- RT @janakyomoon: streaming 2 hours of original music 4 the OddBall 11AM #SL http://slurl.com/secondlife/Research%20Center/135/133/652 #
- RT @GinnyRED57: New Post:: Tough Sell For Religious Hucksters http://bit.ly/cvvFEs (My RL blog as if you hadn't guessed already) #
- Headed inworld, need music, friends, and chat stat. #
- My spouse Rock Fall is watching Transformers. Thank invizibl majik sky god for headphones. #
- .@GlennBeck tooting his own horn: he's not the Messiah, he's the Angel Morani! #
- RT @LuthorCEO "1 year of leadup, all the promises, the religious rally, & Glenn Beck just launching a website?!" Eyeballs for Goldline! #
- RT @SecondLie "Good news, everyone! We've added the Emeraldgate Hotel to the Destination Guide." Can we ever leave? #
- RT @JC_Christian ".@emptywheel, Grenada was about changing the subject." And a short, victorious war. #
- What's for dinner? Baby Otter Sutprise! http://is.gd/eNPFD #
- Refudio punditem! #fakeharrypotterspells #
- @socratic That's a Transmography History spell, very Dark Magic #orwellmeetsrowling in reply to socratic #
- @ebertchicago What about that $200/plate Shabbat dinner Palin attended: $25,000 per person to sit at her table. Charity, or campaign fund? in reply to ebertchicago #
- Palin spoke at Shabbat dinner before Beck rally: $25,000 per person to sit at her table, for charity? Or campaign fund? http://is.gd/eOR9q #
- Palin spoke at Shabbat dinner before Beck rally: $25,000 per person to sit at her table, for charity? Or campaign fund? http://is.gd/eOR9q #
- @ebertchicago It's kind of like Burma-Shave. in reply to ebertchicago #
- @ebertchicago "Buy GOLD. Take away the L that rhymes with HELL, and you've got GOD. Tithe of the best, buy guns with the rest. #Goldline quot; in reply to ebertchicago #
- Buy GOLD. Take away the L that rhymes with HELL, and you've got GOD. Tithe of the best, buy guns with the rest. #Goldline #p2 #
- @m_ethaniel It bothers me that they always misspell FAUX. in reply to m_ethaniel #
- RT @vogella: Geek advice: Never mix #FFFFFF and #000000 clothes in your washing machine." // me in RL: Or you get tighty #CCCCCCies " #
- RT @torley "There's got to be a word for wearing shoes on your head." Brazil. #
- .@ebertchicago If The Book of Revelations were real and not a dream allegory, @GlennBeck would be the Anti-Christ #ThisIBelieve in reply to ebertchicago #
- @rivenhomewood I can't read the kilt-wearing blog on the iPhone, will read it later in reply to rivenhomewood #
- What the hell, is Waffle House trending? #
- @redwoodr No, think it was some of "@" spam with a link. But its always time for WAFFLES ON A STICK! in reply to redwoodr #
Jay Ackroyd is in this week for Cliff Shecter as host for “Culture of Truth.”
Virtually Speaking | Internet Radio | Blog Talk Radio
Developments of the week will be discussed. The Gasbag atrocities will be documented. And any news stories that arise during the Sunday shows will be discussed.
- Forget #emeraldgate – inquiring AVs must know: who is #THESTIG
http://is.gd/ezkFX # - @MoodyLoner Good luck! Keeping fingers and primtoes crossed in reply to MoodyLoner #
- Will give #twittelator a day and then try the delete/reinstall. Thought my iphone was possessed by Death on a motorized stingray bike. #KITH #
- Will wait for Twittelator update, may also work if I update a time or two from web. #
- RT @socratic "lulz. "Barack Obama is a secret Anglican. You can tell because he's so formal and unemotional." (Episcopalian AV ROFLMVAO ;)) in reply to socratic #
- Thinking about doing another #Emeraldgate post after increasing AdSense links and adding SL affiliate grafix #toosoon #wickedsmaht #
- RT @MicheleMrigesh "The well funded tea party! http://bit.ly/ai7xPO #p2 quot; The Kochs would like to buy the world. #
- Some say that he has a fantastic collection of wigs that he could never wear…before now. They called him #TheStig http://is.gd/eCJmU #
- RT @GinnyRED57 "@markos Why does the dKos Google Reader feed have ads for NRSC.org??? Please make it stop http://moby.to/nnolyf" #
- RT @JC_Christian "Is that afterword, "refudiate" RT @SarahPalinUSA: paperback of "Going Rogue" #newafterword " How about "Propagandidate?" #
- I just totally made that up, so I own it. #
- @JC_Christian They're google ads. Happy thought: are Act Blue ads in Breitbart's feed? in reply to JC_Christian #
- Clicky clicky! #
- @SarahPalinUSA book sales propping up the economy, house trailers, and three-legged couches across Real America. #
- @JC_Christian in that case will clicky-clicky on the Mark Kirk ad I saw on the Crooks & Liars feed; bonus points as I'm in Illinois in reply to JC_Christian #
- Tomorrow's rally will attract tens of dozens of Campchair-Americans, with a few Umbrella Hat-Americans for diversity. #p2 #
