- @MoodyLoner Those damn fascist house gremlins! #
- @hbahimself I've got Picasa pretty organized, sorted everything into folders based on subject: trips taken, events, #SL groups, etc. #
- @hbahimself However I also use a Picasa2Flickr widget to make uploading to Flickr pretty painless! #
- Made a neko tail last night at KittyCatS in a class taught by Myrddin Janus. Evangelize the shoppers! Go forth and build! #SecondLife #
- @hbahimself Ah, but you can organize them in Picasa, and batch upload to Flickr with a plugin: http://is.gd/T6Qxz5 #
- @hbahimself Editing in Picasa is possible, though I use GIMP for anything more than crop and simple effects #
- Just listed NEW item on #SLMarketplace Steampunk Flight Assist Topper. Make flying high FUN! http://t.co/Gy1f1IJ via @AddThis #
- I feel like singing "At Last," I had almost forgotten how to do product images and list something on #SLMarketplace #
- @jacksonstbooks That was a fun one! #
- Rats, my blog is down. It needs a happeh pill. #
- @SecondLife @torley Will social co-posting to self-hosted WordPress blogs be possible? My blog lives in the basement…not WordPress.org #
- @ThriftyinWhite You'll be fine – go in through the Caledon Oxbridge University gateway via Search at the end, it's a safe friendly place. #
- If you're going to be a disgusting perv in group chat, it's probably best NOT to put a picture of yourself on the Real Life tab. #
- @ThriftyinWhite I dabble in business, but you should talk to one of the big names, search SL Marketplace for clothing, housewares, or pets. #
- @ThriftyinWhite Follow some of the AVs I follow, like @blakopal or @torley or @taterunino… #
- @rodvik Sparkle pony? DO WANT although lately Im obsessed with SL8B KittyCatS #
- @ThriftyinWhite #SecondLife weddings are big business… and there's virtual dumpster diving too. Myrddin Janus has the BEST stuff in his. #
- RT @HolocluckHenly "RT @RelayForLife_SL: A new record! US$274,118 raised by #RelayForLife of #SecondLife http://j.mp/qfcrkE #
- RT @malburns "The mesmerizing beauty of Second Life: Filmed entirely at the Spencer Museum of Art Sim in Second Life. http://bit.ly/pEwykJ" #
- @SecondLie NOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooo! You're too young to de-rezz! xD #
- RT @AbelUndercity #SecondLife ers do business, buy goods, and interact (with) these names @google. How is that not marketable? #googleplus #
- Unsure if will be inworld tonight, spouse wants to go "somewhere not in the house." Whut? #
- @isfullofcrap @LilithHeart Well, there's your problem. #
- Guess I'd better start from scratch with Blender, have forgotten EVERYTHING and got totally frustrated in class last night. #
- Heh. I finally discovered where the Windlight presets are in Imprudence. #SL #latetothepartyasusual #
- Once #SecondLife #RelayforLife ends, #endswampass begins. @NathanFillion, I recommend @SecondLie as bagman. http://j.mp/oSzC9K #
- Sometimes I'm building badly aligned, horribly textured plywood boxes all day and half the night. Help me, help #endswampass #
- When I go for a drive on Route 8 in #SecondLife I just abandon the car at the sim crossing and rezz a new one. Help me, help #endswampass #
- Just one more freebie. Just one more freebie. Just one more #SecondLife freebie hunt and I'll "go outside." Help me, help #endswampass #
- If I tried on every outfit in my #SecondLife inventory, I'd be changing clothes continuously for a week. Help me, help #endswampass #
- My AV pic says "hot urban vampire chick magnet." My RL pic says "silverback seeks furtive cybersex." help me, help #endswampass #
Have fun flying around your favorite Second Life locations in the Steamlands or anywhere with this Flight Assist Topper. In an antique Western medicine-show style, with flexi feathers and rotating, golden gears. Haida Indian sunburst detail on the gears; now you can visit Steelhead or one of the other Western themed Steampunk sims in style.This hat was originally a gift in the STEAM 4 hunt but this version gives 2 hats: one with a resize script, and one with the flight script. If you must resize, be sure to delete the script, and then you can add the flight script if you wish included.
via Second Life Marketplace – @LC@Chameleonic Haida Flight Assist Topper boxed c/m/nt.
