- Now attending Virtually Speaking in #secondlife #vspeak #
- @SecondLie Thought TomLehrer Resident was suspended for inviting the neighbors in, bors in. #
- Listening to Commonwealth Club's interview of Charles Ferguson, maker of "Inside Job" doc on financial meltdown http://is.gd/Z15Wvj #
- @m_ethaniel Meh, snow. We finally got rid of ours (and tulip leaves are starting to peek above dirt, which means spring freeze due soon) #
- RT @TribLocalHMac "Police arrest one of 10 ‘most wanted’ at doughnut shop: http://trib.lc/fyyq7i #TribLocal quot; #onpatrolatdonutshop #itsaysso #
- @DarrellIssa @RepJoeWalsh is my Congressman (IL-8) and Health Care Reform would have been better if the GOP hadnt screwed it up! STOP LYING #
- @DarrellIssa Fake poll. Stop lying and get some real work done. #
- Old Darrell Issa hall of shame list from 2008 needs updating http://www.perrspectives.com/blog/archives/001116.htm #
- @NPR reporter Steve Inskeep's op-ed in the WSJ puts O'Keefe's faux expose in its place. #proudNPRsubscriber http://is.gd/93Yo2K #
- It might be nice if other #proudNPRsubscriber types underwrite body armor for front-line reporters, ya know. #
- @SOLDIER1 Thinking of dumping @huffpo myself, Breitbart was the final straw. #
- Fire at MIA airport, have to put on a different hat now #
- @WidgetW "@revpaperboy holding a good thought for the safety of your family in #Japan Pls update when you can." Second that. #
- @MoodyLoner Will put a futuristic lightbar on Roombacop later. Cat will be terrified. #MIdystopia #
- My probs not significant compared to #Japan though. #
- @revpaperboy @JC_Christian Buttars? Time to catch up on what that fool's up to now. #
- Washingtonpost.com now works with GReader. Needs more GOP factcheck, less stenography. #p2 http://is.gd/72r35R http://moby.to/tv2jhp #
- Going to a #RL Meetup with St Nicholas Community at the church for GAME NIGHT and PIZZA! 17MAR at 7pm (setup at 6pm) http://meetu.ps/D0dz #
- @SecondLie It takes ONE to change a lightbulb, TWO freebie organizers, and THREE Managing Your Inventory classed to FIND one. #
- @DarrellIssa Stronger regulation might have prevented Financial Meltdown. We need strong EPA regulations too. We need more jobs. #
- @frdavidken I love, love, love singing that. #
- REFORM: I do not think it means what you think it means no matter how many times you use it in a sentence. http://is.gd/TsG9AT #
- RT @JohnFugelsang: "One of the most elemental human rights [is] the right to belong to a free trade union." Ronald Reagan, filthy socialist" #
- @ElrikMerlin Nice catch on that "Ronald Reagan, filthy socialist" tweet. #
- RT @amnesty "The Attack On US Workers’ Rights http://ow.ly/4gtzf #humanrights #wisconsin" #REFORMTHIS #
- RT @DarrellIssa "RT @ToddRokita #NPR "ALLOWED to stand on their own?" Bullshit, sirs. Local NPR stations NEED HELP http://on.wsj.com/hDgc2f #
- I have lost all patience with disingenuous bullshitters "reframing the debate" with #liesdamnlies and endlessly repeating buzzwords. #p2 #
- The GOP fears the truth being told, and the rock bring rolled over under which they scurry. This is why they wish to defund #NPR #
- The truth really screws up the hysterico-rightwing narrative. #p2 #tpot #tcot #
- The Sleeping Giant is awake in Wisconsin. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/03/16/conservatives-we-are-bein_n_836794.html #
- RT @m_ethaniel "Happy St. Paddy's, and remember, REAL beer is BLACK. Sláinte, bitchez!!" #
- RT @ebertchicago "My days as an Amazon Affiliate are dwindling down to a precious few. http://bit.ly/hVJLQY" Same here. Irritated. #
- @ebertchicago I'm irritated about #ILAmazonAffiliates going away because mine benefits @StNickEpiscopal and is supposed to be tax-free. #
