- @isfullofcrap Wheels on the bus etc. Etc. #
- RT @blakopal "Tight pants bug fix coming soon to #slviewer – woohoo!" If only there were a bugfix for #RL tight pants: no more muffintops! #
- Indiana Rep. Mike Pence (R-Imnotlistening) ignores facts, correction—and the Hyde Amendment. #Christwhatanasshole http://j.mp/hGOahN #
- @TLW3 Oh, you mean chaps. At least, that's what we call 'em. #
- Highlander II: The Quickening #ObamasFault #
- Facts, how do they work? http://thinkprogress.org/2011/04/14/republican-leaders-debt-limit-hypocrisy/ #
- . @DarrellIssa Deficit facts for you: http://thinkprogress.org/2011/04/14/republican-leaders-debt-limit-hypocrisy/ #
- GOP Leaders in Congress Demand Fairness Doctrine Be Revived, Enforced. #NotIntendedToBeAFactualStatement #
- Remember how "Opposite Day" was every day in the Bush years? http://thinkprogress.org/2011/04/13/bush-sotu-debt-flashback/ #
- Rep. Joseph Crowley's silent outrage is AWESOME #reallyGOPreally http://www.americablog.com/2011/04/100-days-and-no-jobs-billrep-joseph.html #
- Sustainable #SecondLife do these figures include Marketplace commissions? The First Hour problem still pertains… http://is.gd/tqcrkV #
- Dear Mr @GeorgeTakei … You are the most fabulous person on this planet. #
- Will the last creative content provider in #SecondLife please uncheck "full bright?" #
- Seriously, there are a lot of really creative people and beautiful places in #SecondLife though recent trends are troubling. #
- Dhughan is using this excellent Inventory Organizer Box to sort out his #SecondLife inventory. So am I. http://bit.ly/hd4Dzn via @addthis #
- Heard about @charliesheen bombing in Detroit on WXRT. Then they played "I Want My MTV." #
- Dead man spamming: why is it so hard to cancel #AOL accounts? #boing2 http://is.gd/q1xIWD #
- When I cancelled my #AOL account, I had to call, repeatedly state "cancel my account" to rep resolutely on-script, and *write a letter* #
- It still took a couple of weeks until I received #AOL written notice of cancellation. Displayed proudly on fridge for weeks afterward. #
- .@m_ethaniel Wherever you go, there's your uterus. #uterusmovielines #latetotheparty #
- @m_ethaniel Went to a class last night that urged merchants to shop AND buy, tons of tips besides, thought of you. #
- Gold farming in virtual worlds: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-13012041 #
- RT @IndigoMertel "@rodvik What's the point of making #SL more accessible to new users when the Lab let this happen?" http://bit.ly/gQ3e2W #
- @rodvik Good points re: welcoming new users into unsafe free-fire griefing zones. Mentors & Community Gateways *could work* w/ #LL help #
- RT @USRealityCheck "Latest Talks on Budget Fail in Deadlock on Abortion:" OF COURSE its really about abortion. http://nyti.ms/gB6vXr #
- The GOP #WarOnWomen has always been about abortion and controlling sexuality. #
- Will tweet for talking virtual beer. (Objection from @m_ethaniel to talking beverages in 3… 2… 1) #narcitwistic #
- My Googlejuice, let me show you it. #narcitwistic #
- @m_ethaniel Hang in there. #
- RT @MoodyLoner "@GOPleader Can you explain why we, and Wash DC, have to "live within our means" but GE gets subsidies and doesnt pay taxes?" #
- @JeffreyFeldman Yes. We are immoral because we're not like them. #
- RT @SecondLie "@MickeyETC Not only do the buttons need to work, but the zippers as well." Velcro! It's fast, easy, and fun! #
- .@vicwu The inglourious basterds in the GOP are happy to stop those icky vajay-jays from getting screened for cervical cancer. #
- @rivenhomewood Ew, thats awkward. #
Oh, I love, love, LOVED this series when it was first broadcast, I highly recommend it!