Took me long enough; I had struggle to get a workflow going again after so long (took a long break from making new stuff after STEAM 4 kinda took the starch out of me).
Now that I’ve finally got a product listed, I may go ahead and list another new one: a lamppost that I was working on earlier that came out pretty well. I may add a flower basket to it first, though.
But I had a fun product, all ready to go – and I knew my friends liked it, because they would be wearing it when I happened to show up at Cafe Wellstone events (it’s always fun seeing someone enjoying something you made). All I had to do was refrain from endlessly sorting inventory, sorting textures into the ETO organizer, playing with my scripted cat, or going to yet another class whose lessons I wouldn’t necessarily retain, since I wasn’t actually DOING anything.
I feel like Tom Hanks in Swept Away: “I… HAVE MADE A HAT YOU CAN FLY HIGH WITH.”
Now that that’s done, I have a few more items I made recently for classes that are worth another look, and I just rezzed a new house that I’ve been modifying. I was going to build another pueblo house from scratch, but bigger… and then I found a good value on a nicely detailed house for only $L99.
I’ve moved the front walls forward to give it more room, but unfortunately the base was a megaprim (already textured and everything) which I messed up when I tried to resize it.
So since I’ve recently taken a class in adding “wall shadows” and then floor textures to a floor plan, I’ll try to work out where the textures will be for one big floor texture. In the meantime, I’ll make do with piecing smaller floor prims (which offers more control, anyway.
Oops, GIMP has crashed… time for lunch, anyway. I did what I set out to do today, though: I listed one frickin item on Second Life Marketplace for the first time in months. Now for something even MORE fast, fun, and easy…
P.S. my GIMP skillz keep degrading because I don’t use it often enough, and my photos from inworld need to be higher resolution.
- @anniemole see this for "Not The Underground" by @isfullofcrap http://www.flickr.com/photos/isfullofcrap/5871172549/in/photostream #
- RT @KrisKaine ""Lost Gardens if Apollo" Fades Away Today: Earlier this month, the "Crooked House" was facing the end" http://bit.ly/kZ9yCe" #
- @MoodyLoner Ugh, sorry, that's terrible! Um, LL is hiring? #
- @InaCentaur Great news, happy for you… hope to see a new production or reading there soon. #
- Wanna live in Chicago's Museum of Science and Industry for a month this fall? Apply! http://is.gd/GWewsQ #
- @ordinal Once they get up to speed Canada geese are quite efficient, but you can't beat bumblebees for sheer, raw POWER. #
- RT @JimGoodrich "In Illinois we don't have Death Row, we have Governor's Row #BlagojevichGuilty quot; #
- @KyleIM Please God, not "Prison Break" after that. #
- @m_ethaniel Nearly home…
- @m_ethaniel No worries, not long after I had to get offline to deal with something wobbly. #
- Thinking of giving Mixoom a whirl based on this: http://is.gd/nvlUBG #SecondLife #postcards #
- RT @TLW3 "During Bush Presidency, Current GOP Leaders Voted 19 Times To Increase Debt Limit By $4 Trillion http://bit.ly/jnEvQ5 #p2 #p21" #
- Hmm. @SecondLie #youravataristootall when that flexi ballgown you bought becomes a sexi miniskirt. #
- @isfullofcrap Dont forget robot treats for yourself. #
- During #SecondLife signup, a new user got a friend request from another "n00b" while still in safe orientation. Scam lurkers? Attn @torley #
- D-I-S-R-E-S-P-E-C-T #whatmakesablackgirlmad #
- @isfullofcrap Can't promise but will try to be handy #
- Fx king Outlook Web App, how does it work??!!$&@&#%+€£¥!!! #
- @isfullofcrap if no RL commitment will be there with books on #
- @isfullofcrap Picnic time for robolibrarians? #
- @isfullofcrap Ah, I see now. Will be ready with whatever props and costumes required assuming no RL disasters #
- Work LAN went BZZT! and crashed. This means no Internet, no phones, no tools, no IM, no email, NO NOTHING. #
- Guess it's back to the OLD Internets tubes, but the pneumatics might be wheezy. Also carrier pigeons were outsourced to India. #
- holy cow! The robot's right, there are tons of new "initial outfit" avatars in the library. #SecondLife #
- had to make dinner as penance for spending so much time inworld lately. Now ready for whatever happens next. #secondlife #
- Sleepy. Going to bed. #
- Is it an urban wasteland under Windlight? No, its 6 Flags New Orleans. Need to be built in #SecondLife http://is.gd/Erijbt #
- @isfullofcrap You get to keep 'im.
