Yes, another silly virtual item, this one sized for Wynx-type tinies (more or less). If it doesn’t fit right, contact me inworld! I don’t have access to many tiny avatars for fitting… #secondlife

Red, white and blue tricolor necklace for TINIES. It’s Independence Day Weekend in the US, it’s almost Bastille Day in France, and the Netherlands are in the SEMIFINALS in the World Cup! Celebrate with this fun necklace – you may pass it along to friends, too. It’s modify so you can adjust the size manually (sorry, no resizer at the moment).
PS EVERYBODY MUST GO DUTCH! It’s because of a Dutch woman that I have my RL career, it’s partly because of a Dutch man that I have my current position, and two different Dutch people make tutorials or products that I use for doing stuff in Second Life. So go you Dutch footballers!
- Was I followed in order to be spammed inworld? If so, bye. #secondlife #
- RT @KMers "What did the middle class ever do to Repubs that they snuff out every effort on job creation? #p2 quot; #
- @kqthomson AKA KeithThomson Secretspy on BP, booms, and burning in HuffPost #
- @JC_Christian Much as I loved The Unit when I lived in Seattle, that's just Not Right. in reply to JC_Christian #
- @jacksonstbooks 2 minds, single thought! in reply to jacksonstbooks #
My friend Mistletoe Ethaniel runs the Wee Little Irish Pub in #Second Life and also does fireworks shows inworld. Pictures from opening night, with Caoilte Skytower perfoming on a badass lute, and also some shots of her fireworks show for the opening of Godric’s Faire in a Harry Potter themed sim last April.
Caoilte (pronounced “kwil-cha”) performing, with our hostess with the elfin mostest in the background. This is at the Wee Little Irish Pub’s previous location, but it’s now in Lionheart Timon
Yeah, I’m a wallflower drinkin’ mah virtual Guinness. Don’t bug me, I’m busy quaffin’ and participating in the craic.
Drink up, little Steampunk-kitty, there’s lots more where that came from.
And to follow, here’s the pictures from the fireworks show – Mist plays music, you get to lie on picnic blankets so your screen is filled with the sky, and it’s just a really nice time. She’s available for fireworks gigs for openings, closings, and everything in between.
Ran across this entry at SL for Nowt about some nice free and low-cost items, and decided it was time I upgraded some things (like myself).
Visited Beauty Avatar (modifiable “model” shape, and some very nice skins called “Selkis”), House of Curios (where I got high top sneakers, stilettos, and some new dress boots, all with multiple textures), and Fab Free.

Ended up with this pretty skin from Fab Free, which MAY become my new favorite, as my old standby from Pixel Spa, Garnet, is a couple of years old.
Then, head to the FabFree store, turn left and walk past the first row of floor vendors, and grab this lovely free Lily V2 fatpack from Exodi. You’ll get four skintones, with light and dark brow options and cleavage/non-cleavage options in each.
Er, I recommend the cleavage option. It also works a lot better with a “pro” shape rather than the one I’ve been rejiggering (I can never quite get my boobs right. This is a problem in RL too, which makes it that more annoying in a world where I can shift things around with sliders)…
So I modified the free “Beauty Avatar Model Shape” to have my face to what I’ve grown accustomed, and wa-la! Makeover. Moar pictures later, maybe.
But then through happy chance, I ended up playing bumper car soccer with a new acquaintance, Paul Creighton, who mentioned that he’s recruiting aircrew for a new venture – avoiding imperial entanglements – involving cargo, expediting, tourism, and so forth. Sounds like… FUN.
- Good God, this massacre of Lindens can't be good. #secondlife #
- @Elviraafterthot Saw the memorial image, will try to drop by later. #SL in reply to Elviraafterthot #
- RT @isfullofcrap "M is the wrong man for the job #SecondLife quot; he never understood the core concept… whatever that is! #
- Linden Labs needs to get in a turnaround expert who groks how to leverage dreams. #secondlife #
- @RoisinSL Thanks for the RT. It seems bleak for heavy content providers right now. Must dance later, talk to friends #sl in reply to RoisinSL #
- RT @GIMPtricks "Here is the new GIMP tutorial! #gimp #tutorial #gimptutorial quot; YAY! #
- Headed home to Make Stuff to work off this layoff funk. As a social/casual user, feel its my civic duty. #secondlife #
- @WXRT I know I'll go crazy #U2 #singalong #
- RT @MMonides "They really should require people to get some kind of license before they're allowed to raise children." Oh yeah. #
- @VexStreeter Tried Twittelator for iPhone? I have Tweetdeck on desktop, but never use it… in reply to VexStreeter #
- @redwoodr Heh, he chose well. in reply to redwoodr #
Dammit! The Lily Pad closed when I wasn’t looking. I’d been there a few times early in my Residency and always got a kick out of the frog decor.
The Lily Pad Lounge has closed | Your2ndPlace
After 7 years and as of Monday, June 7, 2010 Drift Monde has closed the Lily Pad Lounge. Sunday was the last performances by Anaconda Carter and Starr Singer. Both ladies have been singing at the Lily Pad every other Sunday for years. 5 years for Starr and 3 years for Ana.
The Lily Pad Lounge has been an icon in the aid of lauching live entertainment in Second Life. There are many artists who have started their SL careers on that stage singing to the frogs.
Why? Because the owner, Drift Monde, has drifted away from Second Life, as many content creators have done over the last year or so. More will continue to drift away as the increasingly “corporate over creative” culture at Linden Labs makes it clear that creative people aren’t what LL is looking to retain.
I haven’t been inworld much lately as I’ve been working on a web project – but this announcement after all the hoopla over the new viewer is no doubt causing a bit of a flap in the content-provider community.
I’m a much more casual, social user, but even I can see that a 30% reduction in staff is… a bombshell.
Hope to make it inworld this week, finally, now that my little project is finally done.
As part of the restructuring, Linden Lab will also improve its geographic and cost efficiencies. The company’s product and engineering divisions will be combined. The software development teams will be consolidated in North America and customer support will be reconfigured to provide more scalable services. As a result, Linden Lab anticipates staff reductions of approximately 30 percent.