In the 1990s Leonard Nimoy and John de Lancie collaborated on a series of audio dramas of 19th century SF. Today Riel Theatre presents part one of their rendition of Jules Verne’s Journey to the Centre of the Earth. Based on the original novel, we follow the German Professor Otto Lindenbrok and his nephew Axel. Unlike the better known movie with James Mason, there is no evil descendent of Arne Saknussem, no Atlantis, no widow of a competitor and sadly, no Gertrude. Still, it’s an excellent adaptation of a very famous story.
Join us at the Clarendon Conservatory from 7pm SLT on Thursday night.
via Radio Riel: Riel Theatre presents Journey to the Centre of the Earth.

Lelani Carver is a Steampunk resident in Second Life who blogs a little about everything, and about nothing of any importance.
News of yet another closure in Second Life, by way of NWN:
Molaskey’s Pub, a popular Second Life location for live music, is closing at the end of this month, unless a buyer steps in. This sad news comes from staff member Nasus Dumart Sue Martin Mahar IRL, who tells me despite having 1000 group members, and being listed on Linden Lab’s official Destination Guide, they’re unable to sustain it…
Despite a huge user group (more than 1000 members) Molaskey’s may close as a venue for live inworld entertainment unless someone steps forward and buys the place. Many people in Second Life have been complaining more and more loudly about the cost of “tier,” the monthly fee that Linden Labs assesses paid users when they take more than the “free” allotment of 512m of virtual land. People who are not paid users can “rent” land from owners if they pay their share of tier as a usage fee.
I can’t imagine owning or running a sim – I pay $25.00USD a month for the land I own, which is “group” owned, so my holdings include an extra 10% bonus land area. I also rent land in a privately owned sim (actually, a group of sims) and Dhughan rents his little railcar shop. These costs, to me, are affordable because they’re funded by a kind of micropayment incentive plan (my RL self is in a kind of sales-y field).
My friend Mistletoe is much more creative than I am, and can pay for her tier through the sales of her virtual victuals (Hey! there’s only one letter difference!). I’m selling a few items (and Dhughan is selling a few more) just by having them listed on SLM, though I know that I should be making more stuffs and doing more to promote them, having just attended a marketing class inworld on Monday similar to this one. The lack of spare time is a major factor; also a bloated inventory that makes it hard to find that texture or that prefab prim that I need to get something started.
I hope to find some more time to work on stuff rather than just moving it around in my inventory – Dhughan too.
In the meantime getting back to Mist’s post – she thinks using Second Life Marketplace to sell your product is still a good idea, and so did Kat Alderson the other night, despite the commission paid to Linden Labs. Mist was refuting this opinion from another marketer:
Now if one falsely assumes that LL’s new SLM (that just replaced Xstreet) is a well-run site with very few delivery problems and loaded with tons of advanced bells and whistles that make the life of Shopper & Merchant much better than Xstreet, then one can also initially believe that the 5% commission on all sold items is fair.
But, let us all remember one thing about LL’s SLM that is completely unique to almost any other online shopping sites (like eBay, Amazon, etc.) that are selling goods to shoppers. Regardless if you are buying a $0L freebie/demo item or a $50,000L castle the size of half your sim, the cost to LL to process and deliver the SLM product you bought is identical! There is absolutely no difference in shipping costs between a $0L 1-Prim BeachBall or a $50,000L 500-Prim castle – basically near-ZERO process/shipping cost!
So, if there is absolutely no difference in cost to process & deliver ANY sold item on SLM to your inventory, then why would the commission be percent based? Think about this for a second. You can make 100 SLM purchases for a $0L beachball freebie from one Merchant of which LL makes $0L in commission. Then you can make 1 purchase of a $50,000L castle from another Merchant and LL collects $2,500L – that is $2500L that this Merchant does not get. The 100 $0L purchases you made on SLM put much more burden on the site and the inworld environment and lag than the 1 purchase of the $50,000 castle, but they contributed $0L to operating the site.
It’s not about the difference in cost to process and delivery items, I think; it’s about making money, and Linden Labs owns the money-making machines and gets to set policy to suit themselves. We’re not talking about delivering books (as in Amazon) or T-Shirts (as in Cafepress), we’re talking virtual goods. Delivery costs aren’t the right commission-setting model for this kind of product, but value is; LL is just making the right business decision for themselves. They own the servers and they have costs: they must pay rent or mortgage on their office, pay utilities (power and water), pay salaries and insurance, pay for new technology, travel expenses, you name it.