- Via @Wonkette: Gather, Ye Campchair-Americans; pretty much like I thought http://is.gd/eHo5P #
- @JC_Christian in that case will clicky-clicky on the Mark Kirk ad I saw on the Crooks & Liars feed; bonus points as I'm in Illinois in reply to JC_Christian #
- Shh, everybody! The Matanuskan Propagandidate speaks! #topprog #p2 #tcot #beckapalooza #
- @JC_Christian Well spotted (the catch, not the shirt). in reply to JC_Christian #
- RT @GinnyRED57 "New Post:: Who Are All These Tacky People On My Front Stoop? http://bit.ly/dyoS0f" #whitestock #p2 #tpot #tcot #
- RT @JC_Christian "RT @Geniusbastard On this day in 1955, Emmett Till lost his life." #
- @ordinal "I know something you don't know." TPB is always playing somewhere, we watched on US cable yesterday. in reply to ordinal #
- RT @jeffersonreid @reverendadam: "Republicans don't actually believe in freedom of religion. They believe in freedom of Christianity." in reply to jeffersonreid #
- RT @SecondLie "Now that I'm evidence, will the cops bag and tag me?" They need only tag you, and then you're IT in reply to SecondLie #
- RT @jacksonstbooks ".@nprscottsimon Now that you've interviewed Philip Linden, will you be coming back into #SecondLife " Book reading! in reply to jacksonstbooks #
- Haven't been inworld in weeks. Now need to dump Emerald? Drat and bother. #
- @AnthonyHocken Admit I laughed at the multiple assassinations – but I changed my passwords, now uninstalling #Emerald #dontbeadick in reply to AnthonyHocken #
Yay for bewbie physics, onboard AO, a decent radar, and smart inventory features. #Emerald devs’ behavior reveals them to be evil dicks, so I changed passwords too.
It took me a while to suss out how to enable some of my favorite features from Emerald that Imprudence also supports – most of the best information was in their Features wiki.
I’ve spotted two island-style references in their support pages so far – their logo is a “hang loose” shaka, and “wiki” is a Hawaiian word, too. I approve of these subliminal messages that invite me to kick back and relax in a drama-free manner.
There’s a lot going on in Second Life circles (and tori, and rings, and dimpled spheres). I haven’t been inworld in… probably more than a month, because it’s summer, and Real Life actually beckons with Things To Do and New TeeVee Episodes to watch. But I’ve been missing my friends and feeling guilty about my lack of support of my own modest little products.
Yesterday and today, it developed (heh) that the Emerald dev team had attempted to “count coup” or perform a (not very successful) Denial of Service attack on a rival’s site by hiding up to 32 iframe tags in the code of their login screen, which mean that behind that viewer that all Emerald users were using, it was accessing the rival web page, loading images, and apparently trying to either prove to the rival how much more successful Emerald was, or slow down their site with all the loading images and links.
I had been an enthusiastic Emerald user during my most recent “reboot” of enthusiasm for making stuffs in Second Life, but I’m feeling decidedly less enthusiastic (jiggly boobs or not) after reading up on the scandalous behavior of the Emerald development team after their puerile stunt was revealed. Not everyone who’s commented on it has come down as hard on Emerald’s action as is warranted, in my opinion.
I think that Katharine Berry has the most sensible attitude; I must quote her post in its entirety because it has the clearest explanation of what happened. I’ve included her link to the Emerald team’s non-apologetic apology post and to her screenshot of the offending iframe links that were on the loading page.
Emerald Shenanigans « Kathar.in
So, Emerald has been up to things again. This time they’ve been “boasting†about their traffic (but not their spelling ability, clearly). By including 32 iframes to another website in their login screen. That means that every time someone launched Emerald, they made thirty-two requests to this website. This happens several times per second; that’s quite a lot of requests for an unsuspecting site. They hid this from the users inside a 1×1 pixel hidden div. They did this for some weeks until they were caught. This affected every version of Emerald.
The offending code has since been removed, but Google has it cached; if you don’t feel like visiting this page (which will, incidentally, cause you to also load these pages), look at this screenshot instead.
Even if you accept Emerald’s “boasting†claim, in this claim they refer to the targeted site as malicious. Why in their right mind would they force all their users to load a malicious site without telling them? Thirty-two times, for that matter.
Emerald has a tendency to attract drama. Much of it is unwarranted. I feel that this, however, crosses the line.
