would calling a woman #unladylike be like declaring her an unperson? Or an unfriendly? #
- Had Tuner app on iPad, now have it on iPhone with all @radioriel streams bookmarked. Faves are Reverie and Steampunk. #
- @rivenhomewood Listened to a BBC Radio/PRI stream with a live call in with people from Oslo who were first on scene there. #
- @m_ethaniel Heh. According to all my spammy followers, iPads were free. #
- @donttrythis Have fun stormin' the castle. #
- The GOP wingnuts and teatards in Congress are so busy appearing on the teevee and the radio they can't get any WORK DONE. #p2 #
- @MickeyETC Be vewwy vewwy quiet. I'm hunting spammits. #
- Updated my Flickr set for #SteelheadSL more to come. http://j.mp/ovEvqD #
- Recently listed at Second Life Marketplace – @LC@Flight Assist Steampunk Top Hat http://t.co/6HENyuq #
- Also listed: simple rustiic Round Pet Beds. Red Mt Rainier Trade Blanket #SLMarketplace http://t.co/48CXeTx #
- @fallingrock @donttrythis Dude! That was fast! Did you have location turned on? #adamincognito #FAIL #
- @m_ethaniel Aha… Any cheaper alternatives to the Bamboo? Especially as you might recoup? #
- If Breivik's link to Pam Geller is real, LGF's Charles Johnson is now a "vicious, depraved" leftist. http://is.gd/uqnM0C #
- @ElrikMerlin Thanks, got everything in Tuner app instead, listened all day via iPhone-dock radio thing. #
- Cripes, not another #tstorm I'm going back to bed. Will be inworld in #SecondLife only intermittently. Trying out Firestorm later. #
- @janakyomoon So sorry, appears not. #amywinehouse #
It’s ridiculous of me to be so chuffed about the birth of “yet another rather ordinary kitten,” but this one has some traits that I find endearing:
IM: KittyCatS Box – New Born Kitten:
New Born KittenFur: American Shorthair – Red Tabby
Eyes: Genesis Meadow (Shape: Curious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Genesis
Ears: GenesisVersion: 1.07
Owner: Dhughan Froobert〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓
MOM: Minnie
Happy Birthday – SL8B
Fur: Genesis – Smokey
Eyes: Genesis Meadow (Shape: Curious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Genesis
Ears: GenesisDAD: Dash
Happy Birthday – SL8B
Fur: Genesis – Domino
Eyes: Genesis Meadow (Shape: Curious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Genesis
Ears: Genesis
[10:22 AM] IM: KittyCatS Box – New Born Kitten: Type a Name for your Nest…
[10:22 AM] Dhughan Froobert: Studebaker
[10:22 AM] IM: KittyCatS Box – Studebaker: I’m now called Studebaker!
Yes, yes, in the world of KittyCatS breeders, not really a “keeper,” except as a pet – but I happen to be extremely fond of red tabbies and in fact a RL kitty in my typists household was one such. He lived to be a great age – 18 or 19 years – and so whatever gender this kitten turns out to be, it shall carry on the name of Studebaker proudly.
The plan that Miss Lelani currently has is to offer kittens up for adoption in the old shop in Steelhead St Helens, and also to sell items such as pet beds and nice china dishes, into which the food bowls sold by the KittyCatS store would slip.
Miss Lelani was quite inspired yesterday and made 6 or 7 simple, two-prim pet beds after finally breaking down and buying some sculpt maps that had inspired her when she first saw them several months ago. She has tried to make sense of Blender on her own and has been making progress, but realized that she was being held hostage by her own frustration with the program.
In the meantime, I shall also be offering some nice gentlemen’s pet furnishings, which will go with some of the club chairs and settees that I shall be making shortly.
We now have a total of 4 kittens, as we had purchased 2 of the Relay for Life packs (not being able to commit to walking the track with the Steelhead Salmons team, we also donated funds through the municipal kiosks). The KittyCatS people are quite savvy about their newest kitten packs, which will be out for sale tomorrow. However, we shall muddle along with Dash and Minnie, and the new kitties yet to be named, and see if there is any interest in Steelhead in pet-quality adoptions in the meantime.
But not for Studebaker, at least; we shall build up some breeding stock to at least have some interesting traits – an orange tabby will make an admirable shop cat, however!
In the meantime, here is a peek at one of the pet beds that shall shortly be available for purchase:
There are a few minor caveats. It fits most pets, so only very, very small dragons and recently born foals. It should fit most dogs and cats unless you’re breeding at a monstrous scale. It could work as a tiny bed with the right animations added. Currently there are no animations, but it can be set as the home point for pets.
We shall enjoy offering this to the rusticated pet-owning community in Steelhead and beyond. I may even take a whack at putting together a smart-looking Chinese or Asian version.