Not that I don’t think they’re overcharging on some things – like tier. Once they’ve got servers up and running, with either regions or sims humming along nicely, their costs are pretty fixed. They really screwed a lot of people, including themselves, over the Openspace issue a few years ago. And these people remember, and expect that Linden Labs will pull another “oops, I did it again” move and mess with something that affects peoples’ tier costs or sales of their virtual goods.
As for Second Life Marketplace (which used to be Xstreet, before a major changeover that caused much gnashing of teeth) it continues to be a convenient and easy way to shop for “stuffs.” As everybody and their alt complains, “search is borked” and getting your sales items to show up in the comically underwhelming “inworld search” is definitely not fast, nor easy, nor nary a bit fun.
Kat Alderson’s marketing thing at Builder’s Brewery the other night, which I’ve been mulling over ever since, highlighted SLM as one of many very useful tools for selling pixel products. She had absolutely no problem with LL’s commissions, because like Mistletoe, she had concluded that her sales from SLM were a very large chunk of her total sales, and she made no mention of any big “delivery problems.” In my own, much more modest experience, I also get those emails from SLM (so does Dhughan) and I’ve never even seen a problem with something not being delivered (eventually).
Of course, if I’d worked really hard on a big architectural build that I dared ask $50,000 for, I’d grieve for that lost commission, but I sure wouldn’t refund a customer the net amount as suggested by Toysoldier – that’s just asking for trouble between seller and buyer. Better to lay out a really clear returns/refunds policy, and (as Kat suggested) make darn sure it’s given to the buyer before they click “pay.”
I recently shopped at an animation place that had a unique take on giving their “terms and conditions;” you had to sit on the product poster (it was displayed on an easel) and the EULA was displayed on your screen so that you had to accept it. The product in question was a “builder’s pack” with full perms, so of course the content creator was protecting the investment in their product (which was mostly the time spent animating, if you ask me).
It’s a shame about Molaskey’s that it’s closing, and it’s a shame that the high costs associated with providing places like it will prevent more people from being content providers. Linden Labs should really take a look at the troubling trend of sim and venue closures and take steps to stem the tide by offering lower tier levels. Even a symbolic gesture might encourage more owners and creators to give it a try, or to keep on doing what they do best.
Dhughan here yet again, still digging into my STEAM4 folders and finding wonderful things.
This is just what happens when you encounter things as you open boxes and think “Hmmm, this would be quite unique if I add a little of this and that…”
Et voila! A clockwork Gentleman of Japan, complete with fan and a clockwork facial tattoo. Needs only an obi, which I know I can get with another such outfit at either Ancient Tree Kimono or Aki-Kimono, a shop that was on the hunt.
Sometimes when going through hunt items, sadly, a gift will not work with one’s persona, or it does not fit well and is not modifiable or adjustable. In those cases, sometimes I go back to a shop because while looking around for the gear, I did see something of theirs that WOULD work well with other items in one’s inventory. Such was the case with Aki-Kimono’s offering; however I shall certainly go back there for other wonderful things.
I’m quite taken with the clockwork AV from Secret Shelf/The Secret Inn, a shop that is connected to the, er, “captive RP” community that offers a place of sanctuary for those of that inclination. Although I don’t usually have much interest in sexualized content in Second Life, I recognize that for many it is an important part of their online experience. I generally avoid anything to do with slavery, for personal reasons, and don’t make a point of patronizing online shops that I know to be connected to the virtual slave trade.
However, as Secret Inn seems to be providing a kind of respite area or socializing place for those who do enjoy roleplaying as a slave, I’m happy to keep their excellent Watchmaker’s Brother Avi in my active (but alternative) AV folder. It adds just enough Uncanny Valley discomfort to be interesting, yet it is quite beautiful when mixed with other clothes and accessories, such as a mask I just found from Orquidia. The Steampunk fan that came with it put me in mind of the simple unbelted yukata I had gotten from an Ancient Tree Kimono gift box, and here we are. It’s nicely animated, too – and as my shop is in Steelhead Shanghai, it will come in handy for any Asian-themed events (I shall take a stab at making a Chinese Mandarin Official’s outfit later).