I first became aware of the issue when I caught up on my Second Life Twitter feed, and many of the pages and blogs that I’ve scanned this morning mention other third party viewers that are worthy of attention. I’ve tried Snowglobe – meh. I hadn’t really given much thought to Kristen‘s, but Imprudence keeps coming up and it’s on the official list of TPVs (suspect Emerald may not be on there long).
By many accounts, Imprudence has features that are designed to make building as pleasant as possible, rather than the unpleasant tedious chore that the official Viewer 2.0 is supposed to make it. So I’ll give a whirl.
“Wish me luck, I’m off to crash the server!”
- May be inworld tonight, but attending a concert first (so not Lollapalooza) #
- See Sarah Palin react to "Worst Governor Ever" banner http://www.themudflats.net/2010/08/09/sarah-palins-homer-moment-doh/ #
- @vicwu Sorry for late reply re Palin; I think without "professional Right" handlers the natural screechiness is a constant. in reply to vicwu #
- @isfullofcrap The sign of a master ventrilotweetist, LOL in reply to isfullofcrap #
- haven't been inworld for weeks, feel like making bad sculpties and then burning them just to be pissy. #qarl #secondlife #
- Arrgh. If all the creative people leave #secondlife we're all going to get very, very tired of plywood boxen. #
- @isfullofcrap /bellylaugh 😉 #
- GTD: juggling RL & SL, have 1 cat 2 alts 3 blogs + GIMP, CSS, HTML, TiVo, GReader distracting me. #ZOMGWTFBBQ #beernowthinklater #
- @MoodyLoner Here's a good place to catch up on the #goldfringe deal, with loveable goobernatorial kooky goodness http://is.gd/e6DVw #
- RT @jacksonstbooks "…1 cat 2 alts 3 blogs GIMP CSS HTML TiVo GReader, distracting me "//you never call! & don't write," I'm bad bad bad! in reply to jacksonstbooks #
- RT @m_ethaniel "A scientific study of popular opinion in #SecondLife http://bit.ly/bWaGX6 #SL quot; How low can you go? Everybody LIMBO! in reply to m_ethaniel #
Wow! Something went wrong with the permissions on this sales item on XStreet.sl – thanks to the kind customer who gave me a heads up. #secondlife

The only thing missing is a trio of matching vuvuzelas (and don’t think somebody hasn’t already thought of that, I’ve been getting freebies in my group gifts all week)
Yeah, finally got something made AND imaged AND textured for marketing online AND uploaded. XstreetSL is changing over to this new “Marketplace” format, so now is a good time to be refreshing old stock and adding new, because there’s a couple of weeks of commission-free sales.
Here’s some of the other images I came up with.

I’m not great at this fashion model stuff, but I’ve noticed that the necklaces that I already have up for sale sell better if they’re backed up by bewbs. So Access Denied seemed like a fine choice for the shoot, hey?
Here’s a sneak peak at the other version I was working on – it’s not ready for uploading yet because I messed up the sizing (curse you, tiny crusher!) but I had the images ready to pop into the GIMP template I struggled to make all that while ago, and what the hell.

The blurb says “It’s almost Independence Day in the US, it’ll soon be Bastille Day in France, and the Netherlands are in the World Cup quarterfinals – show your spirit with red, white, and blue!”
Struggled with GIMP on these but the second one was easier because I managed to remove the plain white background I shot it against more cleanly with the “magic wand” tool than I did with the first one… forgot to set the edges to feather on the first one, and I “grew” the selection by 2 pixels around my kitty avatar, so I didn’t have a messy white halo to clean up using a layer mask.
Tried playing with the gradient tool and with it set to “spiral” and a “Caribbean” pattern chosen at random, it kind of “popped” for me on the first try. I like it, actually… I don’t really have any mad skillz AT ALL but I’m feeling less lost in GIMP.
Here’s some more photos that didn’t make the “xstreetSL/Marketplace” cut… heh. I went by my friend BookemJackson Streeter’s “Lacamas Reading Hall” in Pini, since I knew she had some nice chairs with poses in them.

I love this sweet little muumuu (which was a freebie from Raglan Shire’s build at a previous SL*B celebration but the necklace was getting lost in the pattern. I was shooting against a plain white backdrop for easier background-cutting in GIMP.

Heh. Yes, that’s “JUMP You Fuckers!!” behind my head. It must date from the financial meltdown, Bookem is bringing an author in for a talk on the subject and had this graphic out in front as an advertisement. I might go back and crop this a little better so you can’t see the building it screens peeking out in the upper corners.
Not crazy about this hair, it’s a freebie I happened to have on while I was working. I’ve been mostly wearing steampunk stuff lately and my “normal clothes” wardrobe is totally neglected.