Dhughan Froobert is a Steampunk resident in Second Life who putters around with prims and takes pictures of same. He occasionally manifests as a small Victorian otter.
- @TunaOddfellow Glad to see you're tweeting #
- @TunaOddfellow Shall think colorfully patterned thoughts for you both, then. #
- @hbahimself Attaburro! Keep at it, I sorted thousands of RL photos by trip or event after an upgrade, tedious but worth it. #
- @TunaOddfellow Art is life, thanks for the reminder. http://moby.to/2hhtor #
- Happy chance: the Artisan app for iPad is on sale for 99¢ (a fun paint/sketch tool) #
- @m_ethaniel Looks like FUN! I did a tiny bit of that years ago in the distant duchy of Madrone. #
- News Corp "Criminal Enterprise?" I think Paul Krugman got it in one. http://is.gd/rdUwN6 #
- Attention Draco fans in IL: RT @TribLocalHMac "Harry Potter star Tom Felton" in Woodridge and Naperville http://trib.lc/mPwXIX #TribLocal #
- Rather than calling it "raising taxes" how about calling it "restoring taxes" to their non-delusional levels? #
- @RoisinSL Thanks, it seems a lot of policies dating from the "we make our own reality" era need to be rooted out. #
- . @RepJoeWalsh I don't support your policies or share your concerns, yet I am a constituent. How can you possibly represent my interests? #
- Oh yes, Bush and Cheney were war criminals. But investigate imaginary "liberal thugs" if you must. http://is.gd/keN0tj #
- @m_ethaniel Still have peasant garb in case we feel like hitting Bristol Faire this season. #
- @redwoodr Heh! I recently had to log in as me and an alt in order to parter our kitties. Very weird… #
- "Parter" and "partner": so close in spelling, so far apart in meaning. #
- @redwoodr Careful, or she'll have you charged with altal neglect! #
- @RepJoeWalsh Don't you mean "restore tax rates to historic levels?" #
- Er, @RepJoeWalsh How big was that multi-trillion debt on January 19, 2000? Oops! It was a surplus, and then Bush, 9/11, banksters, and war. #
- Words of encouragement from Ira Glass to creatives: http://m.mymodernmet.com/profiles/blogs/great-advice-for-creatives #
As a new virtual kitty uncle, I’m sure that these stats are dreadfully ordinary to most KittyCatS breeders, but it IS a milestone; the first kitten born to my Minnie. I shall name it Primkin, as it’s the first, it’s made of prims, it’s small, and it’s kin (the gender isn’t known until the box is unpacked, or “birthed”).
The proud parents are snoozing in the background.
I thought something might happen yesterday when Dash reached “100% Love,” while Minnie had reached the middle 90’s. She was having feeding issues of some kind a few days ago, fixed by taking her and her dishes back into inventory, re-rezzing the dishes first and then Minnie. I’ve been holding her a lot, and Miss Lelani was holding Dash a lot
[09:34 AM] IM: KittyCatS Box – Primkin: I’m now called Primkin!
[09:34 AM] IM: KittyCatS Box – Primkin:
PrimkinFur: Genesis – Domino
Eyes: Genesis Meadow (Shape: Mysterious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Genesis
Ears: GenesisVersion: 1.07
Owner: Dhughan FroobertMOM: Minnie
Happy Birthday – SL8B
Fur: Genesis – Smokey
Eyes: Genesis Meadow (Shape: Curious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Genesis
Ears: GenesisDAD: Dash
Happy Birthday – SL8B
Fur: Genesis – Domino
Eyes: Genesis Meadow (Shape: Curious | Pupil: Big)
Shade: Natural
Tail: Genesis
Ears: Genesis
Even unpacked, there’s a couple of interesting little details there – the “ordinary” Genesis Smokey fur appears to be recessive compared to the extremely common Genesis Domino fur. And the kitten has “Mysterious” shape eyes, while both parents have “Curious” pupils, which must be recessives that didn’t happen to both occur in this offspring.
I shan’t bother to announce this in the KittyCatS group chat, as the others seem to only post birthing stats that are worth crowing about – kittens with rare or desireable traits. It’s rather sad to think of all the little kitties that get “sent to the Menagerie” for in-store credits just because they weren’t special enough, but I’m sure breeders who’re birthing something daily or more often (ye Gads, the primmage and feed they must tear through) have no such qualms.
Apparently there’s some in the community that think that second-generation kittens carry hidden traits, so that it’s not necessarily a bad thing to keep breeding them, adding other hidden traits from other lines where possible. So I shall keep this one, and perhaps later breed it to the RFL kittenbox Miss Lelani purchased, and see what happens. Apparently, the SL8B special kitties carried some of the interesting new traits, so it’s possible some interesting combinations could come with a little scientific breeding, following Mendelian genetic principles. A remark passed in chat leads me to think that recessive traits might happen on a fourth kitten from the same pairing. In the so-called “real world” recessive genes are often thought to have a 1-in-4 chance of being expressed when parents who both carry the trait reproduce. As the genes the kitties carry are, well, mathematical formulae in scripts, basically, perhaps with some sort of randomizing modifier, I wonder if the expression of a desireable recessive trait might always be seen on kittens that are fourth-borns, or perhaps with some multiple of 4 in generations, or some such arithmetical confabulation.