- Sweet jeebs. How the hell do you have an ARC above 4500 wearing only a string bikini and sunglasses? 4475 strands of hair? #secondlife #
Yep, if you watch closely as the camera swings around, I’m standing near the back with my friend Stranger Nightfire. Tags are left visible in this video so people can be identified.
I think this video was shot by the performer as he sang, so he was really multitasking!
- Salt Lake City – This was the place you couldn't wait to leave. #hometownslogans #
- Beautiful Eugene, the Womb with a View #hometownslogans #
- The blue-est skies you've never seen, in Seattle #hometownslogans #
- Grand Junction: Where the rivers meet, when the US Corps of Engineers says so. #hometownslogans #
- @lizzwinstead Used to tune out my mom (she lived to be 90) when she said "the drug scene) in the late 70's #
- Actually, Mom never stopped using the term "the drug scene" decades after it was considered current. #
- WaPost Fact Checker column calls Bachmann health care views "nonsensical" and not factual. 4 Pinocchios! #crazyeyes http://is.gd/2CCdpr #
- RT @RaglanShire "New post: TINY WORLD’S FAIR AND SLB8 – so much stuffage! (http://bit.ly/kIOG1D) http://bit.ly/kIOG1D" #SL8B #
- @ElrikMerlin The Lost Gardens of Apollo?!? I spent most of my time there my first year. #
- @SecondLie I'm bummed about Lost Gardens. MUST GET TAI CHI IN ASAP. #
- @ColeMarieSoleil The Honey Swamp build is amazing, nice photos. Mine show all the other builds in background… #
- @danielvoyager I've *never* seen a real Linden inworld, their office hours and appearances conflict with my work schedule. #
- @InaCentaur Hoping for better news (naive Shakespeare fan talking). #
- @m_ethaniel She is a lucky girl. When is she riding the #SL roads again? Found a mysterious tunnel between road sections… #
- Tornado sirens going off, and we're in the basement not very prepared. #
- First photo of Martin Freeman as Bilbo Baggins!!1! #w00tw00tw00t http://is.gd/X6EYkq #
- That's probably Thorin looking over his shoulder. #LOTRmoviesquee #
- The first time I read #TheHobbit I was in the sixth grade. Decades ago. So yes, I'm making inappropriate squee noises. #
- @StephenAtHome Gingrich is always careful to have backup bling for his squeeze in waiting. #
- @TLW3 That path seems to lead straight toward a cliff on the edge of the Kool-Aid Sea. #
- @AliciaStella Was just at #SL8B where @rodvik appeared as a tiny spaceship… #
- Last night at #SL8B had double helping of awesomesauce. FUN dancing at Bay City build party, met @rodvik & @danielvoyager at main event. #
- @rodvik Y U NO HAVE BEAR? Great meeting you last night, very inspiring builds. #
- Working on a blog post based on this but rambling about tier and homesteads. RT @CathyLAnderson "Careers | Linden Lab http://ht.ly/5ps2V" #
- @isfullofcrap Not another codeshare for DL! GAH! Typist will now run around screaming and slashing about with her mad SABRE skilz. #
- @isfullofcrap Hosted by you… or Skylar? #
- Played with voice last night after stumbling across the live marathon Moby Dick reading. The Space Squirrel voice will be perfect. #
- @RaglanShire Okay, maybe later I'll kitty up (or down, not sure) #
- Upgraded to V2 viewer last night, enabled the new dynamic shadows and… Whoa… ::drool:: NVIDIA 9600 GT card still rockin mah world. #SL #
- @CathyLAnderson What's the current max number of people? Maybe they need to create a midrange sim? #
- Pretty sure I'm a mutant, yeah. #
- I don't have a thing to wear if I can't get into my inventory. #SL #
- Will be adding photos from #SL8B to my Flickr page http://bit.ly/jSVlaS #
- As I work on a blog post based on something from @CathyLAnderson 's stream yesterday, listening to @radioriel Folk programming #
- Quite fond of sea shantys @radioriel – reminds me of Victory Music from Seattle. #nostalgia #
- Last night's "Autumn Dance for #RFL quot; in #SteelheadNevermoor was epic. Pictures up soon. #secondlife #
- Meet @Rodvik Linden: he's staying on target (photo from #SL8B on 23JUN; Creative Commons) http://flic.kr/p/9WEP88 #
- Bay City Community #SL8B Party: Dancing on the Roof with new friends. (this photo: Creative Commons) http://flic.kr/p/9WJEWY #
- Time to explore #SL8B started at Stunning to catch a bit of Offerus Fouquet's set. #
- Lots of French Residents here this time of day for Offerus' set #SL8B #