- @DarrellIssa Burdensome regulations like… EPA, FAA, earthquake-hardening buildings, highways, and nuclear power sites? #
- Thank God the Senate won't let #NPR be defunded, but #PLEDGENPR anyway And if the unions and the unbiased press are on their enemies list.. #
- RT @ShksprRdWarrior RT @mark_rector: Fightin' Dick Durbin of Illinois! RT @tpmmedia: Sen. Durbin Takes On James O'Keefe http://tpm.ly/i7dVHz #
- RT @m_ethaniel "Clover's Kitchen: Our 1-year Anniversary!: http://wp.me/pPSVr-2B #SL #SecondLife" Congratz! #
- ^_^ Happy news at last! #
- My typist is tired of doctors and blood tests and insists she is NOT sick. #
- Among the #thingsIloveaboutSL are the talented people that make (not just make up) the world, from all over this planet. Also: kitteh earz #
- Tally: 3 punctures, 6 chubes, 2 phlebotomists, 1 pillow, 5 gloves. Typist looks snazzy with Snoopy Band-aids all over arms. #
- Very fast result 1: much much more like normal. Dr Hemoguy suspects lab issues. If GOP hadnt blocked REAL health care reform, single payer? #
- Heh, stick it to 'em Snoopy style. http://moby.to/onwk23 #
- Good luck getting records from old Dr Outtolunch McFridaybuggout. #
- Hey! #FF @kqthomson @revpaperboy @ElrikMerlin @m_ethaniel @GraceMcDunnough @jacksonstbooks @MicheleMrigesh @ordinal @SecondLie #
- Hey @kqthomson walked into B&N and bam! said the lady, featured nicely. #TwiceASpy http://moby.to/fw06y0 #
- @JC_Christian Just checking in after reading of your unhappy hour experience. #
- @CraigyFerg You're a robot?!? What's your favorite lubricant? #punchlinepending #
- RT @ebertchicago "The Vicar of Baghdad: Iraq's' only Anglican priest. http://ind.pn/eyR2fP" #
- #SL Victorian Party Beads on sale https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/LCVictorian-Mardi-Gras-Party-Beads-SALE-L75/1961903 #
- @socratic I spend my #RL on hold; there's a certain company I call often whose hold music is a series of about 8 snippets of 30 seconds #
- I get so very sick of hold music that repeats endlessly. #
- Typist will be singing and chanting tonight in #RL Should have created a tattoo layer of ashes on forehead for #SL #AshWednesday #
- RT @socratic "NPR fired its CEO? Jeebus. When will people fight back against the bully? #lunchmoney quot; The Right lies, the Left lets them. #
- Icestorm caused power outage, @m_ethaniel stuck offline. http://mistletoeethaniel.wordpress.com/2011/03/09/in-like-a-lion/ #
- @socratic Instead, NPR rolls neatly into Expose Belleh, Don't Hit Meh fetal position. #
- @m_ethaniel Need a hand? Or have you contacted your landlord? Can send IM to anyone for you, spot you $L from iphone. DM me? #
- @isfullofcrap King Cake with all natural organic baby! #
- RT @blakopal "RT @trilobyte: Steampunk bugs! http://is.gd/QU7TL7" old traditional craft. Had a WWII turtle paperweight made of brass shell. #
- Why is there a 9001m high spike on my group land? Somwthing will have to be done. #SL #
- RT @ElrikMerlin "RT @glynmoody: Sting culture and #NPR €™s capitulation to falsehood – http://bit.ly/fY6uiI #
- @m_ethaniel Power back on? *JeremyClarksonvoice* POWAAAAAHHHH! #
- RT @GeorgeTakei "Today we are all Japanese. Give $10 to help. Text REDCROSS to 90999, or click http://ow.ly/4ctzx Pls RT!" #
- RT @BadAstronomer: the whole idea of a supermoon is pretty much fearmongering nonsense. http://is.gd/QYVasQ but vampire storms are REAL! #
- Srsly, that's a thunderstorm with fangs. scary! #
- RT @GeorgeTakei "The devastation is heartbreaking, shocking: http://ow.ly/4cySX Text REDCROSS to 90999 to give $10 today." #
- RT @kqthomson "Book signing–w/ Lisa Gardner–and drone flight @ POISONED PEN, Scottsdale, AZ, Tues, 3/15 at 7PM:… http://fb.me/M5GfMJMU" #
