- My neighbor has very nice furniture. I can tell because she deleted her house. #SL #NPIRL #BTDT #
- I now deserve to wear the Flaming Sombrero of Shame; have been AFK for months. Forgot how to rez a box. #SL #
- Oooowee! Need a nifty case for my new iPad. What shall I get? Something from Zazzle.com? #
- @socratic Holky shit, we might need that Top Gear game, too. Also you should copyright "holky." #
- @janakyomoon Thank you for the Gatwick airport snow image. It's useful in my other life. Will try to catch a show soon! #
- RT @VexStreeter "Free author-signed copies of Scripting Your World, official guide to scripting in Second Life outside 210E @ #iitsec2010 quot; #
- Oh, duh. Catch up to real time, Miss Carver. #headdesk #
- @NPRScottSimon as a Duck from the 70's, I'm baffled by this concept of "WIN," but #goducks anyway! #fb #
Spent an enjoyable few hours inworld for the first time in ages… what finally brought me back was recalling this excellent moving picture. Sadly, I missed its recent replay on the vid-box but perhaps I shall find more clips online.
Originally considered a critical flop, The Great Race was a specular box office hit, along with another Steampunk-esque race move of the time, “Those Magnificent Men and their Flying Machines”. It was nominated for five academy award, and won one Oscar. To this day, it still retains a “75% Freshness” rating at Rotten Tomatos (per Wikipedia).
via The Steampunk Tribune: The Great Race (1965), Saturday the 27th of November, on TCM
For the most part I merely sorted textures and oddments, but on a whim I attended a class in “role-play” at Caledon Oxbridge, as I’ve never had formal training. It was quite fun, and afterwards I stumbled onto a wonderful gift in my inventory that allowed me to make a rather stylish Western-style gent’s necklace or “bolo-tie” such as is worn on the American frontier. I shall have to work with it a bit more before revealing it. It was enough to actually make something again, and think seriously about improving my existing stock. I’ve been quite stuck, creatively, and have finally dipped a toe or two back in the water.
A Longer Update Soon
I am still here. Still here! And getting ready to leap back inworld. At least there are plenty of Second Life blogs to read in the meantime… and here is a secret code for the Technorati dwarven who insist on validating my ownership of this blog. 8WD6AGM3CEUY take that!
I have read the first novel in this series, and found it highly engaging. Although not strictly a Steampunk genre novel, there are elements that make it a satisfying read for any resident of the Steamlands, especially those having an interest in the vampiric and lycanthropic clans in Second Life.
I should like to construct a battle umbrella like the one mentioned in the early chapters of the first book! There is a riveting battle between Miss Carriger’s heroine and a rather ill-mannered vampire of questionable antecedents, which sets up the story for the rest of the novel. The next novel in the series has eluded me thus far but I hope to obtain it on my next visit to my local independent bookseller.
IO9 posted a very good interview today with Ms. Gail Carriger, the author of Soulless and Changeless. They do a pretty much straightforward interview, but do allow her to extrapolate on the methodology she uses on the background for the Parasol Protectorate series. Do pay a visit to IO9’s piece with Ms. Carriger, at: http://io9.com/5654387/gail-carriger-explains-why-her-heroine-has-no-soul
Via The Steampunk Tribune: IO9 Interview with Ms. Gail Carriger, author of Soulless and Changeless
Additionally, I should like to apologize for my appalling absence inworld of late. There have just been many enjoyable events taking place in my so-called “real” life lately; a visit from a dear old friend, for example. Also there have been a number of entertainments on the aetheric channels lately. However, a block of time is opening up for me this week, and I shall be celebrating my third rezzday next week, so I hope to re-connect with friends soon.

- Will be listening to the Virtually Speaking Sundays show by Virtually Speaking on #BlogTalkRadio – http://tobtr.com/s/1205805 #
- RT @Wonkette "Now Some Other Comedians Will Do National Mall Rallies http://bit.ly/bYYZyY" Aliens! Do you want to meet other aliens?? #
- Way to schedule your event in my area on Yom Kippur, @glennbeck so now we have to listen to my bro-in-law complain at dinner. #p2 #tpot #
Yes, it’s that time again – the third annual STEAM hunt (which actually happens a bit more frequently than that, but time does odd things inworld).
I’ve been easing back into things, trying to get some time to get inworld. Problem is, I’m completely out of the habit, there’s much too much good stuff to watch on the teevee, and I’m behind on a lot of projects. However, with a new STEAM hunt, I think I’ll get motivated again to build stuff soon. Real soon.