Dhughan has been busy! He’s working on improving his little walking sticks – in fact he’s hoping to add better animations so that they work well without an outside animation overrider. He was just about to pay $L5000!!!!111!!! to buy a “builder’s full perm cane-AO pack” but stepped back from the brink in time…Â and then he found a free, full perm script in his inventory (he opens a lot of freebie builder’s boxes) that seems to be a simple wearable-object AO script.
So he was fooling around with one of the new, unanimated canes looking for decent male full-perm walks (sigh…) that don’t look like constipated gorillas in search of the little primates’ room. He actually has a decent collection of free animations, so I’m confident he’ll pull something together. He also contacted a couple of makers to inquire about a better deal on a much simpler cane-AO option. We’ll see.
He’s thinking about renting the funky Chinese railcar in front of his current place in Steelhead Shanghai, and turning it into a sort of barber shop, since it’s completely open on one side (looks like a trolley, actually.
As it happens… I did not step back from the brink recently and ended up buying a bunch more land that became available in my home sim, Tintafel.
It started with one parcel. It’s always just one – an ordinary, cheap little parcel in a Mainland sim called Tintafel. And then it was another parcel right next to it that was almost as cheap, but not the really expensive one on the other side. After several months, after learning to build my first house and going through the second STEAM hunt, I had all this nice furniture and stuff that I couldn’t put out because of not having enough land to support the high-prim items.
Well, and then another 512 parcel came open, about when I lost my “view” of the sunset when someone put up a large building in front. I was in a canyon, by then – my parcels backed up to the sim boundary and there was a HUGE building right behind me.
So I bought the third parcel, which came with a nice building and furniture, and that became the “store” (which has never been officially “opened” or put in search, because I’ve mostly been dabbling (and learning) all this time. Still, it’s kind of decorated as a steampunk cafe. I had hoped to learn how to make sculpties that look like antique glass knicknacks, but it’s a slow process.
And then there was a fourth parcel, not quite contiguous with the third one, but kitty-korner. And then a 1024 parcel popped open that adjoined the fourth one… So it goes. I just wanted the prims, and I’ve got funding figured out that covers costs.
Then a neighbor put up ban lines right across my “shop stoop.” Not sure if I’d offended by crossing her land to get to the one I call “Chameleonic Greenhouse,” or by having lots of scrips running… so I pulled back a bit and sat tight. And another neighbor wanted to know if I wanted to sell the back two parcels, my original “home” and the “Posada party” land. No… but maybe.
That’s how it stood for a few months, and then just before leaving to go to a RL event last week, and while standing on the brink of what would have been a stupid land purchase, that biggest parcel that was between the “shop” and the “greenhouse” and the other big empty field went up for sale. It pretty much doubled my holdings… all group land, all discounted, mind you. So I agonized, looked at my tier funding sources, increased to the next level of tier, increased my group donation, and bought it.
And then yet another parcel… I still had enough tier for that, bought it, then swapped one of the back lots with the neighbor. Whew.
The gold circle is me, looking toward the east (that’s the highlighted spotlight thing) and the red circle is approximately where the greenhouse is. The two grey rectangles to the west are mine,
So I have plenty of land for building and making stuff now, at least! Spent some time over the weekend making “footprints” of all the parcels at ground level and sending them up into the sky – may have to move everything (carefully) higher up to give another neighbor more privacy. All my building crap is just out there, although I did put down some grass textures and a tree and stuff around my Asian teahouse that I used as a skybox.
Thought I was being careful and accurate, but ended up with kind of a big gap (probably due to leaving plenty of room for “easement” on the east side of my land), and never did get the “greenhouse” parcel footprinted, so Dhughan built a little bridge over the gap and was messing about on “his” 1024 parcel with various free steampunk buildings. He may end up building a little cabin up there, then move it “downstairs” when it’s done.
Meanwhile, I have to go around and “lock” all the platforms so that I don’t accidentally delete them while editing something, as it would be inconvenient to fall 300 virtual meters, right? Right.
Because I sure haven’t done that before when I’d build stuff in my teahouse/skybox. Never mind that tme when I was moving the little adobe house and it hit the sim boundary and bounced into space somewhere over the Socrates club. ::whistles innocently::
UPDATE oh boy… something must have gone wrong when I uploaded this item to XstreetSL, because the perms went all wacky and my customer, Zane Refenoir, couldn’t modify it or copy it. That’s just wrong and bad.
Fortunately, I was able to get inworld quickly after getting back to Zane during the RL workday via the trusty iPhone app, Pocket Metaverse. What a lifesaver that app is!
So far, I’ve just updated the one product – I think it may have been because there was a bug somewhere… Thought I had changed that long ago, but clearly I’m going to have to go through my products carefully, and delete the versions that have the wrong perms. I don’t know how the “big” virtual retailers like BlakOpal handle it when all the perms get set wrong (I’ve heard of problems like that lately) – but then maybe it’s my own rather chaotic workflow that’s compounding the problem.