- Heh. Bartleby Pegler singing "Little Boxes" at #SL8B at the Enchant mainstage. They're all made out of ticky-tacky with default textures. #
- Junivers Stockholm up now, with a crazy caveman backdrop. #SL8B #Enchant. #
- The Europeans always keep reminding us that Second Life is a collaborative world. #
- Wow, choreographed dancing cavegirls backing up an electronica vibe. Junivers Stockholm is good stuff #
- @isfullofcrap The orca was a most happy fella. #
I’m using the celebrations at #SL8B as a way to get more socially active in Second Life; have to admit that it’s been occasionally exhilarating getting IMs from old friends and new friends saying “get over here!” or “OMG famous people at this party.”
I had never actually seen a Linden with my own virtual eyes and real monitor until I went to the Thursday event, which featured an appearance but no speeches by Rodvik Linden and Lexie Linden. I now have an actual Linden bear, and yes, I know I could get a bunch more at “Bear Island” on the celebration grounds. I’ve decided that I’ll stick to real-world interactions for my bear begging.
I’ve decided that although I’ll never be a major merchant with thousands of items for sale, I will try to focus on fun, quality things and try to learn as much as I can about how things work. I’ve recently made a simple dance gadget that seems to get “DO WANT” comments every time I use it (but interestingly, only from males). However, it doesn’t seem to work under Viewer 2… hmm.
Meanwhile, I’ve been tinkering with my size and avatar features again; for some reason, I keep wanting to revert to an older skin and shape because it looks more friendly-like and “me” than what I’ve been using more recently. I’ve been playing with size sliders again in the Appearance menu, as I realize I’m probably over 7 feet tall as currently sized.
Not only that but I’ve been working on a couple of simple buildings, and dealing with the challenges of having enough headroom so that the camera position doesn’t “bump” the ceiling without having to be adjusted to a closer angle.
Tateru Nino’s main page pointed to this excellent post on the Building and Texturing Forum by Penny Patton.
This article is intended an informative post about the practical and aesthetic implications of scale for content creators in SL. It is not a judgement against large avatars, only an objective assessment of the affects of scale on SL and how both content creators and Linden Lab would benefit from encouraging the trend towards properly scaled avatars.
If you’re new to SL you may not have realized it yet, but scale is really, incredibly “off” in SL.
If you’re an experienced builder you probably realize it but aren’t aware of all the ways in which it affects you.
via A Matter of Scale – How scale affects content crea… – Second Life.
The whole thing is enlightening, especially the part about sizing attachments appropriately so that they can be worn by a wider range of differently-sized avatars. Very much worth a read and a ponder.
Rodvik Linden: Stay On Target
There’ve been good things happening at Second Life/Linden Labs lately; Viewer 2 is improving, new-ish CEO Rod Humble/Rodvik Linden is actively engaged and sometimes actually building and making stuffs, there’s renewed emphasis on customer support and recapturing the irrepressible magic.
Yes, yes, yes, there are still lots of problems, lots of hurt feelings, lots of nay-sayers saying nay (no linky love).
But there are trends to watch at Tateru Nino’s stats page that are interesting.
And now, the Lab is hiring again, after years of layoff announcements and sad farewells to popular Lindens who had virtual “face time” with Residents inworld. This hiring announcement reflects this emphasis, which can only be a good sign.
On the other hand (or paw or claw as you are so inclined), the continuing exodus of the greatest makers and content creators is worrisome, due to burnout, high tier cost, high sim activation fees, billing problems, and a perceived sense of benign neglect. Not only that, but educators and corporations no longer see SL as the magical solution to distance learning, collaborative learning, or remote meetings. It’s just too hard to get people to the point where they’re in the right place, looking at the right thing, able to hear the discussion and/or participate in chat.