Some other wonders encountered while I relax and rewind (heh):
A fantastic laser bridge from KK’s in Mieville San Fransisco which will come in handy crossing gaps between some of the sky platforms Miss Lelani and I have. Might need handrails though, it’s a long way down.
A wonderful monowheel – one of at least two encountered in the hunt, by Nix Sands of XCENTRICITY (I generally am always wearing one of their “Impressionista” vests). I don’t dare ride it up here on the sky platform and will get far too distracted to get any sorting done (as happened yesterday with Monty the Turbo Snail). I haven’t had much luck with vehicles (they tend to go sideways on me) but I look forward to trying more out.
Made by one of the prize-winning shops, a lively and rather frightening brass plant from Golden Oriole. I saw it in several other shops during the hunt, it seems to be quite popular! I have packed it carefully away for when it might be needed.
I have continued unpacking while listening to an excellent radio play of Robert Louis Stevenson’s The Bodysnatcher, keeping some things, discarding others.
Among the “finds:” this EXCELLENT R.G.B. Top Hat from Hatpins! I am taking a break from sorting (I’m about halfway done with STEAM4 but of course there’s plenty of stuff to clear out from before) and about to attend a Particles IV class. This hat will be a major distraction, I fear, so I shan’t wear it for long.
But wear it I shall.
Yes, yes, Dhughan here.
The prizes for “best hunt gifts” were announced at the Wrap Party on April 1st, and they were:
1st place, Gold Trophy, Mayah Parx for EPIC TOY FACTORY
2nd place, Silver Trophy, Janeel Kharg for ANKH MORPORK
3rd place, Bronze Trophy, Emedea Morgenstern for Rag Dollz
4th place, Copper Trophy, Lenny Kenyon for HAVEN TOWNSHIP
5th place, Iron Trophy, Oriolus Oliva for GOLDEN ORIOLE
I’m only about 20 percent through with sorting (and it’s a very slow process as I’m constantly getting quite distracted by all the marvels and wonders I’m finding. However, I see that the wonderful things I blogged earlier (the Tesla Power Grid collector pole, steam engine, etc. have made the Winner’s List as they are from Haven Township). I’m certainly not surprised at the other names on this list, I know that when I unpack them, they will be wonderful (some I may unpack in a sandbox as the prim count on some might be quite high).
The third place trophy went to Emedea Morgenstern of Rag Dollz for her wonderful Masqeuerade outfit – Miss Lelani will have to model the female version, but the male one is delightfully formal and includes and old-fashioned mask. It did not come with boots or shoes and so I threw on some ghillie shoes, which are quite good for dancing but a little informal for such a formal ball outfit.
Here I am, standing next to an object that did not win a prize, but certainly deserves one: a 2 PRIM Morse Code Kiosk from Dreamer Designs. And one of the prims is the pose ball! It must have been made by a master builder using Blender or some other advanced sculpt or mesh editing program. I’m quite taken with it and may use it at one of our shops, wireless Morse is a useful innovation.
On the other hand, this set of wings and helmet (complete with subtle threads of steam) is old-school prim mastery; each wing attaches to the upper arm and is 175 prims, while the helmet is 13 prims. The wings are apparently powered by Tesla arc technology, which is more visible in the back view.
I’ve just opened the box for Epic Toy Factory – unsure of what I’d find, I went to Prim Works Sandbox in case it turned out to be very high-prim. Thankfully, it was all beautifully laid out as individual objects or coalesced objects, with prim counts, when unpacked from the animated gift package. I rode Monty the Turbo Snail, who has wonderful sound effects. However, there’s also a beautiful swing, a fantasy barbecue, dancing daisies, and so much else that it would be difficult to document it all without rezzing them all and playing with them for days. There are THIRTY-THREE perfectly wonderful gifts in there, each with a snapshot. This kind of skill (there’s a strong artistic-fantastical aesthetic in each) makes my efforts look quite humble (yet quite pathetically sincere) by comparison.
I’ve boxed them carefully away – I don’t have a use for them at the moment, but many of them will make wonderful set pieces for photography. Fortunately, I’ve been rather methodical about using the new inventory organizer boxes and have found them very helpful. I’m not boxing everything backup – just the really special things that I don’t need in my inventory, but would certainly like to keep.