- How do famous people get the emergency response and charity drives so fast in disasters? Who do THEY follow? #
- Charlie Sheen: floor wax, or knob polish? (Brits please don't spit tea on your screens) #
- @m_ethaniel I too am down with Grouchy-Elf-Do. Vrly. #
- Road trip outworld, will check in with everyone via Pocket Metaverse later. #
- /me comes up for water "Oh, hello Tweeple I've totally neglected while I was burning the midnight pixels the last few days. How are you?" #
- RT @isfullofcrap "RT @MoRocca: Galliano dismissed. Too bad, I was really looking forward to his Springtime for Hitler collection." #
- @isfullofcrap That made me LO so L that everyone in the cafeteria looked at me funny. #
- If you recast the classic SNL Star Trek sketch as a #SecondLife machinima, what AV would have an "I want my ears! I want my ears!" meltdown. #
- @Drasilova First time as a #STEAMhunt engineer, imma need new retinas now. 😉 #SL #
- RT @SecondLie "Instead of handing out Second Life Community Platform Bears, we're handing out Second Life Community Platform Shoes. #groovy quot; #
- @Drasilova I look forward to shiny new retinas, expect clockwork irises, too! #
- I'm off to texture the crap out of my new Community Forums Rank Icon Avatar: http://bit.ly/eZAaD5 via @addthis #
- Worked on shop yesterday for #STEAMhunt in #SecondLife We can haz canned salmon! #
- OMG stop me before I texture another sculptured prim. #SecondLife #
- Mardi Gras necklaces on sale! #SLMarketplace https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/37909 #
- Going a little pixel crazy now… time to party! #
During the course of making and decorating items for my shop in the STEAM hunt, I was struck by the story of Princess Ka’iulani of the Kingdom of Hawaii, who was deposed before she ever ruled by American business interests, and who died young after spending many years being educated in England. She was a proper Victorian lady of royal birth, and like the inestimable Isabella Bird, is an inspiration.

Princess Ka'iulani, the Peacock Princess
In fact, she was known as the Peacock Princess, and so I have decided to include peacock feathers in my hunt gift, because God knows we all need a little more color in the Steampunk world! Too much brown and orange is not necessarily a good thing, when there is a whole palette of Victorian dyes (natural and artificial) to choose from. So bring on the intense blues and greens and purples!
During her absence, much turmoil occurred back in HawaiÊ»i. King Kalakaua died in 1891 and Princess Lydia LiliÊ»uokalani became Queen. LiliÊ»uokalani immediately appointed KaÊ»iulani as her heir, and KaÊ»iulani became the Crown Princess. In 1893, the Hawaiian monarchy was overthrown and the new government attempted to become a part of the United States. The news arrived to KaÊ»iulani on January 30, 1893 in a short telegram that said: “‘Queen Deposed’, ‘Monarchy Abrogated’, ‘Break News to Princess'”.
Kaʻiulani then made a statement to the press in England:
“Four years ago, at the request of Mr. Thurston, then a Hawaiian Cabinet Minister, I was sent away to England to be educated privately and fitted to the position which by the constitution of Hawaii I was to inherit. For all these years, I have patiently and in exile striven to fit myself for my return this year to my native country. I am now told that Mr. Thurston will be in Washington asking you to take away my flag and my throne. No one tells me even this officially. Have I done anything wrong that this wrong should be done to me and my people? I am coming to Washington to plead for my throne, my nation and my flag. Will not the great American people hear me?”