If they all go, all us middle managers, telephone sanitizers and manicurists will have to step up this season’s leaf production by 400%.
I’m just an ordinary smallholding mainlander, but group chats and blogs lately point to some grim realities; a lot of sims are in danger of closing because simholders can’t afford tier. We all know someone who’s thinking of pulling back, or pulling out entirely. I hope that the increased emphasis on the customer experience since Rodvik took the wheel of the magic bus will lead to a reversal of these trends.
Help with tier levels, a return of the homestead pricing for people that aren’t already full simholders, and more generous deals for educators and nonprofits again would help. Or perhaps the ability to append a homestead sim to a friend or groups existing sim? This would help cement ties and keep content creation affordable. Maybe this is already possible, and I’m late to the party as usual. But as… self-serving as I find many of Hamlet Au’s posts at NWN these days (most seem to be aimed at driving traffic past his ad banners, which detracts from any actual virtual world journalism IMHO), he’s right about one thing. The land-based economy of Second Life is not sustainable if current land and estate owners can’t afford to keep it, and potential land and estate owners can’t afford to buy it in the first place, let alone participate in Second Life due to the high learning curve presented by the initial sign in process.
The struggles and objections people have had with and to Viewer 2, which was supposed to be aimed at the “new user” to make it faster, easier, and more fun to start living their own Second Life, are slowly being overcome. Even I am finally giving it a whirl, now that they finally made an advanced build mode a configurable preference. I have to admit the shadows I implemented with the latest release made me go all drooly and oogly, and I need to start taking more photos with it to compare with Imprudence.
So thanks to a mention on Twitter in Cathy L Anderson’s stream, I’m quite cheered to see that the Lab is hiring, and not only that, they’re trying to recapture the lightning-in-a-bottle from the early years: Linden Labs/Careers
At Linden Lab, creativity and innovation drive our business. After all, we’re the largest and most successful virtual world out there. We work hard and have plenty of fun along the way. At the end of the day, as Lindens, we know that it’s our job to make dreams come true for our customers. It’s all just part of our culture, the fabric of what makes us tick. Come join our team filled with talented, smart people who believe in bringing the magic of virtual worlds to life. Second Life, that is.
They’re not just for potential Labbies who live in the Bay Area, either:
Unless noted, all jobs listed are for all locations: Boston, Davis, San Francisco, Seattle and Virginia.
Position Title
Senior QA Engineer
Senior Software Engineer
QA Engineer
Software Automation Engineer
Customer Relations Representative
Fraud Specialist
Software Engineer, Payments
Front End Web Developer
Software Integration Engineer
Senior Program Manager, Operations
Senior Systems Engineer
There’s always somebody who wants to keep doing it OLD SKOOL online. You rock, little Super Mario dude!
There were several good-natured “protesters” at tonight’s #SL8B event, which featured an appearance by Rod Humble/Rodvik Linden, CEO of Second Life (but no speech).
Meanwhile, there seemed to be some feeling about that people are a little nervous about the coming meshy apocalypse.
Second Life: Repent ye Sinners, MESH is Coming, originally uploaded by Lelani Carver.
Mr Dhughan! You are a tiny but very fast snail with a top hat and wand! Magical!
Mistletoe covered some aspects of what’s going on with this year’s #SL8B celebration – she’s systematically discussed some of the features of the best and weakest exhibits or builds. It’s a huge deal in Second Life, and there are a number of different sims with many 1024m plots. For all that, some builders achieve amazing things with a little, and some builders achieve… less with too much. I’m pretty much in agreement with Mist on her points, including:
The Best Builds:
Immediately answered the question of “How is this magic?†The theme of this year’s celebration, of course, is The Magic of Second Life. And the very best exhibits made that theme clear without question. They would either transport the visitor to another time and/or place, do unexpected things to make you think, “I’ve never done that before!†or otherwise made the jaw drop.Lame Builds…
Were obvious advertisements and little more. They only related themselves to the theme by sticking “magic†in the name, but not explaining what was really enchanting about it. And along with that, the only freebies if any offered were a t-shirt with their logo on it. Weaksauce.