So as a memo more for myself, here’s how things are laid out:
The large crate is for whatever textures I find as I sort, after they’ve been loaded into Eradanis Boccara’s excellent FREE texture organizer. I’ve bought the handy add-ons that allow importing directly from boxes (especially handy with boxed textures in modifiable packages; all one need do is drop the “unpacker” script in the box and activate via menu command). They also allow one to sort sculpt textures in the same gadget, working differently from Zauber’s equally excellent sculpt organizer/rezzer. Both sorters are worth keeping – Zauber’s gives out objects directly, while Eradanis’ gives the texture. If I encounter a cache of sculpted objects that come without maps, I may rezz a second large crate just for sculpted bits and pieces.
The larger Chinese boxes are tagged with names similar to some of my biggest categories – Decor, Buildings, Vehicles, and Clothes Too Bizarre For Every Day. The float text above them is useful for preventing me from getting confused during a long session of inventory sorting… something I’ve actually not done consistently at all since my first rezzday. They’re of a shape that’s easily stacked.
At this point I’m not yet sure what the smaller flat Chinese boxes will hold. I’m sure something will turn up. But I’ve laid them out in rank and file, and as a newly necessary category occurs to me, I rezz a new box.
For a chronically disorganized person, it’s almost as if I’m… getting organized. Quite a heady feeling.
And now as it’s late, I shall close here with one addendum. I’ll continue to work through all my boxes and boxes of marvels and wonders, and post photographs of the most captivating (or deserving of their own place on a Top ~n List.
ADDENDUM: at a Relay For Life event inworld earlier, the good and unfuzzy Marshal of Steelhead, Fuzzball Ortega was thrown in jail, and bail was set at $L20,000.
Here he is, being comforted in his lonely incarceration by Mindy Resident, a wee scamp of Steelhead. He bravely endured until eventually freed by the generous donations of fellow Steelhead residents. Miss Lelani was present when he was sprung from the hoosegow; at one point the tally was a mere $L100 from hitting the mark, when someone (who shall remain nameless) contributed a single Lindenbuck.
A jolly laugh was had by all, except for poor Marshal Ortega. However, he was soon paroled. It was a good breakout for him, and a good break for me from sorting, sorting, photographing, shopping, getting distracted, and sorting.

Dhughan Froobert is a Steampunk resident in Second Life who putters around with prims and takes pictures of same. He occasionally manifests as a small Victorian otter.
- About to finish #SteamTheHunt under a pseudonymn 🙂 and vastly irritated at the way some shops messed with the rules #SecondLife #
- Specifically, adding multiple stages or hints, laying traps for those using advanced browser settings, or failing to provide a hint #SL #
- My biggest peeve: using so many scripts in their private sim that it crashes every time the camera moves, with extra hoops too. #SecondLife #
- 6 attempts later, I will now remove all scripted doo-dads and animations and try transporting via map reference . Relax, it's #secondlife #
- Using map teleports, minimizing lag, local transporters, and still I crash if I move the camera. Good thing I'm almost done. #secondlife #
- @redwoodr My alt is still trying to get past one of the last, big "shops." Took a break for a class, came back, crashed twice. #sL #
- This place in #SecondLife has nice things, interesting content, pleasant views, and it's completely impossible to navigate. #
- . @DarrellIssa once said an "earmark is tantamount to a bribe." Oopie: http://thinkprogress.org/2011/03/30/issa-earmark-property/ #
- Burned my lamps late last night completing a second run thru #SecondLife STEAM hunt. #
- Darrell Issa report: got nearly $1mil in earmarks potentially benefiting property he owns. #p2 #tcot http://is.gd/A9pbhe #
- Clever of @DarrellIssa to fight DC corruption and win infrastructure jobs by getting the Fed to fix his frontage. http://is.gd/A9pbhe #
- Shocking neglect of #SecondLife RL teleport system, got stuck, woke up in unscripted bed! https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/SVC-6691? #
- More #SecondLife FAIL due to borked #SLtoRL teleports: Cat 2.0 scripts need reset to prevent spewing sculpties all over rug prim at 5am #
- @m_ethaniel Woo! Inappropriate sharing time! #
- @SecondLie bagged and tagged, ends up in recycling bin, stuffed full of old AOL 2.0 install CDs #
- @STFUParents I'm #childfree but I also hate, hate, hate booking Ryanair. So no, not going there. #
- .@DarrellIssa Definitely use more hashtags, a good one lately is #earmarks #
- Timeline of @DarrellIssa #earmarks issue from @ThinkProgress http://thinkprogress.org/2011/04/01/darrell-issa-earmark-response/ #
- @SecondLie RL teleport and inventory still borked, have to walk downstairs to attach coffee. #SLRLbridge #
Once again Linden Labs’ shocking inattention to critical service issues threatens virtual life as we know it; the teleport system that bridges the SL-RL interface is STILL hopelessly borked.