It’s interesting to speculate, but I very much doubt that I or Miss Lelani (or even Bug) shall carry on with any kind of systematic breeding program. It’s just so very distracting from one’s other activities, be they building, learning, conversing, listening to music, or taking care of business.
However, its’ also a great deal of fun watching their antics. Dash is very active and playful, while Minnie is a bit more sedate (yet literally pushy). Something not quite right with my funny little girl, but her little sayings are amusing.
After a recent update, both she and Dash began sleeping on their backs, so very quaint!
I have just added a batch of photos to Flickr with the kitties, which have been added to a set of their own. The best of them:
I have also uploaded photos from a “road trip” I took Friday night in the excellent Xentricity H8 Monowheel/flying contraption by Nix Sands (whose other wares are on Marketplace). I was inspired by the Adventures that Little Bug’s friends have been having to travel the roads of the Mainland (or of our continent, at least). Shall write up my “adventures” later, but you can get an idea of the goings-on if you should browse the pictures at Miss Lelani’s Flickr page (we share it).
This seems like a good starting point for Bug, who needs to mess with the sliders a bit to make herself look more… like the little red-headed tomboy she’s supposed to be.
The bulk of what I’m posting below is my own re-phrasing of a guide posted on the official forums by Penny Patton. The forums have a habit of disappearing or getting buried, so I wanted to make a blog post with the same general advice. I know, only in SL would anyone consider a blog to have more viability of lasting than the actual official forum…Apart from the issue of proper height in Second Life, over which there is oddly no agreement… most avatars in Second Life have grossly improper proportions.Proportions are not something you can really debate – you’ve either got them right or you’ve got them wrong and its basic anatomical science over which you have.
via Getting good Body Proportions in Second Life « Pussycat Catnap’s thoughts.
She will also be looking at making some simple prim hair from a script, and if she needs to resize it will be looking to avoid the “resize script in every prim” mistake by using a good quality linkset resizer, such as this one found at the Marketplace that was placed as a community service by Pussycat Catnap.
I was at a class at Builder’s Brewery yesterday, making a nice little garden pond for the front of the new house area, and there was a call for people to not only check their ARC (avatar rendering cost) to reduce lag, but to check the number of active scripts their wearables contained. Someone rezzed a nifty signboard and gave it out that showed people BY NAME and the number of scripts they were running. One male AV, who was apparently helping to run the class by sitting on one of the “male sit” pose balls as a demonstrator of the project, had an ARC of more than 8500!! And he was shirtless, shoeless, and not wearing visible jewelry! How is that even possible unless he was wearing nano-particle scripted nose hairs and unseen weapons HUDS??
It’s Sunday, let’s go to church: Constable’s “Salisbury Cathedral from the Bishop’s Garden” is massively improved by these Star Destroyers, no?
Yes. Of course.
This would be quite easy to accomplish in Second Life, as star destroyers are actually more common than cathedrals there.
As an occasional churchgoing man, it might be amusing to turn up for Morning Prayer at the Anglican Cathedral wearing the new “steam punk Zeppelin” new-player avatar.
In unrelated news: my KittyCats pet Minnie has informed me that she had her first kittenbox! Miss Lelani and I have been quite distracted with the creatures (her pet is called Dash) and hope not to become too obsessed. They are quite amusing, and now that the kitten has been born we shall move the cats into our larger parcel into temporary digs, as we prepare to tear down the original shop in Tintafel and remake it as a sort of walled garden with shopping opportunities.
She is also building a new home from scratch as the current building we’ll be sharing with the kitties is dreadfully primmy, though extremely well made. She is challenging herself to use clever texturing and prim-torture tricks to make a home combining style elements from the American Southwest, Steampunk, and a few others thrown in as a kind of low-prim pastiche.
I have been toying with a STEAM hunt gift skybox, but it’s constricted from megaprims and does odd things to the camera and not suitable as a workshop. I have another that might work better; after driving out Route 8 in my H8 mono wheel from Xentricity (O excellent craft, that both drives AND flies) I flew back to the “overhead” workspace, and realized it’s quite boring from the air.
Meanwhile there’s that young scamp Miss Bugginia slacking off and skiving off with her friends. Things are getting complicated.
Think I shall toddle off to services. As a Zeppelin.
via Cathedral with Star Destroyers – Boing Boing.

Dhughan Froobert is a Steampunk resident in Second Life who putters around with prims and takes pictures of same. He occasionally manifests as a small Victorian otter.