I will say that it’s possible to do a commercial-type exhibit in an impressively jaw-dropping way, so that the observer is amazed, dazzled, and mystified as to how it’s done or how it was conceived. But I’ll agree that some of the obvious “slap a magic hat on our trade show booth” concepts were definitely heavy on the weaksauce.
via SL8B: The Awesome and the Lame « Mistletoe Ethaniel’s Blog.
I wandered around ONE sim last night, Astonish, and was… astonished.
Commercial, but dramatic – the phoenix flaps its wings a bit and blows fire and smoke (Phoenix is a popular third party viewer). It’s pretty awesomesauce, actually, and they had… people to talk with!
Mousetrap! I was magically transported back to my childhood – and it works. I grabbed a free red rat avatar so I can play it later.
Time for a giant catnap. Not magical other than everything was freakishly huge. I liked it because… GIANT KITTIES!
Honey Swamp, one of the most celebrated builds in the whole shebang, widely commented and photographed already. Deeply unsettling and beautifully textured, it’s truly magical.
This was a fun and very tall build by a community that was called Emphatic Eccentrica. It climbed up very high over about 6 levels, with fun gifts on each, and to get from level to level you had to first whack a mole coming out of the ground, then more moles, then touch something to be animated up to the next level. It was fun to watch, as it used camera control, custom animations, and good particle effects. This sculpture at the very top depicted the community-based nature of collaborative creativity (I think) with marvelous things happening as a simple prim is transformed.
I could tell you how basic and simple some of the techniques used are, but they help to create the magic that is Second Life. Too profound? I may have to blow the Whistle of Pomposity, or the “Ozillator,” on myself. This build was awesomesauce.
This is Crap Mariner’s build, the hands move around and there’s music, storytelling, and a poem to read. It’s very cultural in a weirdly evocative way. He says on his blog that it was inspired by a sculpture in his home city.
Behind it you can see a big magic hat with FC*K YEAH KITTIES!!!
I IMed him to comment on his build and a few minutes later, he ran by, very fast, wearing one of the hands-holding-a-violin-bow as an avatar. It was like a drive-by conceptual art thing. Except for the running.
Only later, it occured to me to ask him “Slow down, where’s the fiery violin?”
Not sure, appears to be a media display so maybe I wasn’t seeing the big picture. Need to tell Crap that one of his hands is missing. But it’s sprouting a DNA Sequoia.
This one needed a bit of explanation – it was conceptual art of a kind that is not possible in First Life, but a given in Second Life.
It’s clearly a deeply personal reaction to the events in Japan after the earthquake and the tsunami, using a lot of interesting visual and textural effects to evoke feelings of loss, destruction of the familiar, and to find a sense of peace or inner harmony. In Japanese, this inner harmony is called wa and I believe I found it after wandering around in the exhibit being buffeted by waves and tripping over ruins; a teleport was offered to an unexpected place of respite.
On clicking a simple “sit” or position marker, your avatar is launched into a floating dance inside this semi-transparent sphere. As it happens, it’s one of my favorite dance animations: you’re alternately curled in a fetal position,and unfurling into an ecstatic leap into the sky (I think it’s commonly called “dream-dance”). It made for a nice break from the tidal waves downstairs.
Now that I think of it, it’s very womb-like, but I also like it.
This was a less-successful build – it did cool things to your avatar, once you figured out what the trick was to get “in,” but then the exit mode wouldn’t work and to escape, I had to resort to an old anti-griefer trick: click an object outside the one I was caught in and “sit” on it.
There were other sims I dropped in on, briefly, but lag was bad and I wasn’t taking photos before I crashed. Dhughan also went around a bit on his own and bagged a nifty little magical racing snail that he can’t wait to customize. Full size racing snails are also available at the Giant Racing Snails exhibit, which of course highlights the Sunday races which are free to attend, and available to watch later via Treet.tv He then went on the Virtual Rail Consortium dark ride (he’s a little obsessed with trains) and ran around bumping into people before the Gods of Lag smacked him down and sqwuz him like a bug.
This one sim from one of the corners of the group was mostly parkland and residential-commercial looking; thought it might be one of the big landowning estates that sets you up in a gorgeous house you rent, or you can buy it to rezz… not sure, I teleported in at the back edge and missed any official entryway or sign.