What’s more, it’s been logged, voted on, watched, discussed, and Twittered, and is yet to be worked on.
I had a similar experience today to this Resident’s problem:
I’m still experiencing this issue in version 2.6. I just attempted to use it to teleport to work this morning however the same problem is preventing me from doing so. Now because of this problem I’m going to have to get out of bed, walk to the road and ride into work in a car. I hope LL can see how this is a problem for myself and all SL residents.
Last night, I initialized the “bridge” program in the normal way and suddenly found myself in stuck in an interstitial for more than 8 hours. Despite numerous attempts, I was unable to escape this black screen state and eventually lost consciousness. When I finally came to, none of my home parcel scripts were working – NONE OF THEM. The bed scripts were totally wiped, the “Notify Me of Events” gadget erupted in this harsh buzzing sound, and to add insult to injury, my Cat 2.0 interactive pet object suddenly started spewing sculpties all over a very expensive rug prim! Although I had to admire the liquid texture animations, it was hard to appreciate them, as Windlight seemed to be down, too.
NONE of my inventory folders were where they were supposed to be, I couldn’t drag anything onto myself, and none of my hairs were anywhere to be found, either. I had to go out in grown hair – UGH, and it was a mess.
All of my custom Steampunk vehicles – GONE.
Map teleport – MIA.
I actually had to drag prims onto myself, more or less in the correct layers order, still in semi darkness as apparently a power surge killed my monitor, too. And then I had to WALK to the vehicle folder, which smelled awful and was totally disorganized, and DRIVE to “work,” where I was very busy all day and unable to even use my handheld bridge device to check on my friends’ well-being and safety during this horrific and totally needless outage.
I am sure that it is not my computer or video card, which I installed myself more than a year ago and it’s still very cutting edge and relatively high-powered. It’s not my sound card either, even though streaming parcel music was ALSO BORKED.
Please note, I had repeatedly cleared visual cache yesterday, the problem is NOT client-side.
Things had better improve FAST because this #RLSLbridge issue is seriously messing with a lot of heads.
Dhughan here, it’s been a long few weeks since I last blogged. Sorry, busy, building, learning, fixing, tearing out hear prim by prim, blah blah blah!
At long last, I have had a chance to complete STEAM 4: The Hunt as a hunter, not just as a creator. And now I have to clean out my inventory as I go.
First, a short word to my fellow shop-owners and content-creators.
Please, please, don’t make it so difficult to find the gear, or make it difficult to navigate around your place while searching for it, or set it up so that when found it doesn’t behave as described in the guidelines for STEAM Hunt Engineers. Otherwise, we might miss wonderful things like this:
That’s a fun “Under Construction” sign, a Tesla Power Grid collection light (it’s much taller than shown) an un-animated (and no-mod) engine, a wonderful old-fashioned phone that sends IMs to the owner, and a terrific inworld radio that IS modifiable, can be deeded to group land, and can still be modified afterwards (a pet peeve of mine). It seems to stop working if “taken” into inventory, though – the station won’t change. So set it up where you want it, deed it, change it, forget about it. It looks very nice sitting out, or embedded in a wall or something.
I’ve invested in some inventory sorting boxes, will review them as I learn how to set them up. Seems simple, and they’re very attractive.
But now to bed. Much more sorting and unpacking to ensue.
UPDATE: It’s difficult to organize because first one must organize. It’s a never-ending process but an enjoyable one for me.
In the meantime, in one of the “chump gears” (decoys, but funny ones” from Battersea Amusements in Babbage Canals, I opened it up to find THIS EXCITING CONSOLATION PRIZE.