She referred to Lorrin A. Thurston, who was touring the United States promoting its annexation of Hawaii. Kaʻiulani decided to take action and traveled to the United States herself the following month. Upon arrival on American shores, although shy by nature, she addressed the press in public with these words:
“Seventy years ago Christian America sent over Christian men and women to give religion and civilization to HawaiÊ»i. Today, three of the sons of those missionaries are at your capitol asking you to undo their father’s work. Who sent them?  Who gave them the authority to break the Constitution which they swore they would uphold?  Today, I, a poor weak girl with not one of my people with me and all these ‘Hawaiian’ statesmen against me, have strength to stand up for the rights of my people. Even now I can hear their wail in my heart and it gives me strength and courage and I am strong – strong in the faith of God, strong in the knowledge that I am right, strong in the strength of seventy million people who in this free land will hear my cry and will refuse to let their flag cover dishonor to mine!”
The pro-annexation press of the time often treated KaÊ»iulani with contempt,referring to her in print as a half-breed, or calling her “dusky”, although she did not receive the blatantly racist treatment repeatedly given her Aunt. Typical of the time, “positive” accounts of the Princess appearance often tried to emphasize what was thought to be “white” about her, although her “British” half was invoked negatively on occasion by American writers fearing Great Britain was a rival for possession of HawaiÊ»i. As she traveled across the United States following her education, the real Princess surprised open-minded members of the press. Instead of an unmannered caricature “heathen” described by enemies of the Kingdom of HawaiÊ»i, journalists and the public were confronted by a modern Royal Princess wearing elegant gowns and speaking English or Hawaiian, French or German
via KaÊ»iulani – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Lelani Carver is a Steampunk resident in Second Life who blogs a little about everything, and about nothing of any importance.
- Finally listed a new item in #SecondLife #Marketplace – an arty lamp. The Man In The Kyomoon And Stars Lamp (boxed): http://bit.ly/gIOSZG #
- Finally ordered headset: Logitech G35 Surround Sound. Can't do #SecondLife on crappy earbuds any more. http://amzn.to/fWACs4 #
- Dhughan photographed this: "Asagao Memorial Shrine in #SecondLife quot; and may do more if there's interest. Too gaudy? http://bit.ly/gTxXV6 via #
- @m_ethaniel "Alas, poor Roquefort! We hardly knew ye!" #
- @vicwu I should go back and check! Took the pic ages ago. #
- Galling not to be on the #FTC list (Faded Twitter Corps) list http://is.gd/RXuL8t (vrly, expected moremerchants and pixelstained peasants) #
- Just put out Victorian Mardi Gras Party Necklace 2011 on #SLMarketplace Forgot to click the "LIST" link 3 hours ago http://bit.ly/g5D6or #
Creativ(ity) is an easy kill. A simple search of creativity killers yields a multitude of would be candidates: television, the Internet, inflexibility, too much flexibility, fear, lack of fear, goals, lack of goals, time pressure, too much time. The list is sizable.
Wow! Yes. I am a little behind on a commitment I made to myself and to others to create, create, create. And the killers are all listed above, but chiefly “fear, surprise, terror, and an almost ruthless INefficiency” which causes me to be rather disorganized… STOP LAUGHING YOU LOT! Okay, a lot disorganized when it comes to ideas, images, and inventory.
It’s so unseemly when people literally fall over laughing and kicking and screaming on the ground. Stop that this instant: admitting that I’m disorganized and need help is but the first step in a journey of a thousand sims.
At least after a hiatus of several months, I’m starting to feel like I’m getting back to where I was with GIMP, feeling more confident in my ability to actually create something of decent quality, and feeling better about the organization factor.
Unfortunately there’s nothing I can do about the Total Dork factor.
Am I logged in? No. So I am not working on a new Mardi Gras necklace, and I’m seeing some sales pick up on that and also on the St Patrick’s ones, which all need to be updated and made a bit more… elegant like.
Do I have time now to get stuck in? No, because I was messing about on Facebook in my other life, not playing but working on promoting something important to me in meatspace.
Have I been watching too much television or mindlessly liking and sharing stuff on Google Reader instead of working in Second Life on my commitments? Well, Dhughan has gotten a fair bit done, I have not got as much done as I’d like. Maybe I need to reconsider my need to watch “Mythbusters” and “Top Gear” reruns?
Have I been afraid to fail? Yes. However, I HAVE put up a couple of new products, or have several things nearly ready to go. I have made good progress with re-learning GIMP, though, and that was very satisfying. More to be done, of course; but I’m feeling better about what I do know how to do.