This general store interested me because it’s so MUCH BETTER than my poor little run-down Coastal Indian long house in Steelhead St Helens, and yes, I loved this sign.
AND THERE WERE FREE KITTIES!!!! Moooooooooooom!! Can I have one?
I’ll be heading back to SL8B to wander around more sims later – it runs for 2 weeks – to see what else there might be to astonish, enlighten, or do-whatever. Maybe I’ll see you there?

Lelani Carver is a Steampunk resident in Second Life who blogs a little about everything, and about nothing of any importance.
- Pictures of me exist, therefore I exist. #
- Children's author drops F-bomb on Delta flight, gets kicked off. Quién es mas dumbass? http://is.gd/Gur8NI #
- @m_ethaniel @SecondLie and Horny is fed up with all the doorknockers… #
- @isfullofcrap A whole carrot is a lot more stabbity, so long as it's also not rabbity. #
- GOP Front Runner Guy Smiley Denies Being Puppet, Set To Debate Stinky, Pinky, Hinky, Blinky, Noblinky, but not Wink… http://tl.gd/b3dhvr #
- Pick up the Lionheart Times virtual newspaper (only ONE PRIM!): looks good on the front stoop, or the roof #SL http://t.co/di8W90z #
- @isfullofcrap Casinos inworld, maybe? Oh, someone is going to roll in lolly. #
- I need to stop sorting textures and loading organizers and actually CREATE something. #SecondLife #
- @isfullofcrap I like the way they squawk: RAT-A-TAT-A-TATTATAT! #
- Why are the Republicans so bent on Guy Smiley running for President? Everyone knows he's a puppet… #p2 #tcot #tpot #
- @MoodyLoner GOOD LUCK kiddo. You can do eeeet! #
- @AndiWhiteberry Say hi to everyone for me! #
- @CraigyFerg He was made for you. Ah, Paris. #
- RT @USRealityCheck "Thousands Protest at Capitol Against Walker Budget, Supreme Court Ruling: http://bit.ly/jWLba5 prwatch.org #P2 #US" #
- @SecondLie Pity. Lovely crinkly edges on the sims gave a nice baroque feel. #
- Listening to Sam Seder filling in for Thom Hartmann who's at #NN11 #
- @janakyomoon Did you get some sleep? î• #
- @hbahimself Yaaaaay for mutual Twittetage! #
- Weiner cut? Oy. #
- RT @DCdebbie: Clarence Thomas ruled in favor of Citizens United; org donated $100,000 to get him appointed. #StepDownThomas #
- @hbahimself Once knew of someone named "Gimli Khazad" listed in the phone book. He had legally changed his name, wonder if he's in LOTRO? #
- Heard this from a client via phone. RT @TLW3 "Weiner pulls out: Anthony Weiner Resigning | TPMDC http://bit.ly/kvvG1R #p2 #p21 #dems #tcot" #
- @donttrythis You misspelled "dooooooo eeeeeeeeeeet." #Emmynominations #
- Apparently Eau de Sarin was on sale at Wal-Mart this week. #
- If I run away from you coughing and choking, please don't be offended. It's just I'm rather fond of breathing. #toomuchperfume #
- Coal Tar No. 5 is also a popular scent, with harsh floral notes underlain by a faint hint of creosote. #toomuchperfume #
- Obama texted, wants to have dinner. Netroots not sure they're still an item. #NN11 #CafeWellstone http://is.gd/l7qg27 #
- OHAI @Ceiling_Cat Heer is ur pikchur from W00tstock Chicago last year! http://moby.to/9uykd7 #
- RT @USRealityCheck "Netroots Nation 2011 Live:
Here's today's schedule of live broadcasts #NN11 http://bit.ly/kwrkLK dk #P2 quot; # - @janakyomoon Some photos from Tunaverse the other night http://www.flickr.com/photos/18416736@N08/ #
- @m_ethaniel You dont have to have a point to have a point, dig? #
- @janakyomoon Oh, you're kind. I really messed that link up! #
- Can we all agree to spell it "Britefart" from now on to avoid giving Googlejuice and Twitterbeans to that asshole? #NN11 #P2 #
- @StopBeck Yay @MoodyLoner! #WINNER #
- How about this? Ignore #Britefart block #Britefart and ridicule journalists for giving him any kind of coverage. #nn11 #