Just to prove to Betsy that I’m really truly talking up her book over at SL:

That’s Cafe Wellstone tonight (it was Eklipetic night, so dancing to interesting obscurities). That’s me in the foreground, not losing my religion. The chat window shows how BookemJackson Streeter and I were talking about authors – usually I have my photos set up to not show all the chat stuff, buttons, and tools.
Turns out Mrs Books had run across Betsy’s blog before and was interested to hear about her new book coming out, A City of Ghosts. I was telling Mrs Books about how fun it would be to have some actual ghost stories read by the author at the virtual bookstore next month, and we could all come in costume. Scary! Boo! Yay! So we’ll see if that might happen or not, depending on everyone’s schedules and how weird Second Life can be for new people, especially authors of actual books.
Speaking of which, I ordered the book a couple of days ago, to be delivered by slow loris apparently. So I expect it this week sometime.
- Anybody showing up at Pastor Terry's church Saturday with Super Soakers? Shame on him for his disgustingly obvious PR stunt. #p2 #tpot #
- The church #TerryJones led in Germany went from 1000 to 100 members by the time he was kicked out. http://is.gd/f1JBm #
- Anybody showing up at Pastor Terry's church Saturday with Super Soakers? Shame on him for his disgustingly obvious PR stunt. #p2 #tpot #
- The church #TerryJones led in Germany went from 1000 to 100 members by the time he was kicked out. http://is.gd/f1JBm #
- RT @janakyomoon: streaming 2 hours of original music 4 the OddBall 11AM #SL http://slurl.com/secondlife/Research%20Center/135/133/652 #
- RT @GinnyRED57: New Post:: Tough Sell For Religious Hucksters http://bit.ly/cvvFEs (My RL blog as if you hadn't guessed already) #
- Headed inworld, need music, friends, and chat stat. #
- My spouse Rock Fall is watching Transformers. Thank invizibl majik sky god for headphones. #
- .@GlennBeck tooting his own horn: he's not the Messiah, he's the Angel Morani! #
- RT @LuthorCEO "1 year of leadup, all the promises, the religious rally, & Glenn Beck just launching a website?!" Eyeballs for Goldline! #
- RT @SecondLie "Good news, everyone! We've added the Emeraldgate Hotel to the Destination Guide." Can we ever leave? #
- RT @JC_Christian ".@emptywheel, Grenada was about changing the subject." And a short, victorious war. #
- What's for dinner? Baby Otter Sutprise! http://is.gd/eNPFD #
- Refudio punditem! #fakeharrypotterspells #
- @socratic That's a Transmography History spell, very Dark Magic #orwellmeetsrowling in reply to socratic #
- @ebertchicago What about that $200/plate Shabbat dinner Palin attended: $25,000 per person to sit at her table. Charity, or campaign fund? in reply to ebertchicago #
- Palin spoke at Shabbat dinner before Beck rally: $25,000 per person to sit at her table, for charity? Or campaign fund? http://is.gd/eOR9q #
- Palin spoke at Shabbat dinner before Beck rally: $25,000 per person to sit at her table, for charity? Or campaign fund? http://is.gd/eOR9q #
- @ebertchicago It's kind of like Burma-Shave. in reply to ebertchicago #
- @ebertchicago "Buy GOLD. Take away the L that rhymes with HELL, and you've got GOD. Tithe of the best, buy guns with the rest. #Goldline quot; in reply to ebertchicago #
- Buy GOLD. Take away the L that rhymes with HELL, and you've got GOD. Tithe of the best, buy guns with the rest. #Goldline #p2 #
- @m_ethaniel It bothers me that they always misspell FAUX. in reply to m_ethaniel #
- RT @vogella: Geek advice: Never mix #FFFFFF and #000000 clothes in your washing machine." // me in RL: Or you get tighty #CCCCCCies " #
- RT @torley "There's got to be a word for wearing shoes on your head." Brazil. #
- .@ebertchicago If The Book of Revelations were real and not a dream allegory, @GlennBeck would be the Anti-Christ #ThisIBelieve in reply to ebertchicago #
- @rivenhomewood I can't read the kilt-wearing blog on the iPhone, will read it later in reply to rivenhomewood #
- What the hell, is Waffle House trending? #
- @redwoodr No, think it was some of "@" spam with a link. But its always time for WAFFLES ON A STICK! in reply to redwoodr #