Do I have goals, or lack them? Yes.
Do I waffle back and forth? Yes.
Do I like waffles? Yes – ON A STICK.
Am I under time pressure, or do I have too much time? Yes, and yes. I have a RL commitment in a couple of hours and will be forced to be AFK, and I really should have been inworld this morning. However, I do have time to… yes, create SOMETHING.

Yes, there it is, I HAVE CREATED A PIE MACRO. I feel better. This pie was baked by my cousin Janey, and is a family classic recipe known as “Damn Sour Pie!” It’s always pronounced with an exclamation point, it’s full of rhubarb, and it’s not a trifling trifle.
It’s in response to this thread.
And now I’m being kidnapped into a strange meatspace…. aAaaaaaAAAAAAAAAUGH!
Some hours later, after heading off to a RL family gathering, I came home in time to check in for some dances in Steelhead and at Cafe Wellstone and at the community center at the Anglican Cathedral, and had actual fun. Received a WONDERFUL HAT from Thadicus Cadogan at the Steelhead Electrified Ball.
Also did a tiny bit of tweaking on one of the new products; tomorrow it will be completed and listed, tonight was for recharging.  BZZZTTT!!

The Grand Tour returns to Second Life with The “All Aboard Grand Tour†on Saturday and Sunday, February 19 and 20, 2011. The tour includes 15 different locations with a theme of trains and transportation.The Grand Tour began in 2008 as a positive expression after some unpopular decisions by Linden Lab left many residents discouraged. A few people got together and created the marathon event. The All Aboard Grand Tour is the fifth tour. The creator of the event, Fogwoman Gray, summarizes the purpose, which had become the motto of all grand tours: “To bring all nations and groups together to demonstrate why we stay and what is importantâ€.
via Events: “All Aboard Grand Tour†on Saturday and Sunday.
This sounds like a lot of fun to be had, and there’s an event in Steelhead on Sunday afternoon. My neighbors in the group of steam-themed sims are an amazingly eclectic group, and that’s just one of many communities putting together events.
Will try to get some time if near the computer this weekend to drop in.
Dhughan here, having returned from a trip to a strange, sandy land to consult with an alien entity concerning a technical difficulty.
With this help I was able to work out how to use Mme. Kamilah Hauptmann’s open source cane control script so that I could use her charming and clever Gentleman Jim and GJ Cane AO’s with one of my humble walking sticks.
I spoke with a being who wore the sigil of a green lantern on her chest (their homeworld is most impressive), who traced the fault in my ivory-handled stick to either an incorrect rotation around its geometric center (… CRICKETS IN MY HEAD! DO BE QUIET!) or the need for the root prim to be spherical. The latter suggestion seemed simpler to test, and to avoid issues with script carryover, I built a new cane from scratch. Hey presto, with the script and its positions notecard in the mostly-spherical knob on top, IT WORKS.
Formerly it rotated about the midpoint of the shaft and was a menace to kneecaps and tinies.
This issue had stumped me, and my project to improve my products on my Second Life Marketplace store was hopelessly stalled. Meanwhile, every time a customer purchased one of the sticks, I felt a bit depressed because I knew they could and should have been better.
I spent about an hour testing, and have purchased another vendor’s no-transfer animations just to satisfy myself that my little sticks would work with either set. I may need to do more work with the cane-control script to see if it will work with the other vendor’s AO; if not, will need to contact them directly to see if some arrangement might be made to get their script.
I did find out recently that trying to sit down while wearing a cane results in whacking oneself repeatedly in the leg. It was quite comical but also rather annoying, as this will result in further testing. And whacking of oneself in the leg.
Am resisting the temptation to buy a very expensive builder’s AO with limited stands and walks for the moment.
Now that this hurdle has been cleared, I feel much more confident, and hope to clear out some of my pending projects. I have uploaded several new products in the last few days at my humble online shop, and yesterday I did a lot more updating and fussing and building and sit-targeting at my shop in Steelhead Shanghai.
I have been making good progress on my offering for the Hunt, a wooden walking stick with inlaid energy tubes. In the meantime, I have been updating the older ones and making new things that might appeal to Victorian or Steampunkish gentlemen who are looking for lower-prim items for their virtual homes.
These are a couple of single-prim lamps – dreadfully easy to make, but not everyone in Second Life wants to bother with building. I should make more of these soon with some beautiful Chinese textures I have recently acquired.
For as it happens, I am participating in the Fourth Great STEAM hunt! In a very modest and humble way – no fancy flying rigs for me as yet, but I shall be attempting to fill a gaping hole in the usual STEAM Hunt offering: there’s very little that is suitable for both gentlemen and ladies, and almost nothing to appeal only to Steampunk gentlemen (aside from the excellent XLNT clothes, Peterman’s outfitting, the BlakOpal suitings, and Mr. Pearse’s fine apparel).
This is a simple (and very low-prim) chair. It’s the one that gave me the “being whacked on the leg” lessons when I was using my cane, so I will be trying another animation set in a future chair for use with walking sticks. I attended a class last evening that covered a simpler method, which will keep my brain-crickets at bay.
I also had photographed a number of locations in Second Life with an Asian theme (not just in Steelhead Shanghai) and hope to produce them as colorised post-cards, framed or unframed. This one happens to be of the Asagao shrine to victims of suicide, which Miss Lelani visited some time ago.
It’s a bit gaudy, that frame, but the postcard is detachable. However, the frame reminded me of the way shrines in Japan are sometimes decorated with gilded, polished, carven wood, and the subject is suitable for a meditation object. Which reminds me, I learnt last night how to make a meditation cushion, and testing it enabled me to become more at peace with my lack of skill with scripts and particle effects, which is such a drawback in the Steampunk genre inworld.
OMMMMMmmmmmmmmmm, and so forth.
Have just had a capital idea, I shall offer a comfortable area at my shop for harried STEAM hunters to meditate on gears.
After my meditation class, I finally had a chance to set out the STEAM hunt poster and gear, but still have a good deal of new stock to set out. My landlady at the Dragonlands Hotel has been informed that the hunters will be going through, and she has promised to not eat or singe anyone unless absolutely necessary. Mostly she appears in her human aspect, as last night when she dropped by the area below the round shops to dispose of yet another mouldering human head.
I had previously encountered this object, which was left as a warning by a monstrous individual who haunted the waters in front of the hotel a while back. Here it is in all its grisly glory:

I was out for an innocent bike ride on my pennyfarthing conveyance when a trifling error in navigation sent me flying out over the railing of the gangway below my shop, and into the dubious waters of the “working” end of Steelhead Shanghai harbor. This is where all the effluents make there way – the human and not-so-human ones in addition to the disagreeable by-products of its industrial and residential areas.
Bit of a speed bump there, as after going into the drink I ran straight into this most unhappy fellow, who came to an untimely end back during the former infestation of dreadfulness.
At first I thought he was a secret victim of the now-inevitable gangland war, but it turns out he was nearly left over from the last kerfuffle. Miss Gia, my landlady, disposed of the remains quickly and discreetly.
After that entertaining beginning, we attempted to join a tour of the Steamlands from Caledon University, as Miss Lelani had done (and has not yet entered in her half of our aetheric journal). Alas, a rift in the space-time continuum (and the pharmaceutical needs of a small but determined cat) caused the tour to be cancelled and me to be away from the aetheric keys for too long to regroup.
Still, it was a useful evening, and my little shop has a few more items in it, and yet more to be made or acquired. I received a shipment of Chinese porcelains and textiles, though some of the rugs were damaged in shipment and required a bit of patching.
I’m not feeling quite so clueless, although I still have the occasional newbie lapse.
I remain grateful, in the weeks since her assistance, that there are many people in Second Life who tirelessly and selflessly help newer or less experienced builders, whether in formal classes at locations like Builder’s Brewery or Caledon Oxbridge, or in less formal settings such as the “open help hour” such as the one offered by groups such as the Guardians OA.
Miss Rebecca Wendell of the Guardians OA help group, may your Green Lantern never dim! Thank you! You have helped more than you know!